
Ill Intentions (3)

"Big Sis, several F-16's have already been scrambled from a battleship in the Pacific Ocean. They are a couple of minutes out from Los Angeles and their orders are to obliterate anything that stands on their way and of course, Director Kai and her team are on the top of the list." A lady spoke up to tell Ailah about the incoming predicament.

"That will be a problem. We didn't prepare for this." Ailah said as she felt the dread from afar. She couldn't help but curse their luck.

"No one predicted the situation to get out of hand by this magnitude, and our force was dealt with the moment that they set foot on the ground. But we'll be in an advantageous position if we increase our forces on the ground." The lady advised.

"I know but when will they arrive so as to lend them a hand? A couple of hours at most, which is time that we don't have right now." Ailah said as she contemplated on what to do.

"But even if they are late, we'll be able to salvage something and they won't be expecting us to send more after what they have done to our people in the first round." The lady spoke with courage and dedication while staring at Ailah.

"No, don't send anyone for the time being. Kai will be able to accomplish this mission even if it means her last." Ailah said after making up her mind.

"Okay." The lady replied as she retreated to her workstation, but before she could walk three steps away from Ailah, a notification buzzed on her tablet and she stopped to inspect it.

A frown appeared on her face as she turned around to face Ailah.

"What?" Ailah asked probably prepared for the bad news.

"The Tyrannical Tower has already mobilized a small ground force and are headed in the general direction of Los Angeles." The lady said after checking her tablet.

"The company that deals with private security across the globe! That will be problematic." Ailah said as she started to rake her brains on the solution for their problem.

"Activate the drones and also notify Kai to abandon their ride, they will be picked out from miles away in that thing. It's suicidal." Ailah said to the lady and the others in front of her.

"Will do, Big Sis. The only problem is that they can't be contacted at the moment." The lady replied.

"Then make sure that we don't lose our drones out there." Ailah said after cursing their luck on today's events.


Almost two hours have passed since we left the neighborhood. We had been traveling at a noteworthy speed as we were still followed by the Apache.

So much damage has occurred due to our reckless driving. From damage of property to accidents caused by the collision of a cluster of cars that led to several people being injured and a few being severely wounded.

It was heartbreaking as there weren't any life signs on the streets. The only thing that signified that the city still had people in it, were the sounds of honking produced by cars as the roads were packed, and at the same time, the Army didn't allow anyone to leave as Los Angeles fell under martial law.

We had to change our transportation twice so as to ditch our pursuers.

At this moment I was with Rue at Bellaqua Hotel. The horizon was bathed with a golden color as the sunset. We had just jumped over the fence and we were trying to climb up through the first-floor windows.

"We can't climb, it's too slippery and we don't have anything to help us with that." I said after trying everything to get to the first-floor window.

"Now what should we do?" Rue asked helplessly as we didn't anticipate for the situation to turn out this sower.

It wasn't that I couldn't get my head back in the game. It's just that I am tired of all the events that have occurred since I woke up in the morning. My stomach was grumbling and I couldn't keep my thought process at 100%.

On the other side, Rue was complaining about everything that comes into her mind.

Okay, I am sorry for involving her in my personal issues but I couldn't help it at that time. And now, I have made her the third most wanted person in the world in less than a day.

"I am sorry Rue, it's partly my fault for the things that have happened to you since you met me. And I can't untangle you from the mess that I have created."

"I hope you understand and know that I can't even think straight at this time."

"My body is acting beyond my will and rejecting the commands that I give it. I don't want to be caught and also I can't help you from here on out."

Before I could finish talking, the whirring sound of a helicopter was heard above us. It passed slowly and soon stopped to turn back. We were soon bathed in the dazzling light from the monstrous torch that it carried on its side.

"Stop where you are and get on the ground." A command was issued followed by the sound of a gunshot.


A bullet hole was seen a meter in front of us. But that wasn't enough to shake our souls into submission.

"Now what should we do?" Rue asked a little worried by the increasing sounds of sirens and helicopters approaching the hotel.

"We run of course..." I answered diligently.

"But..." Rue asked getting the tone that I wasn't finished.

"If we stay put, we'll be risking our lives to government. And if we run now with my current issues, we wouldn't get far either we'll be caught or we'll be shot down as I am on the top of the most wanted list. And also don't forget the fact that the crazy lady wants to get her hands on us." I said ignoring the fact that we have already been told to surrender yet we were still standing.

"Then what course of action should we take?" Aya asked again.

"I have no strength for an escape anymore... You have unexplainable power within you, but you wouldn't help. How disappointing that is." I said with scorn as I looked at Rue.

"I didn't cultivate all of those years just to come and use my Qi for your benefit." Rue said while defending herself.

"By the way, who is your teacher. It would be best if he or she can guide me on the path that you took. I'll be very thankful to the both of you." I asked as I revealed all of my teeth to get her in a good mood so as to tell me of her teacher.

"Just shut up and tell me what course of action should we take?" Rue was now pissed by the look that she was displaying.

"That!" I said while pointing straight ahead of us.

"..." Rue couldn't believe it and left her mouth wide open.

"It's something extremely interesting, isn't it?" I asked teasingly.

"It's an arrow, pulsing with so much energy that could power the whole city for a few weeks at most... And it's not only one, but several."

"That's our way out? I doubt it if we'll walk out of here unscathed." Rue now had a serious face as the looming threat decreased our distance with every second.

"No and yes!" I answered.

"Timing. That's what we were waiting for. For us to make it out of here alive, we needed something big enough to shift the attention from us to it." I said as I tried to explain how things work in the real world.

"Okay, best of luck if we manage to escape that."


A couple of miles downtown from Bellaqua Hotel, Kai was with her team on the topmost floor of an industrial building.

The lights inside crackled from low voltage and sometimes they lost all of their power only to come back to life and display their dull lightning.

Kai had in her hands a bow made of pure electricity which was seen raised as she pulled the string to shoot arrows at an incredible speed.

She was very pissed and that prevented any of her subordinates to speak up about the destruction that would occur.

"I will make him regret to ever meeting me." She said with bitterness that could poison a cobra to death.

Milan Kundera once said, "the basis of shame is not some personal mistake of ours, but that this humiliation is seen by everyone."

She swore to make him suffer long enough until he begs for forgiveness.

What has Maxwell done to her since meeting him? If not the worst that she had suffered, then what else?

First of all, he made her expose herself to her real abilities. Then put her up to be blown away and crush into a building. And also the fact that their ride was shot down by a couple of heatseekers and brought them close to losing their lives, if not for the timely reaction from Kai. Furthermore, they have been running as the Army was on their heels with a shoot to kill order.

She was out for blood.