
Potential New Students

It's Sunday morning. Seven figures are standing in front of a traditional Japanese building. Only the sound of birds chirping can be heard until one of them, a blond young man spoke.

"Is this where that freshman is?" he asked

"According to the address, I must say it iiiiis~" a long haired teenager sing-songed horribly

"Doesn't matter, let's just get this over with" a hooded man spoke with irritation

"I agree, but where is Valkyrie?" a fat man asked the group

The group instinctively turned towards the tan beauty among them, Freya "I called, she didn't answer, so I left her a message" she said while shrugging

"Doesn't matter, let's go inside" Odin said as he approached the entrance of the Dojo his rival trains in

Before he could touch the door, it opened, revealing Kenichi holding a broom. Kenichi looked at them as they looked back.

After a moment of stiff silence Kenichi asked "can I help you?"

Regaining his Senses, Odin spoke "well well well, if it isn't Kenichi, how have you been all this time?"

Kenichi looked at the young man in front of him, blinking dumbly "umm… those glasses… and that hair… Ryuto?"

Odin smirked "glad you remember me ken…"

Faster than anyone of the group can follow, Odin was engulfed in a hug that lifted him off the ground by the man they all had their eyes on.

"Where have you been?" Kenichi asked while laughing loudly "first you say let's get stronger, then the next thing I know, you moved somewhere else, what the hell man?" Kenichi continued to badger Ryuto even after letting him go, causing the young man's face to turn red in embracement. He is Odin dammit

"A-anyway, I have come to fulfil the challenge I issued when we were younger" Odin tried to get back on track

Kenichi looked at him with doubtful eyes "you sure? I mean I'm not very good at the moment, so I might disappoint you"

"Why? How long has it been since you started your martial arts training?" Odin asked inquisitively

Kenichi put his hand on his chin in thought "I think a month and a half"

His words caused many of the fists to perform a slapstick anime fall "WHAT THE HELL, DID YOU FORGET YOUR PROMIS?" Ryuto raged

"Huh. No of course not. It's just I didn't find anyone stronger than me to teach me" Kenichi shrugged

"Hah, what a load of bullshit" Loki laughed but soon stopped when he saw Kenichi wasn't amused

Kenichi turned to Ryuto "Who's the dick and why are you hanging out with him?"

Ryuto face palmed and sighed "let's talk more inside, shall we"

Kenichi's eyes widened "oh how impolite of me, please come in" he gestured for them to follow him "there is someone you should meet, I only met her a month or so ago" Kenichi smiled at Ryuto in a knowing fashion


After everyone was seated, Miu came in with Kenichi carrying a tray with tea cups on them "Ryuto, remember the girl who we met when we were kids" Kenichi then pointed his thumb towards Miu

Ryuto's eyes widened as he sees his first crush again "So you are learning from her?" Ryuto asked Kenichi

"Of course not" Miu spoke before Kenichi "he was already stronger than me when he came here"

"Only physically" Kenichi supplied

"And you will surpass me in technique as well" Miu nodded towards him then turned to the group "don't let his talking fool you, he is already stronger physically than most Grand masters…"

"Thanks to Akisame-sensei" Kenichi supplied

Miu ignored him and continued "and already at the high disciple rank in technique" Miu then harrumphed as she got up "don't listen to his whining about not being strong, only a grand master can beat him" she spoke as she left

The group's reaction was divided between jealousy, disbelief and amazement. Ryuto, for one, was in the amazement department.

"How did you do it? How did you get so strong?" Ryuto asked

Kenichi thought for a moment then raised three fingers "to get really strong you need three things" Kenichi paused to insure everyone was following "the first is dedication. If you are not willing to train long and hard to become strong, then don't start"

Six heads nodded at that, including the hooded man, who pretended he wasn't listening, but excluding the man wearing glasses

"The second is a caring master" Kenichi noticed several of the seven flinching "if your master cares about you, they will care about your strength"

Amusingly, none of the seven heads nodded at that one.

