

Rae P.O.V

Kai is standing over the lifeless corps of the old man.

The look on his face. It's almost like satisfaction, but worse, pleasure. Sadistic yet cold. Kinda hot too.

I stand there not even sure what to say. He turns around and looks shocked that I'm standing right behind him. He pulls the trigger but the gun just clicks.

He emptied out a whole volley of bullets on the old man.

The gun turns into a knife and now it's my turn to put holes in him. I wish for two 9mm pistols. Unlocked and loaded. I pull the trigger just firing shot after shot and I realise that none of my shots got through.

There's literally a shield that popped up from out of nowhere.

He charges towards me and I instinctively shielded my chest so he stabbed me somewhere not so vital. Where he put a bullet in me earlier, what shitty luck.

I feel no pain, the healing serum is still flowing in my body. Okay, so maybe not so shitty luck.

I look him in the eyes and he licks his lips. He pulls the knife out to stab me again.

At that moment the whole world slowed down for me. Our eyes are locked and a tear falls down my face. I am going to die, I always thought I wanted to die but right now I think I just got some fresh perspective. I don't want to die.

"And you're that innocent girls father?" I ask him sincerely, don't know why I said that. Dude is going to kill me and these are my last words?

He snaps out of it and the knife disappears into thin air.


Kai P.O.V

She passes out in my arms and I call my men to clean up the scene before I call the police.

The police suspect Raena as the so called robber. I can't have her taken for questioning she might say too much.

"No, it wasn't her. I was here the whole time there was someone else here who did this. She's the one they were after."

I'll have to shut her up. For good.

"Officer, can I come with? She has nowhere else to go, this was the only family she had, I want to be there when she wakes up."

The officer agrees with a bright smile and I ride with her in the ambulance.

I wait in the hospital until they tell me she's awake. I wish she was dead already but If she dies here it would look suspicious. I'll have to make it look like they came after her again.

I walk into her room and sit beside her bed. She frowns at me.

"Say anything to the police either than what I tell you to say and I'll make your death agonizingly slow." If she plays her cards right I'll make it quick.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes, "What will you tell her?" She asks and I'm confused, what is she talking about?

"What are you trying to say?"

"What will you tell her the day you look your little princess in the eyes with those eyes. That exact look I saw in your eyes? How are you going to explain that?"

She breaks down and I'm confused. What is she crying about?

"She'll never see it."

She slaps me across the face and then breaks a vase on my head with black greasy liquid running down my face. Smells awful.

I look her in the eyes and she shakes her head like I just proved her right, is she messing with my head? I made a facial expression that's normal.


She looks away and covers her face with the blanket.

She's a good bluffer I'll give her that, but if she was the sort of person she's pretending to be, we would've met under different circumstances. She would've killed me when she had the chance with that gun.

I'll neutralise the threat in the best possible manner, but what exactly could that be?

She was living with the old man meaning she didn't have a place to stay before. All I really need is to keep her close. As long as she's somewhere I can keep an eye out for her at all times we'll be good.


She's coming home with me.

I take her hand and she winces waking up.

"What?" She asks angry and I smile leaning in.

"I just put a little something in your body, if you ever disappear, with just a thought I will kill you. If you are far away from me it will kill you. You will die if you so much as say something wrong." I give her a demonstration and she passes out.

Doctors run into the room and I wait outside for her. She'll have to spend the night which means I'm stuck here too. I don't get why I don't just kill her, would've been convenient.

It's because of what she said about my daughter. She got to me through Kaiya. I can't kill her because that would be proving her right.


I wake up when I'm woken up by small hands on my face. The all too familiar soft touch and scent of citrus leaves.

"Daddy." She gives me a hug, "Are you okay? I heard you saved a girls life." She takes a step back and I can see her clearly, she's wearing a winter coat and a matching hat, her fluffy faux fur boots and matching grey gloves and a scarf.

This is just over kill, it's not even winter yet.

"Sweetheart, who dressed you?"

"Aunty Mina, but I picked it out myself. I did good didn't I?" She joyfully shoes off her outfit.

I smile, "Yes, you're nice and snug, but why the coat, it's not that cold. It's not winter yet."

She shakes her head, "Hospitals are always cold. I brought yours too."

She passes along my coat. I wear it and check the time. It's 1AM. I open the door to see Raena. She's fast asleep.

"That's the girl you saved?"

"Yes. Let's let her rest. We'll leave when she wakes up." We take a seat and she gives me another hug, this one feels different.

"You're a hero daddy."

My heart sinks so low I think I just found the pit in my stomach.

"Are you hungry princess?" I clear my throat to ease the pitfall feeling.

"Yes. I want the snacks over by that red vending machine. The black ones always swallow your money."

"Always?" I ask.

"Yes, Saturday's Mina takes me to the park and we always stop by this vending machine and the black one always swallows my money, the red one has better snacks anyway."

"You don't say."

We get the snacks and eat together before falling asleep again. I wake up and Raena is trying to convince the doctors she's fine.

It's morning already?

"Look, I heal faster then the average human that's it. Can I go home now?" She frustratedly exclaims to the doctors who nod.

They check her out and I hold on tighter to Kaiya still sleeping in my arms, "Follow me, and try to keep up." We get to the car and drive to my house.

I tuck Kaiya in for bed and then turn to Raena. She's still standing right where I left her.

"You sleep in my bed, I don't want you talking to my daughter when I'm not looking. Follow me." I walk to my room and she walks into the shower first.

She walks out dressed after 2 hours and sits on the bed beside me looking around the room, "Wow, this is one massive room. Where will you be sleeping?"

I cock a brow, this is my room where else would I sleep.

"Oh, I see." She nods her head slowly and walks to the balcony.

The view from here is just beautiful. Kaiya's mother loved taking care of plants, she was the one who put a whole garden of flowers in our backyard. Kaiya takes after her mother, she just loves spending all day in the garden.

Raena takes out a camera and takes a photo of the garden, "That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I mean, the order the colours are in. the way they are sorted in such a way that the booming flowers will distract you from the winter flowers. This is amazing."

"Yeah." Another person who gives me that annoying sinking feeling. You know what, I change my mind, she'll be dead in 48 hours.

I activate the virus in her body. I can't let myself get vulnerable, I know Kaiya is precious to me, I should know that even my enemies will know that. They won't hesitate to use her against me. She is my weakness, and my greatest strength is knowing that.

I love my daughter more then anything in the world, nothing can change that. I may have had a momentary lapse of sanity, but I'm in my right mind now. She's going to die, it'll be a simple and peaceful death.

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?" She asks cocking a brow.

"You'll be dead in 48 hours, spend what ever last moments you have wisely."

Her eyes widen and I walk back into the bedroom. I would sleep but I'm not comfortable with having a stranger in my house, and so close to my daughter.

Speaking of strangers in my house, Kaiya has a tutor coming to see her tomorrow. I don't want her attending public schools yet so I asked a teacher to come home school her instead.

Her name is Rei Arashi. Credentials are great, but I was a little confused when she called and wanted to cancel. She needs this job, so I will ask her about it tomorrow.