

Please don't mind my English as it is my initial novel Hope you enjoy it. Kindly leave a comment. Which can help me improve Thank a lot Synopsis: A story about a man being transported to another world, where he learns truth about life about how harsh it is and he isn't a blessed one, every battle he goes in taught him quite a lesson, which will eventually turn him into an excellent warrior ............ That's it.......... Wanna know more just read the novel leave a review,as it could help a lot Thanks a lot

LuVe · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Result of training

After reaching ogre's den, Luck couldn't find him but there were huge footprints of the ogre so he followed them, which led him outside the den. There was settlement of some travellers who were resting and suddenly they got attacked by ogre, there was lot of mages and children in that group. They got attacked by ogre while defending themselves half of mages died at the spot and the half which were left ran away with children in groups and eventually evaded ogre. But there was still a 15 Yr old boy who was mourning his parents death as they were one of the defenders. Ogre roared loudly which awaken that boy so he started running for his life. As the roar was loud, Luck headed towards that noise. That boy with everything he got started running in random direction and was continuously crying for his life. At the moment boy meet an dead end at the waterfall, losing all hope. Meanwhile Luck who was continuously searching for the monster, reached the massacred settlement which made him feel guilt and angry as if he would been a little quick it would never has happened. Raged, he left that place. So no way was left for that boy to run so he accepted his death and with weeping eyes murmuring about thinking about his parents. As ogre dashed towards that boy. Boy cried in fear and at the same moment Luck arrived for his rescue and pushed ogre and himself both down the waterfall, while pushing Luck murmed something to boy which woke him again from despair. And both ogre and Luck fall off into waterfall and disappeared as waterfall was too high.

As these events were happening, Slade found one of the groups, exhausted and terrified . They all said slade about everything, so he went out to find other groups. So Slade send out his familiar, a huge bird (familiars were mythical intelligent creatures and too strong and rare to be found and only few people in whole kingdom has been successful in conquering familiars as they have to prove their strength and wits in order to become their master). It was an fire emenental bird emitting fire from whole of its body named as phoenix, which were one of the most ferocious mythical beast. Phoenix has an ability of healing person wound with its tears. So huge bird divided into many small birds and went out into the forest in search of the survivors after healing. As master and familiar are connected through mind, Slade would propably know as soon as Phoenix found any survivor. After few moments Slade found almost each and every group and gathered all of them in one place,after a while a boy in group told about that last boy wasn't in the group. So Slade called phoenix back and rode phoenix in order to search that boy himself, after few minutes Slade found the boy watching down the waterfall, so he immediately reached him and asked him if he was allright. Then boy told Slade about man took ogre with him down the waterfall, consoling boy Slade told him about Luck on quest in finding true strength.

So Luck and ogre falling down the waterfall, finally reached near surface after fall. Luck left ogre and drawn Arson, pierced through wall of waterfall and did a safe landing, on the other side ogre just crashed down after fall. So Luck immediately dived into water and kicked out ogre from water. As ogre kicked out from water, ogre glares at Luck ferociously and launched an attack on him. And Luck easily evaded his attack, as he was now totally able to control his strength and power. After that Luck started offensive on him, even though his attacks were strong but ogre got quite the endurance still battles luck on equal ground. So their fight continues for quite a long time, eventually night falls but they never stopped fighting, continues hitting each other . As fight getting intense each time, a sinister black aura starting emitting from ogre and he launched black shadows from his body which started attacking Luck, black shadows puppets were one of the ogre's dark arts. While puppets were attacking ogre starting healing himself, Luck was quite skilled as he was trained by Slade, how to combat with more than 1 opponents. So he tackled them quite skillfully, after ogre healed himself those puppets disappeared and ogre looked quit like nothing happened to him quite new.

As Luck was fighting ogre for quite a time, he seems to be exhausted so he channelled all the magic which was left into Arson and launched his special attack 'inferno slice'.At the speed of light he sliced his Fire emitting Arson and sliced ogre into 2 like a piece of cake and ended his story.

As last attack used everything he got, so after attack.So he fall unconscious as soon as he finished the Ogre.........