a Smut Palworld Fanfic, need I say more? Also I don’t own the front cover it belongs to their rightful owner
"Hmmm, well let's take the normal path first, we can go down the other path later, I don't really want to get wet right now." I say looking towards the path on our left as it was the only dry path we could go across so we decided to go that way.
So we took the path and went down a long winding tunnel before coming into a big cave area once more.
I couldn't see any other exits so this was a dead end and besides some ores nothing real-
I heard the hisses and shouts of two different pals on the other side of a large boulder that was dead center so we went up to it and took a look around to see what was happening.
"What pal's are they?" I mutter as I pull out the paldex to get a bit of info on them both.
Katress The Witching Pal: With the power of shadows it produces arcane phenomena. It prefers to eat food raw and is particularly hostile towards Wixen.
Felbat The Vampire Pal: Attacking from the shadows, this Pal traps its prey within its cloak-like wings. It's probably best not to know what happens within them, or why the inside of its wings are stained red.
"Ugh…. We'll what are they fighting over anyway?" I mutter as I look a bit closer to see what was going on.
It appeared Katress had gotten some mushrooms, possibly medicinal one or something from the looks of it and Felbat isn't happy she has those, maybe they were his/hers and they want it back but Katress won't give it back.
"FELBAT!" They shouted out before launching dark arrows at Katress who summoned dark arrows of her own to intercept their attack.
"FEEEELLLLL!!!" They shouted out before flying up as they crossed their sharp pointy legs as they began to dive bomb to her.
"Look out!" I shout out as I grab her before pulling her out of the way just in time to dodge Felbat's Divebomb attack.
They were both surprised to see a human show up, and Katress even more so that a human would come and help her, a wild pal, out like that.
"Sorry, I couldn't just sit by and see you get skewered by an attack like that." I say with a smile-
*Shing! Tear! Cut!*
"Ugh!" I grab at my back as I suddenly feel an intense pain across my back as I realize Felbat had just slashed my back with a wind blade making me fall over in pain.
The three of them shout when they see me like that before Daisy and Neeko get furious as they began to attack Felbat with all they had as Katress held me in her arms as she saw the large gash on my back that was seeping into my white shirt making it red from my blood.
"Ugh, hissss, man this hurts…." I mutter out as I can't really move because of the pain, while at the same time Katress was looking at me and then at the medicinal mushrooms she had, she seemed conflicted, but realizing the human saved her when he didn't need to she knew that he couldn't be all bad like the others she has seen and had to kill in the past to protect herself.
So after thinking about it for a bit she decided she could get more later, so she crushed the mushrooms, letting the medicinal liquid that was inside pour onto his wounds.
"Guh!" I felt a burning sensation on my back as I looked over to see Katress using her mushroom's on my wound covering them in a liquid that was most likely an antibacterial solution that could keep the wound nice and clean.
I slowly reached into my inventory before pulling out some spare cloth before giving it to her.
"Triss!" She nodded before putting the cloth like gauze over my back as it observed the rest of the blood as I lay their and just rested for the time being.
"…. F-fel…." Felbat muttered before they faded away as they were defeated by the combined effort of Daisy and Neeko as it dropped some cloth and a small clear crystal with a blue thing floating in the middle of it.
Daisy and Neeko cried out after grabbing the stuff Felbat dropped as they saw my bad condition I was in.
"Hehe…. Don't worry girls, I'll be alright…." I say as I pull myself, with Katresses help, up as I sit on the floor before I pet them both to calm them down as I see tears welling up in their eyes.
"Katress, I'm sorry that you had to use those mushrooms to save me, but really thank you for doing that for me…." I said as Daisy and Neeko nodded before going up to her.
They say things to her in their own language while Katress was left playing with her long hair like fur as if she was left in deep thought as to what they said.
"I don't know what you guys are saying, but I can get you more of those mushrooms to pay you back for what you did." I say scratching my head.
Saying that she pulled down her witches hat and peeks out from under it as if she was shy, "…. Triss?"
"I promise! And if you decide to come along with us I'll help you make any of those concoctions you need in the future." I said as she peeked out from her hat even more before slowly nodding.
"Triss!" She agreed which got Daisy and Neeko to cheer out before I pulled out a Mega Sphere which she grabbed before she turned into motes of light as I captured Katress and leveled up to 11 at the same time.
