
Weekend At Xavier's (Part Two)

"You've seemed distracted for our entire session, Bellamy," Dr. Garrison observed before cracking a smile, "And here I thought you were starting to loosen up around me."

"I wouldn't say troubled," I muttered back, "...Just got a lot to think about," I knew the drill by now. He was there to offer a listening ear, but couldn't do much of that if you weren't willing to speak.

"You told me. You were supposed to visit your time-displaced son today, right?"

"Yeah," I sighed, "It's not just that, though. It's been a stiff month. All the stuff that's happened... not to mention leading the whole team now..."

Dr. Garrison nodded, latching on to the first concrete concern I'd listed, "It's a big responsibility, being in charge of that many people, and ones so young. Especially when you're no older than they are. Do you think you're getting the hang of it?"

It was a tough question to look at objectively, so I tried to stall in answering it, "It's like leading the Paladins, only bigger... and with more consequences," Unfortunately, I didn't think I'd really had the best hand on leading the Paladins before even more got heaped onto my plate, "Laura said something really smart about that. I'm doing my best, and everyone trusts me. That's all I can ask for right now."

He'd been paying attention the whole time, but upon hearing the name I said, Dr. Garrison seemed to perk up, "Laurie did?"

It was a fair mistake to make. Honestly, it was kind of confusing that we had two girls with names that damn close to being similar on the team.

"No, Laura. Laura Kinney," I said correcting him as I breathed a laugh through my nose, "I don't think she's bothered to come see you, like, ever."

Laura had her own way of dealing with issues, which was to internalize it until she couldn't hide it any longer. Hopefully, since we would routinely be sharing a bed for the foreseeable future, she would at least let me know when she was troubled over pillow-talk.

Having received clarification, he caught on quickly enough, "Laura is the girl cloned from Wolverine's DNA, isn't she?" I nodded and he let out a laugh, "No, she hasn't. To be fair, Laurie hasn't either."

That brought up a note from my last notable run-in with the aforementioned girl, "She seemed kind of rattled when I brought up having a talk with you. I thought we were all supposed to."

Dr. Garrison shook his head in the negative, "That was more of a suggestion from the headmistress, Bellamy. Not an order," He said, "I don't want people to feel forced to come here. My door is open for any student who just wants a judgment-free environment to let things go."

-Which as kids dealing with screwed-up incidents time and time again, we most assuredly needed.

Dr. Garrison continued, "Every other member of your junior X-Men squad has spoken with me, however. It makes me happy that I can help."

For some reason, it put me more at ease that there was technically someone on the outside of the hero craziness that had our best interests at heart, even if he was paid handsomely to do it.

It almost felt like it was too good to be true.


Okay... so, visiting Riddick. 'Riddick' instead of 'Skip', because I refused to fucking call him 'Skip' anymore. Not when his real name was that cool.

Once I'd bashed my son from the future's face in for trying to kill me, he got locked up in The Raft, which is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s super-maximum security prison for the most dangerous people on Earth. It was probably the only place I could think of that legally had the capabilities to hold him.

After that whole episode, I'd more or less gotten a talk from Mister Summers about how I should at least try to establish some sort of rapport with my wayward, time-displaced offspring. I wasn't necessarily in agreement, as the fucker had tried to kill me several times, but I figured it was best to take the advice of someone who would obviously know better than I did. I hadn't met Rachel or Nathan Summers at the time, but I had heard some shit.

Even Logan agreed enough to actually take me to see Riddick. From meeting Daken, I could tell that Logan also had experience with keeping a fucked up relationship with one's child. Of course, I hadn't been alive since the 19th century. I was seventeen, so I had an excuse to not want any part of it.

Either way, that meant I had to hop into a car and shuttle my ass to New York City early in the morning on a Saturday. And seeing as how I didn't have a car, that meant I had to ride with Logan, who took me whenever he had business to see to in the meantime there.

Also, Saberwolf was there, because I'd decided that instead of spending the drive trying and failing to not be pissed off thinking about my future self's seed, I'd do it apologizing to Wolf for more or less forcing him out of the room last night.

"Wolf, I'm sorry," I said, turned around in my seat to look at the A.I. in the back.

Saberwolf hadn't bothered to even look at me for the entirety of the drive up to that point, "So you have said. But are you really?"

I paused and rethought the depth of my sentiment, "…Okay, let me specify. I'm not sorry for chasing you off so Laura and I could have sex. But I am sorry about how that probably made you feel," I paused to consider the depth of my regret. As it turned out, it wasn't very deep, "Come to think of it, I didn't even tell you to leave. You did that on your own."

Wolf gave me an annoyed swat with his tail, "I remember the protocol from when you had relations with Megan Gwynn. Regardless, I did not wish to remain present while you and Laura Kinney busied yourselves with your mating."

I hissed at him and took a swing of my own that didn't get close to him, "It wasn't mating. No mating was done. We fucked for fun, not to make solar-powered, claw babies... which sounds kind of awesome, actually."

It was at this point that Logan could take no more of the current topic, "-Yeah, can we not talk about you and my clone having sex, Glowstick?" He snarled, smoke from his cigar billowing out the open window as he drove, "Thanks in advance."

Honestly, he held out from trying to make me shut up longer than I figured he would have. Good for him, "You seemed like you'd accepted everything back at the dorm," I said.

"That was for Laura's sake," Logan quickly asserted, glaring over at me from the corner of his eye, "Wouldn't send a good message getting mad when she tries getting closer to others," At that point, the expression on his face softened a touch as he proceeded to admit something, albeit begrudgingly, "...And last time we talked, you were right. It's not like you're the worst kinda guy she could have shown interest in."

Well, that was... nice? Not exactly accurate though, in my books. When it came to the worst option out of the current crop of students to have a thing for romantically, I was a ways up there as far as realistic options went.

"To be fair," I said, "When I told you that, I could really only think of one person worse – Julian."


Gripping the steering wheel tightly with both hands, Mister Logan's claws popped through his knuckles, "If it were him in that position instead of you, I probably would have gutted him," Calming down, he let out a sigh and let his claws slide away, "You might be the second most troublesome, but the drop off from one to two is steep. Let's just say that."