

The sun was shining rather too harsh today although the weather seem calm but the atmosphere was as harsh as the sun!

At the corner of the end of the final year student hall, under the tree, the tree serves as shield to students and it's setting is quite beautiful... It has flowers blooming and the leaves are freshly green.

Right below the tree was a wooden well decorated bench, purposely for relaxation!

Anna Jun wore a black flowery dress with a brown slim belt bellow her perfect waist, she combines it with a fancy booth. Although she's of average height, her beauty is incomparable to many of her age group.

Today, she has to put an end to it, an end to this toxic relationship!

She moved to the tree where he was waiting for her, he seem rather calm compared to last night over the phone when I first told him...

Hi! Anna said, no response!

She repeated it again, Hi!

This time he moved closer, raised her chin and was looking right into her eyes with his perfect Brown eyes that captivated me the first time and since then I have been lost into the abyss of this illusion called LOVE!!!

Du Seun was quite tall, almost the tallest in his set, most popular guy in school, he is the captain of the football team and also the school's pride in any event organized outside the city. He is good looking causing him to attract the attention of many young girls and even the guys wish to have his kind of looks. He comes from the most prestigious family in the city and they own practically all the petroleum industry and also all other businesses ranging from building materials, cloth lines, restaurants, hotels etc.

His parents are the nob 1. Influential people in the country and among the top 20 in the world. The DU family have remain on the front page of FORBES MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE for years from His great grandparents, to his grandparents, his parents and now... Soon himself Du sean!

It's... its o.. v... e... r! With a wavering voice, Anna said while trying to move away from him.

She shouldn't chicken out, she knows she had to do this and move on with her life. The memories of what HAPPENED came rushing back. She found her voice and took a step back and repeated the words... This time... Firmly!

Du Sean! It's over!!! Do not call me or look for me anymore. Afterwards, she turned and walked away not turning back!

Assuring herself it was for the best.

She heard him call... ANNA! ANNA!!ANNA!!!

It took her all the strength and the will not to look back and run into his arms but she must do this...


Du Sean celebrated his 21st year birthday party at the grand hall of City D, it was the most talked about party in the city and the who of who were present. His grand parents couldn't make it there but sends their love and lots of gifts... His parents were on an official business trip but entrusted their most trusted Friend Uncle Jin to take care of everything on their behalf.

As the guest arrived, Sean looked rather pleasant and unnecessarily happy compared to the years before, who knew his reasons! Uncle Jin stood by him welcoming the guests and also watching him and wondering what he was thinking or whom he was waiting for as his eyes has been fixed on the entrance.

He hasn't seen him this excited in a long time and although he was happy but it looked rather strange.

Everyone was in, Uncle Jin needed to go address them but Sean's eyes was fixed at the entrance... He gave him a tap telling him to move inside with him but Sean responded and said Uncle Jin, you go first, I'll join you shortly!

Since the guest were already inside, he wouldn't want to keep them waiting, he ask the two most trusted guards to keep an eye on him while he moved inside.

Du Sean! Waited excitedly... He was willing to wait there for a long time, he was certain she would show up. He had planned everything just for her. But 2 hours passed... People were wondering where the celebrant was, it was time for him to give his thanks and address his guest. He moved inside dejected and sad.

He wore a black suit that compliments his beautiful skin that glows even in the dark, the inner shirt had a touch of pink(as that is her favorite color) his brown silky hair was smoothly combed and in order. His look was so intentional and perfectly because he was so sure she was going to come. He had worked hard and planned everything just for her... As he walk back into the hall, the voices of the female cheers could be heard.

'' Du Sean! I love you, happy birthday, I have planned a gift for you please look my way''

"he's so handsome, oh Du Sean, I can't wait to be your wife"

"Look at you, he's only got eyes for me, no one else"

As all this was going on, his mind was muddled up and wondering what must have happened to her. He heard a soft voice and he turned around to see who was calling him, it's uncle Jin's daughter sun song.

She was wearing a purple dress adorned with so much glittering beads, it fit her perfectly, she looked so beautiful...

She suddenly gave Sean a hug and smiled saying in her casual shy self... Happy birthday Brother Sean.

I took a step back and thanked her.

And as I lifted my head to walk to the bar stand just to get myself drunk and avoid thinking about her... About my Anna!

She walked right in along side Alyson, She looks so beautiful and breath taking, she wore a blue dress and a little touch of make up to compliment her beauty. Her hair was neatly parked and she wore a silver earrings. Yes! I saw all that from this far end distance because my eye site are impeccable besides I only have eyes for her...

I walk to them and she was somewhat surprised! Shocked! She look at me and I felt my heart melting... I cannever forget those eyes! She look at Alyson, as if asking her how I came to be there. As she turn to leave... I held her...

Thank you very much for visiting my book. This is my first and I am very excited. Kindly leave your comments, reviews and votes. Thank you.

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