"How about I call you Triss? Neeko you look like you need some rest, I'm going to send you back to the Palbox alright?" I said as I petted her head.
"Caaaaw…." She seemed sad but she understood, so I pulled her back into her sphere before sending her to the Palbox to rest while I let Triss back out and accompany us for the rest of this dungeon dive.
"Let's head on out." I said as I pull myself up to stand before we began to make our way out of this room.
Soon enough we made it to the fork again where I called out Nellie to get over the small pond that was in our way so I wouldn't get wet.
After that we went through a room that seemed to just be an inbetween for the next one which seemed to be the ruins of some underground tunnel system humans made.
But as nothing was here we just moved through before coming to a huge open room with a naturally formed rock bridge that lead to a center area with a dead tree.
Under said tree was a large sleeping Foxparks in the center with two other Foxparks sleeping right next to it.
The big sleeping one was at least four times bigger than it's normal counterparts, I would say it's size was inbetween a donkey and a horse in height and length.
"Well there asleep, so let's capture the small ones." I say as we go over to them quietly as Daisy floats over them as she twirls around putting them into an even deeper sleep as a result.
So pulling out two basic Pal Spheres I throw them at the normal Foxparks backs which I found out gives a better chance at capturing a pal by two times and by four time if you do that while their deep asleep.
And I easily caught them both which brought a smile to my face, then using one of my Mega Spheres I did the same to the big girl and began to capture her.
"Please work!" I cross my fingers, if I wasn't hurt right now I would be all for battling it out but right now I just want to go home and rest, and with Triss she could whip up some more medicine to heal my wound faster as well.
It shook meaning she woke up and is fighting back so I crossed my fingers tighter as I prayed to whatever gods that overlooked this island to let me just capture her.
It shook again only this time even more violently and I thought I could see the edges beginning to crack open, "Get ready girls!" I say as I pulled out my spiked bat as I stood my ground as I expected her to break out.
*... Tingle Dingle!*
I heard the oh so familiar sound of a capture sucess as I fell to my knees and breathed a sight of relief as her sphere rolled over towards me as I grabbed it.
"Sorry Kate, I'm going to have to send you back to the Palbox as well." I say sending Kate's sphere to the Palbox as I grabbed my new boss grade Foxparks before putting Triss away and calling her out.
"SPARKS! PARKS!" She seemed to yell at me before suddenly I was pushed down by her, she clearly wasn't happy.
"I'm sorry for doing that, but if I could help it I wouldn't have hurt you and so I did what I did, but hey if you think about it, now you can leave this dark and gloomy dungeon and go and see the surface like any Pal should be able to do." I said trying to convince her as she puffed up her cheeks mad at me.
"Dae!Dae!" Daisy said pushing her off me as I grabbed at my back in pain as I felt the wound open back up because of her pushing me down.
"….Sparks?" She said surprised to see me injured even though she didn't try to hurt me.
"No it's, hiss, not your fault I got hurt after encountering a Felbat is all…. It's why I really didn't want to fight you so…. I'm sorry for doing something like that to you just to capture you easier." I said as I did feel a bit bad for doing that to her.
She huffed a bit, but she got off me letting me sit up as I ignored the pain in my back as Daisy put on a new bandage over the wound.
I petted her to calm her down and make her feel better, and after she calmed down I stopped.
"So Cmon Foxy, let's go have plenty of fun together alright?" I say getting up as I hold out my hand to her.
She grumbled a bit before nuzzling her head into my hand before I felt her tail wrap around me as I was lifted up onto her back allowing me to ride her which is impossible for her normal sized brethren. I petted her head as she went to the treasure room of the dungeon to get our reward for completing our dungeon run.
Total pals and items gained
Lee the Leezpunk
Triss the Katress
Foxy the (Boss)Foxparks
X3 Fuddlers
1,500 gold
X2 Mega Spheres
X1 Mk.2 Crossbow Schematic
X8 Ancient Parts
X2 Cloth
X6 Leather
X1 Copper Key
X1 Thermal Under Armor
X1 Mk. 2 Pelt Armor Schematic
(Edit) X2 Foxparks
(Edit) X1 Shoddy Pistol
(Edit) X25 Coarse Ammo