
Castles in the sand

Play the same game, played as children; It's not the same, being adults. The professor was seen, in his pastoral way making balls of clay, a compound of sand moistened by the proximity to the water of a river in the placid rest of him. He was seen by his little allies from family chores, other innocent shepherds, whose cattle, lying down towards the bushes, cooled by the river breezes; accompanied the country view with their lively songs.

-If a tower has already been achieved, and it is replicated at 4 corners… -says the journalist on duty-: then: Was the goal to build a sandcastle on the slopes of the beach of a mountain river or perhaps a cold lagoon?

-The politician mentions-: These projects in the mentality of a child. Of course they can be achieved! Even doing the daily work.

-The problem occurs, -clarifies the journalist-: let's say it 50 years later. By the way: Are there 50 more changes in the portfolio of ministers? What historical ridiculousness! It seems that Ica merchants have taken executive power. Ministers are sold and resold wholesale this time.

-Sketch, -The politician, a speech, "objecting to answering a question, because the answer is very obvious"-: On the shores of the sea of ​​Graú. He was given a royal castle; but he, it seems, wants to make his own castle in the sand on the beach and plays at putting sand ministers that vanish at the slightest breath of the sea breeze, whose vanished waters seem to flee at the blow of the bow of the gigantic ships that arrive to the port. It is not so much what they bring: fashion merchandise for semi-annual uses; but, what they always take. The white gold of the not so white of conscience.

-Ilustra, the historian-: It is different towards the south, the clay formed is finely molded and baked at a high and controlled temperature and the result is a solid object, which is at the same time a "red" brick, but in the southern artist mentality an ornament; that when being macillado, with its respective base, and finally painted in bright, Andean and dazzling colors. They are those altarpieces, valued for their histrionic history, for their craftsmanship.

-What a dilemma! –Try to explain, the historian-: Doesn't making art compare to playing? -Although you can play until you see the art of the sunset, as on a canvas through the eyes of a teenager in love.

-Commander King X-Monk. –Said the S-Monk-: The damaged ship. After six months, he fulfilled the objective and buried the XH-Prays bases. Therefore humans no longer have providential allies. It is time to continue with the plan of world annihilation; in its phase 2: X-Primate.

-Environmental Impact Report. –V-Monk Oceanic Watch Reports-: Reefs and Corals, covered in oil with a high impact of acid corrosion. From the Lima Region, passing through the Ancash Region and further north with a moderate impact. The base of the White Island is X-Prays history, of which no one will ever know.

-Make a reminder of the facts of phase 1: X-Murvirus. –Requested, King X-Monk.

We simply intercepted the cargo to the Chinese freighters, -Reported, S-Monk-: we sprayed with the acid rain of the X-Murvirus and the virus was exported to every corner of the planet. Then the virus mutated, adapted and multiplied until it was impregnated in every human organ.

We just had to feed thousands of seabirds. The credit goes to the blood relatives of the pelicans. Those who were never seen again. They disappeared when the oil spilled, did they perish or not soaked in the oil slick? We still have no reports but its extinction was more than notorious.

Enigmatic procedure, this of mourning one kingdom after another. Not that humans were the only intelligent ones on the globe.

Yes. -Commander Turtle Rain said, remembering past things-: Things happened right under their noses, but no one saw the greater evil, rather they were small isolated groups like in any domestic animal pen.

Obviously, -General Chimpy Air said-: Each family raised its animals; Suddenly one fell ill and the next day all died.

They say: The Plague. –Commented Bierny–: Of course you had to go to the vet or at least to a neighborhood pharmacy and the case was solved for at least half of the litter. Some relief was saved for the incipient family economies.

But, the repercussion in the man, -extended what was said, Kei Sky-: context of age, economic condition, sex or state of health... Nobody can understand it!

Exact! - Bierny continued saying -: It is the darkest, indecipherable, and stormy natural mystery. The objections, contradictions or simple conjectures, are increasingly absurd, and of course, "are dismissed daily". It undermines any scientific effort to find a total solution.

– (In another context) Is it known that he stopped…? Said a fisherman.

–Excuse me, –Said the journalist, as a correspondent, sent to cover the events months after the oil spill–: Do you ted, you mean the oil slick?

-Yes. –The fisherman affirmed.

–To be the most sincere, on this subject: No!

–Explain yourself, please–: –Claimed, the fisherman.

-Say what, -replied the journalist-: oil is a heavy element over the days, it has covered everything in its path and corrodes it... It has not stopped, it has been assimilated by the environment, as a natural symbiosis , has become part of the seascape and has drastically changed it.