"The last is something to protect, the reason you want to be strong. It could be a person or an ideal" Kenich shrugged "it doesn't matter, it only matters that you have one

"Easier said than done" the hooded man spoke

Kenichi looked at him with a quirked brow "and what might you be lacking?" he asked

"A master that cares of course, mine left me with half the training" Kenichi noticed Ryuto and the tan girl nodding in agreement

Kenichi smiled "well, then that is easily solvable"when the turned to him he continued "join Ryozanpaku" he offered with a happy smile

"Do they teach the use of Bo staff" the young woman asked

"Well miss…" Kenichi paused

"Ah, my apologies, pleased to meet you, my name is Kaname Kugatachi" she introduced herself with a bow

"Pleasure to meet you Kaname-chan" ignoring the incredulous looks of everyone but Kaname, who seemed to not care, Kenichi continued "Ryozanpaku has a grand master for each of the following: Karate, Jujitsu, weapon arts, Kung Fu and Mui Tai. Of course, should you wish, you can also apply to simply improve your physique and form while still training your chosen art" Kenichi offered in a business-like manner

The room descended to silence for a few moments before the dick lost his patience "Oi, have you people forgot why we are here? We want to challenge this Dojo" he demanded as he slammed the table as he made to point at Kenichi he noticed him gone.

It was all a blur, but he was suddenly mid-air, flying towards the road outside Ryozanpaku.

Back with the eight, currently six fists and Kenichi, one can see Kenichi clapping dirt of his hand while letting out a put upon "good riddance"

"Um…" Kaname began but was unsure how to continue. Kenichi turned to her and offered a gentle smile, which didn't help her at all "c-can I join?"

Kenichi clapped his hands together "Of course, but would you like to see the Masters first?" he asked

The six fists, as if rehearsed, all nodded in unison "great follow me" he spoke as he led them to the training area of the Dojo. It amused him to no end how these rowdy kids were following him like good little boys and girl


Once they reached the training area, they could hear the sound of rocks breaking. Soon enough they came upon the scene of Apachai breaking statues as training to be able to hold back, needless to say, it wasn't going to well.

"That's the Mui Tai master in Ryozanpaku, though he is really scary in a fight, he is equally as nice in person, just don't hurt kids or animals in front of him" Kenichi warned the group and again got a unified nod

Next was Shigure, and as when he came, Kensei and Shigure did their little byplay, though this time, Kenichi caught all the throwing stars "Carful with those Shigure-sensei" Kenichi called out as he threw them back to her "that's Shigure-sensei, our weapons Master and Kensei-sensei the Kung Fu Master, though he's a huge pervert, so be careful around him, Kaname-chan"

The serious nod he got from Kaname was as entertaining as the 'HEY!' he heard from the still running away Kensei.

Sakaki was next and he gave his I don't take disciples tirade. Kenichi let him go on till he was done then turned to them "this is Sakaki-sensei, he is a bit of a tsundere"


"But if you work hard, he will train you well" Kenichi then turned back to the pouting 'I'm not pouting' Sakaki "do you know where Akisame-sensei is?"

Still pouting 'I'm not pouting damn it' he answered "he's at the clinic"

Saying his thanks, Kenichi moved on to the clinic. As the group approached it, screaming could be heard from inside. Several of the group started fidgeting as the pain stricken cries got louder.

As Kenichi knocked on the door, the shouting stopped. Soon the door opened, revealing Akisame "what is it Kenichi?"

"Akisame-sensei, I am introducing potential students to the masters, and you are the last one" Kenichi explained as Takeda peaked from behind Akisame

"AH, the eight fists" he exclaimed causing the group to stiffen

Kenichi looked at Ryuto "you're Ragnarok?"

Ryuto maintained his calm façade "yes"

"Why?" Kenichi asked

"To stop Yomi" Ryuto answered

Akisame recognised the name, so he interjected "perhaps we should gather everyone to hear this"

Kenichi recognized the serious tone of voice and nodded "Yes, let's do that"

A new chapter released

Now with 50% more words ~\(≧▽≦)/~



Silver_Callcreators' thoughts