
WTF I am in the Marvel Universe !

After waking in someone else’s body our protagonist screamed out in fear as he found out he was in the Marvel Universe. Unfortunately for our power hungry protagonist he ended up in the 1980s Marvel Universe where nothing happened. So is our power hungry protagonist path to power stunted before it even started ? Read and find out !

Tony_Wong · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
84 Chs

Interlude - Prince TChalla - Unfortunate Events

Prince TChalla, yes Prince TChalla since he was never coronated as King because Wakanda the country no longer exist except as a hole in the ground, was collecting plastic bottles left behind after the Avengers meeting at Avengers headquarters. No, he wasn't doing it for the environment or the future of mankind. Basically Prince TChalla or Black Panther was now dirt poor. Wakanda was now known as a hole in the ground with zero citizens. The surviving 50 soldiers that followed TChalla back had decided to renounce their Wakandan citizenships and become Americans after they found out TChalla could no longer afford to pay them.

How did this happen you ask ? Well after Wakanda became a hole in the ground with 50 survivors, Prince TChalla was homeless and destitute. That's why TChalla the Black Panther decided to become a member of the Avengers, so he could have a place to stay. Yes, Wakanda still had some money with the World Bank but after all these years of Wakanda pretending to be a poor nation by borrowing a trillion US dollar, the account tends to be in the negative since Wakanda no longer has any Vibranium. Why you ask ? Back then for 10g of Vibranium, Wakanda could sell it for billions of US dollars. So borrowing a trillion US dollar to pretend to be a poor backwards African nation was not something serious. If the World Bank ever asked them to pay back their debt, Wakanda could just give them a few kilograms of Vibranium as payment. But now that Wakanda is a hole in the ground and all the Vibranium supposedly exploded into nothingness. Well the World Bank decided to call back all the loans for Wakanda. Hence nowadays after taking all of Wakanda's assets away, Prince TChalla still owes the World Bank hundreds of billions of US dollars !

That's why Prince TChalla after the Avengers meeting was collecting all the left over plastic bottles of water to recycle for money. He was helping green the world as well as putting some money into his own pocket. As Iron Man Tony Stark left the meeting room he was looking angrily at Prince TChalla while grumbling loudly, "Money grubbing .....". Yes that's the response we get from Tony Stark nowadays whenever he sees Prince TChalla, Tony Stark also calls Prince TChalla the locust !

What happened to cause Tony Stark to call Prince TChalla the locust ? Well at first on the first few days of Avengers duty with Tony Stark and Captain America Steve Rogers, they did not notice anything out of the extraordinary with Prince TChalla Black Panther. Well until the incident with the gun man that is. The Avengers has stopped a group of gun men with high tech weapons. And the last gun man was running away with his high tech weapon. This is what happened.

"Black Panther shoot him with your energy gun ! Don't let him get away !", Captain America Steve Rogers shouted as he saw the gun man with the high tech weapon running away. He was too far away for Captain America to throw his shield.

Black Panther Prince TChalla was looking confused and frustrated as he held his Wakandan energy weapon in his hand. The gun was run on Vibranium technology and once out of ammo, he would need to spend billions of US dollars to buy Vibranium to reload his gun again. The gun held by Prince TChalla is a Wakandan energy gun which requires Vibranium to power. It is one of the few technological items he has left from Wakanda.

"..... but it's so expensive .....", Black Panther Prince TChalla said as he looked at the villain running away while holding his energy gun downwards.

"Tony ! Say something to get him to shoot his gun !", Captain America Steve Rogers shouted out to Tony Stark Iron Man.

"God damn it ! Shoot Black Panther ! Shoot ! I will give you a million US dollar if you shoot !", Iron Man Tony Stark shouted as he was rounding up the rest of the bad guys.

"Really ....!", Black Panther Prince TChalla shouted in delight as he took aim and shot his Wakandan energy weapon at the bad guy running away with the energy weapon. The bad guy fell down unconscious and dropped his energy weapon.

"Money grubbing....locust for money....", Tony Stark was grumbling loudly as he took care of the rest of the bad guys.

Then Black Panther Prince TChalla looked down as his hand holding his gun and wondered if he made a profit or loss from shooting his Wakandan weapon. Would the one million US dollar paid by Tony Stark be enough for him to reload his Wakandan gun with Vibranium in the future.

And thus the adventure of the unfortunate Prince TChalla continues with the Avengers. Prince TChalla the Black Panther nowadays stays in Avengers headquarters to save money. While most of his salary from the Avengers goes off to pay off his hundreds of billions of US dollars of debt with the World Bank. All of Black Panther Prince TChalla's friends disappeared once he lost all his wealth, so basically Prince TChalla has nowhere else to go but Avengers headquarters. And since shopping in New York nowadays is too expensive for Prince TChalla, he is now like a locust for money looking to make money every where in Avengers headquarters. Tony Stark not only has to pay Prince TChalla his salary, he also has to pay him a million US dollars every time he wanted him to shoot his Wakandan energy weapon. That's why Tony Stark dislike Prince TChalla tremendously and calls him the locust. While Captain America will always shout for Tony Stark every time he wants Prince TChalla to use his Wakandan energy weapon. The adventure of Prince TChalla will continue...

Thanks for the support ! Internet line still down so I am using my phone to update ! Releases will be slow ! Thanks gain for the support !

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