–Certain species that used to be caught in the nets of local fishermen have become extinct or absent. –Complement, a tourist with certain studies in marine biology, was one of those who usually go around the world investigating the repercussions caused by oil spills–. Well, the abundant food in corals is now a deadly poison, highly toxic.

-Bah! –Exclaimed the fisherman contemptuously–: So much so that not even the scavenging catfish want it.

– And why do we survive? said Bierny. Adding:

– The Brazilian variant, was accompanied by a hurtful tearing, suffocation and bodily decay… Have I perhaps forgotten something about these stages? Life goes on!?

– And how did I suppose that changing the weather, from one vigil to another could be overcome? I don't remember having that quality of knowing. So it will be a gift of revelation? That's it! It is like prophesying in favor of one.

–Same as in the first wave, I sensed, "something bad" when I saw a black cloud approaching over 250 people at about 4 in the afternoon, then a light drizzle was enough, and by 6 in the middle of the twilight, about 150 people, they had acute symptoms of fever, headaches, vomiting and bodily weakness, there are even those who lost all appetite, the distaste in their mouths was evident for dinner.

–If this omen, is for things to come that other virtues, will give what capacities; that supernatural powers can be revealed.

It is important to devise a plan for future events. I will write down everything that I have been learning to use, those things that allow others to get out of their problems.

By his side Kei Sky. Every time she sang, she awakened an immense peace, and the need to break the most rebellious and contradictory spirit. They both made a choir. A team!

– Then we should continue together. Kei Sky said.

-For me. And it is a fact. "Accepted, Bierny.

– We must look for a portal that allows us to update actions with our allies from the X-Prays kingdom –said Bierny–: I suppose we must resume the Darkman Plan applied in the White Island of the Ancash Region.

–I suggest establishing a base in the Ica Region, points of reference in Nazca or Paracas. –Kei Sky proposed– (As a wise woman, she understood an ancestral connection with this area and world events) There must be something that connects the Monkeypox with the Nazca lines, there is a hieroglyph of the Monkey; It is known by the archaeologist Marey that there were millennial events.

–There is an extensive library of study books that have not been published yet. –Bierny inquired about this topic some time ago–: They are a series of manuscripts and photographs of cloaks and ceremonial ornaments that Marey managed to decipher, but she did not understand the origin of the events mentioned there.

We can only confirm. That in past times, the Monkeypox has already manifested itself. –Kei Sky selected–: I could affirm that the inhabitants of the Ica desert faced this crisis. Have they found a solution?

-The possibility that the extermination of the human presence in this area in the south of Peru has been caused by Monkeypox is not ruled out. –Commented Bierny–: But the Peruvian Indian continued to coexist with this problem. But how the great ruins of so many Pre-Inca, Inca and Post-Inca cultures are explained. One thing was the Spanish conquest and another the natural extermination designated by the Creator.

The Spanish brought other plagues, fevers, viruses and infectious diseases.

The height that reached the hands of the Inca Atahualpa, was not enough in gold for his ransom. And the Spanish, knocked down all the Inca castles to establish their own Spanish castles. But 480 years later, the existing castles are counted by hand, and the largest of them; the castle where the Government Palace was established. Arouse only in the mind of the political reader because political parties are catapults for electoral use, then there are changes of sides and reorganizations.

No one lasts in their positions, their ideals are merely demagogic, a deceives people. A political proselytism of the day. A smokescreen after the sandcastle fire; to the fluttering of the guano birds, their fire is extinguished like their faith in the town, their promises are towers that succumb with the morning drizzle and more abruptly with the rippling waves: that clean the beaches at the rhythm of the wind.

But this is from the hundred ministers: Is it an alterable way of visualizing a neural intervention. In Delta phase? –He deduced an S-Monky, killer of the howler monkeys, natives of the mountains of the Cajamarca Region. Part of the presidential entourage of the "Prosor". -Nothing, compared to what was done for the Omicron phase. -He explained. An S-Monk. An Omicron-level monk in the multiverse of the enemy of humanity-: We apply "the social crisis babel". The free leaders: They succumbed between contradictions, failed appointments and a legal vacuum. Leaving hundreds of provincial and district municipalities; ditto of governorates and regional ministries. But nothing is concrete, neither relevant nor much less decisive for the end of October. There is a long way to go and who knows if there will be an electoral law in the last state, as happened in the second round against candidate "K", giving victory to the PPKausas. Until now, millions of young people cannot decipher the electoral enigma: How can 75 "acholate" elected congressmen lose against 15 "Yankee" congressmen with a uniform vote, to the point of losing the orange presidency to northern stars?

This story is the continuation of the short novel: DarkMan:


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