
X-men: Wolf

A new Feral arrives in the X-men's lives.

Thomas_Hodge · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs


" What can we do for ye, Professor?"

Rahne asked as she and the captain joined him and scott.

" We want you two to go on a recon mission."

Scott stepped forward and explained.

" Why us? Why can't ye have Logan do it?"

Rahne asked.

" Logan is..."

Xavier was trying to explain before Scott cut him off.

" Logan is busy handling another mission. With him gone you two are the only ones with the skillset I need to do this job."

Scott explained.

" Wait? Why us? Aren' there others ye can use for a recon mission?"

Rahne asked again.

" Look I chose you two simply to see how'd you'd do in the field together. A recon mission is simple you get in find out what you can, get out. Should be no problems."

Scott explained.

" I guess we can do tha' for ye."

Rahne exclaimed.

" All right, take one of the jets. I'll send you the details on the way you two."

Scott explained before ushering the two out of the office.

" Okay, let's go Alex."

Rahne said as she walked out of the office.

The captain looked between the three in confusion before leaving with Rahne.

" Hm?"

The captain growled as he caught up to the woman.

" Oh tha'. Well, it's hard tae explain. See, The professor isn' really in charge anymore. Scott is. He's still the headmaster, but it's more of a ceremonial title now than anything really. It can be hard sometimes with the way those two are now. But ye get used to it I guess."

Rahne explained as the two walked down the halls of the institute.

" Hm."

The captain growled again.

" I understand tha', Scott hasn' really been the same since Jean died. And I think his relationship with Emma is what's making him so aggressive lately. But still, Scott has always been a trusted member of the team. He may be a bit of a hard ass, but he'll always have ye back."

Rahne explained to the man.

" Hm."

The captain growled lightly.

" Aw, thank ye. I will too."

Rahne replied with a smile gracing her face.

" All right, let's see wha Scott's got planned for us."

Rahne said as she pulled up the file Scott sent to the X-jets.

" The purifiers have been getting more and more active lately. Seems like they've been gathering a large number of ammunitions up in their church in Alaska. But for wha'? I guess tha's what Scott wants us to figure out. Ye up for it?"

Rahne asked after going over the file.

The captain looked at the girl and nodded his head before taking a seat in the jet.

Rahne fired up the jet and the two took off towards the artic wasteland.

[Hours earlier in Ireland.]

" Hello father O'Reily, how can I help you today?"

The tall blonde-haired Irishman wearing glasses asked as a priest approached him.

" Father Anderson, It's a pleasure as always. I come bearing news of the harlot Stryker."

Father O'Reily said to the man.

" I see. And the order has need of my skills?"

Father Anderson asked.

" No, not necessarily. But we do know he is planning some kind of attack on the small mutant's population at Xavier's. Being a mutant yourself we figured you'd want to be involved on how we handle this."

Father O'Reily explained to the man

" I see. Thank you for informing me on the situation Father. But I will handle the rest from here."

Father Anderson said to the man.

" We figured you would."

O'Reily said to the man.

" Excuse me children! But it is time to return to the orphanage. I have some business to take care of."

Anderson said to the children as he gestured for them to return. Once all of the kids were accounted for, Anderson took his leave.

[ Back to the present.]

" What happened here? This isn't what we were expecting. Who did this?"

Rahne asked as she looked around at the bloody massacre around the two.

" Hm."

Captain growled lightly.

" They are fresh. Which means whatever killed them, is still here."

Rahne replied to the man.

The two looked around for the cause of the death around them when a light flashed into the captain's eye. A bayonet was heading straight for Rahne's head, luckily the captain was able to catch it before it touched the girl.

" Well! Well! what do we have here?"

The assailant asked as he stepped into the light.

The captain turned to the man and growled lightly before walking towards him. The two men walked until they were standing face to face with one another.

" Pleasure to meet you. The name's Alexander Anderson. And you are intruding on my mission."

Anderson said to captain as his blue eyes met the Man's glaring red eyes.

" Hm."

The captain growled as he faced off against his new foe.