
Yakuza in Diapers: A Criminal's Rebirth

Hiroshi Tanaka, once Tokyo's most feared yakuza boss, wakes up one day in the body of a child. But there's no time for playdates and pacifiers. His new adoptive father is a relentless police officer determined to bring down Hiroshi's former criminal associates. As Hiroshi juggles crayons and curfews, he embarks on a mission to save his old friends while keeping his true identity hidden from his unwitting father. Can he outsmart both his former underworld allies and his new guardian? It's a high-stakes game of hide and seek in the streets of Tokyo, and Hiroshi's tiny frame conceals a determined heart with a big mission.

MeagerWriter · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Supreme Toddler System

Hiroshi's slumber was deep and filled with dreams of grandeur. In his toddler-sized fantasies, he was still the feared yakuza boss, commanding respect and fear from all who crossed his path. But as the dreams gave way to the soft, gentle reality of sleep, Hiroshi gradually awoke to find himself in his new, smaller body.

Blinking his groggy eyes, he took in the surroundings of the room. The posters of superheroes and the cuddly stuffed animals still surrounded him. He was in his new world, a world where tantrums and naptime held more significance than yakuza turf wars.

But as he stretched and yawned, something peculiar caught his attention. A soft, glowing light seemed to emanate from within him. He looked down at his tiny hands, and there, on the palm of his hand, was a translucent display, like something out of a sci-fi movie.

It displayed a series of options in a font that was oddly reminiscent of Japanese manga titles. Hiroshi squinted and attempted to focus on the words. It read:

[status] [quest] [shop] [fabled shop(locked)]

Hiroshi, despite his yakuza background, had also been an avid gamer in his previous life, so he wasn't entirely taken aback by this display. He was intrigued, his curiosity piqued. What kind of system governed his toddler existence? He decided to start by examining the "Status" option.


LvL: 0

Health: 12/12

Mana: 0/0

Stats:Strength: 1

Vitality: 2

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 40

Wisdom: 29

Luck: 14

[stat points: +0]

The status window resembled something out of the MMORPGs Hiroshi used to play. His Level was currently at 0, and he had basic stats like health, mana, and attributes such as strength, vitality, agility, intelligence, wisdom, and luck. The high intelligence and wisdom stats intrigued him, as if he had brought his cunning from his yakuza days into this toddler world.

"Now I just need to understand how to level up," Hiroshi muttered to himself, his strategic mind already at work.

As he said that, he opened the quest window:


Baby Ninja: Go around the house and gather information about your situation and family without being discovered.

Reward: 10XP; 1 Toddler Coin (TC)

"This is interesting," Hiroshi thought. "So this is how I can level up."

With his next move, Hiroshi decided to explore the "Shop" option:


[Items] [Skills] [Pets] [Bloodlines]

Hiroshi's eyes narrowed as he saw the categories. "Let's see what skills are up for sale," he mumbled to himself.


Magic Coils: Unlock your inner magic potential (enables you to buy or create magic skills) [10 TC]

Cat Steps: Be as silent as a feline (increases agility by +10%) (you cannot be heard without a detection skill) [30 TC]

[locked: unlocks at LvL: 10]

"They seem kind of overpowered," Hiroshi observed, considering the options carefully. His strategic mind was already at work, planning how these skills could be useful.

Next, he ventured into the "Items" section:


Baby Grappling Hook: You can play Spider-Man with this baby-sized grappling hook (max uses: 10) (max length: 15 meters) [3 TC]

Magic Pea: You can eat this very small pea and become invisible for 10 seconds (each package has 2 peas) (cooldown: 1 min) [4 TC]

[locked: unlocks at LvL: 5]

"What the heck, those items are so strange," Hiroshi mused, "but they are definitely useful." The idea of a baby-sized grappling hook amused him, and the Magic Pea's invisibility was intriguing.

