
WW1: After the war, I became the leader of India

A normal girl frustrated by Illegal migrants from Bangladesh and the violence in Bengal, sighs. "If it were me, I would have easily prevented partition." "Huh?" Then I lost consciousness, only to find myself in the Parliament, but with people like Ambedkar, Nehru, Patel, etc. Huh? Hey! I was just saying things! Why did you make my words true, even though I have said that I want to be a billionaire several times!?

SolaceViolet · ย้อนยุค
8 Chs

Planning my Future

I sighed as I looked at my face one more time. Okay, I am cute.

It was still dawn, and I already checked out the house. It is really my house, but...

...It looks nothing like my house except the structure and the Durga statue. The wall clock looks like an antique piece, there is no electricity, no water system except the personal well and handpump, and some people I don't know about sleeping in my parents' room.

There is no traffic noise, no flight noise from the airport and there are various sparrows which I haven't seen for more than a decade.

I laid down on the bed and began contemplating. All these signs are showing that I really got reincarnated in 1900. The calender said it all. 123 years from my original timeline, as one of my ancestor.

I really shouldn't have said all those things. Me and my big mouth.

I sighed and gave up on not accepting reality, and accepted it with a heavy heart.

Since it is the year 1900, the British are still occupying India. It is a really dark time, and their hold is too tight before the WW1. Attempting to create a company can get you killed, and the propaganda is pretty bad.

Banning Sati? It was not a large scale practice and happened in only some villages. And Akbar had already banned it centuries ago.

Modernity and railways? What a joke. We built the railways with our money and our labourers, but the money went to British despite having cheaper alternatives from other countries.

Not having Education? That's the biggest bullshit they have been spouting.

Anyway, during this period, it I tried something, there is a high chance that I can get killed. After WW1, the hold of British government kept weakening. If Gandhi continued the Non-cooperation movement even after Chauri Chaura, and urged even the soldiers to join the movement, freedom could have been achieved much earlier and millions of deaths of Indians could have been prevented.

But now that I am here, I can change that. I can go from an 'Engineer' who was wasting away her time by being unemployed last generation of my family with huge property and ancestral wealth to have my face on the currency.

I can go down in the history books as the most influential person and have the title of Mother India. I can give out the slogan of 'Make India Great Again'. I can steal various scientific achievements from the future. I can establish a good governance system from the start and not waste any time figuring things out.

And anyway, I don't really have means of entertainment here. I can actually learn some martial arts or something in this life. In the revolution, if I die, I die. I will just reincarnate in a new world or timeline again.

But to go forward, I should atleast draw out my plans.

Before WW1 and without any fame, trying anything will land me an execution. So my first goal is to gain global fame.

And what is better thing than being a genius who graduated even as a child? I will be going to USA because it has the most soft power. There, I may even be able to meet important people like founder of Boeing, and Ford. I will even invest heavily in those companies.

Till the end of WW1, being in USA to gain international recognition and vast amounts of money. Plus, there is not really any country which can invade USA due to its geography and being surrounded by weak countries.

With the large amount of properties I have, going to a foreign University will be easy.

Then after WW1, I will return back to India and start my revolution from my hometown, Kolkata. If my strature becomes as big as Einstein, wouldn't it be impossible to execute me without any severe backlash?

It will start-off as Non-cooperation movement in my Original timeline. But when it has gained momentum, I will urge the soldiers to join the movement too.

Even if 1 in 100 soldier joins the movement, others will be inspired by it and eventually join in it.

Then I will seize power and become the leader of India.

Simple yet effective. I just have to make sure that I don't get assassinated.

Okay. My future is planned, and I am going to being this plan into reality!