He also explored the "Pets" section but found it locked:


Random Green Egg: A random green egg the size of an AirPods case [20 TC]

[locked: unlocks at LvL: 15]

"The price is absurd, and the information is useless," Hiroshi muttered with a smirk. It seemed like a high-stakes gamble for a pet.

Lastly, he glanced at "Bloodlines," which was also locked:


[locked: unlocks at LvL 15]

"Well, I guess I'll discover more about it later," Hiroshi said, his curiosity piqued but not yet satisfied.

"For now, let's focus on the quest at hand," he decided. The opportunity to level up and unlock more of the system's mysteries was too enticing to resist. Hiroshi's toddler adventure had only just begun, and he was ready to make the most of it.


As the day turned into night, Hiroshi lay in his toddler-sized bed, his tiny heart racing with anticipation. He had studied the "Baby Ninja" quest carefully, planning his every move like a true yakuza boss preparing for a heist. The thought of sneaking around the house without being discovered both thrilled and amused him. This was a game he could get used to.

With the room now bathed in moonlight, Hiroshi's senses sharpened. The soft glow from his "Supreme Toddler System" display cast an eerie, otherworldly light in the room. It was time to embark on his covert mission.

Hiroshi had to wait until he was certain the house was quiet and everyone was asleep. His father's snores were the perfect auditory signal. The giant police officer, oblivious to his son's newfound abilities, was in a deep slumber. Hiroshi, on the other hand, was wide awake and ready to explore.

But as he attempted to climb out of his crib, he encountered an unexpected obstacle. His tiny, uncooperative limbs made the task far more challenging than he had anticipated. After several failed attempts and a few frustrated grunts, he finally managed to hoist himself up and tumble back into his bed.

"Phew," Hiroshi sighed in relief, wiping imaginary sweat from his brow. Getting out of bed was proving to be a Herculean task in his current state.

With renewed determination, Hiroshi tried again, and this time, he managed to swing one leg over the crib's railing and land unceremoniously on the floor. He crouched down, ready to crawl his way to freedom.

The door to the room was ajar, and Hiroshi peered into the dimly lit hallway beyond. 

Hiroshi took a deep breath and attempted to stand upright. It was a struggle, as his newfound toddler body was still unsteady. With wobbly legs and determination, he took his first step, then another, and another. His progress was slow, and he stumbled several times, nearly crashing into a table. 


a sudden system notification appeared while he was trying to walk

[due to exhausting training your strength has increased by one]

"so leveling up isn't the only way to get stronger"

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Hiroshi made it to the hallway. He crouched down and began to crawl, hoping to reduce the risk of being spotted. His movements were far from graceful, resembling a drunken spider trying to navigate a web but still he felt that it was way less difficult to move his body around after the stat increase.

"it's not so noticiable but it is indeed easier to move my body now"

The house was shrouded in darkness, but the soft glow of the "Supreme Toddler System" provided him with just enough light to navigate. He was on a quest for information, and nothing would stand in his way.

The first room he ventured into was the living room. The oversized furniture and towering bookshelves made him feel like an explorer in a giant's world. As he crept around, he spotted framed photographs on the walls. They depicted scenes of Tokyo

"So, I should still be in Tokyo as my 'dad's' police uniform also suggested" Hiroshi whispered to himself, his curiosity piqued.

  the house was filled with hints of his father's life as a police officer. Uniforms hung neatly in the closet, and awards adorned a shelf. 

As he ventured into the kitchen, Hiroshi's keen eyes spotted a calendar on the wall. The date circled in red caught his attention: July 7, 2019.

"So, it's 2019,"

It had been two years since his death, and the world had moved on without him. He wondered what had become of his former yakuza associates and rivals.

With the newfound knowledge of the date, Hiroshi continued his mission, eager to uncover more secrets about his new life, his family, and the world outside.

So guys what do you think about this series?

It's my first time writing so I would love some feedback :3

MeagerWritercreators' thoughts