
Wtf I am a megalodon?!!!!!!!!(temp down)

I’m big dumb since Idk what an synopsis is, hold up let me look this up(scanning scanning) here we go Synopsis:a brief summery or general survey of something. That’s good to know, ok let’s get goin now shall we. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So ya boi jim....wait wrong one(that’s for later) Ok real one; “so what do you mean I am going to be a GIANT SHARK!” Said a guy that looks very translucent. “You.are.goin.to.be.what’s.known.as.a.me.ga.lo.don. “Said a bright white orb that glows and dims as it says those words one at a time. The guy is starting to get angered, “ok you glowing ball of bird shit, I know what a megalodon is but why am I going to be one?” “Because why not!! You’ve always wanted to know about it so why not learn by being one?” The ball said sarcastically. “Can’t argue there, screw it I’m with ya”said the man who’s starting to calm down. “Ok well you have fun and I’m sending a little “friend” to help you out on your way” said the ball as it started glowing brighter than ever “WAIT WHAT, WHAT FR-“ -story time hehehhehe :)

Megalodon_Shark · แฟนตาซี
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Getting in trouble and understanding that I’m not human anymore

I have no real announcements here since everything is mainly said for now. So enjoy the chap.

*to ze story*

After I say that, she gives a chuckle herself. This is surprising as she is usually the type who never laughed at small jokes like that.

"Oh really, well we never got a bard so entertainment was never really a thing around here unless one entertained themselves. We'll try to get one when we dock but thanks for the entertainment." She gives a light smile after saying that and leaves.

That was interesting. Well time to get going, I need to see if I want to dock with them or not. I head up to what I presume is the captains quarters and knock on the door. After a moment of waiting, I don't hear anything inside so I just leave. Maybe they are inside the ship? I start to walk away when the door opens, I head back to see Levine at the door. She's blushing hard but tries to hide it with her sleeve as she speaks.

"Oh hi megalodon, what is it?" She's trying to hide it but she's breathing hard, sorta irregular so I get the just of what was going on in there.

"Ii wiish too speeaak too thhe caaptaaiin, iiss sshee iin theerree?" I speak out loud in hopes to help my speech a little more.

"Yes, she is. But hold on a moment." She closes the door and I don't hear anything, which makes me look at the door suspiciously.

Does this thing lead to another dimension?! Why can't I hear anything? (From what I see, there's multiple formations surrounding the room. A few of them are noise canceling, while two are protective barriers and the last is a disruption barrier, those are used to protect against magic from the inside)

Ok thanks for the information, I'll just wait here. It seems like they were having fun.

I look down and thank the heavens, my dick didn't come out or I'd rush into the water as soon as I can. I keep an eye on it while I keep the dirty thoughts out of my head. I seriously need to meditate tonight, this is gonna suck if I can't control myself.

After a few moments, the door opens again. However instead of Levine being there, the captain is there. I wave but her mood is definitely sour because it seems like I intruded on something, which I can presume is them having fun together.

"Ii aam soorryy too inntruude buut ii neeed too knooww soomeethhiinng aboouut wheerree wee aarree gooiinng." I spoke as quickly and clearly as I can so I don't get decapitated right there as her hand is on her sword.

She lightens up her mood a bit and says calmly "how about you come by later, Levine and I are speaking about something." She blushes when she says the last part, which confirmed my suspicions.

"Ook yoou twwoo haave fuun, ii wiill coome baack laateer." I try to lower my tone since I basically told her that I knew what they were doing. Although this didn't go well with the captain.

She grabs my head and pulls it next to her head and she whispers to me, "if you tell anyone about what her and I were doing, I will turn you into fish stew." She then let go and went inside, closing the door slowly as she watches me.

I stand there stunned for a moment as I was close to death there for a moment. I quickly head down from there and look around. Then I hear someone call to me.

"Hey fish man come here!" I turn and see a burly man looking at me with a smug look on his face.

I head over and wave. He gives a smile at me and asks "would you be interested in arm wrestling?"

I put my hand on my chin for a moment looking at his arms. I respond happily, "Ii wiill deefiiniiteellyy looze buut whhyy noot."

He looks happier, "alrighty then, come to the other side and let's do this."

I sit down and he puts his arm up, ready to wrestle. I put mine up to his and we are about the same arm length from our elbows to our hands so it looks like an even match except for the fact that his arm is about double the mass of mine.

Another person comes up and puts his hands on ours and starts counting down. When he says one, he let's go and the burly man and I go at it hard.

At first it looks like the burly man has the upper hand. However, I soon push harder and start pushing his arm back. This surprises everyone as no one else could even come close to getting where I went. His face starts going red, and my eyes change and I gain a smaller version of the smile from my fight.

Him and I push as hard as we can but neither can overpower the other, so it comes down to our endurance. So I thought until we hear cracking, before anyone knew what happened. The entire table broke, and we fall down to the ground since when the table broke. Our downward force came together and we butted heads.

We both fall flat on the floor, both of us are laughing, well I'm chuckling with him since I can't really laugh out loud. We both get up and look at the table, then each other. But right as I look at him, I see his face go pale. I quickly change my face back, but he is still pale. Then I see that he's looking behind me. I turn and Kaina is there, with a very angry look on her face.

"So what happened here, Harris?!" She says to the burly man and he responds happily, "well you see, I just beat Ryan at arm wrestling and I saw this fish guy here, so I asked him to arm wrestle and he agrees, then we both go at it and the table broke."

"Hmmm so you two decided to arm wrestle and thought that an old wooden table would survive!" She was fuming at that point as she definitely didn't like Harris's answer.

"Ii loook-" she quickly cuts me off "you are heading to the captains quarters and explaining what happened, while I punish this one" she stares at Harris who looks at me with sadness as having to explain your misdeed to the captain is the worst punishment, but I didn't know this so I just stand up, wave at Harris and head up to the captains quarters.

I am a dead man now. I knock again, ready to lose me head. The door opens again with the captain there, looking at me.

"Come in, let's talk" the captain says coldly.

I walk in and see the room, the captain has me sit down at a table, across from both her and Levine.

Levine is sitting there looking at me in confusion.

"So what's going on?" She asks the captain

"Well first, it seems like megalodon here knows about what we do. And second he has something to say and I'll do the punishment based on what he says." She is staring dagger at me at this point.

Levine looks at me and I just look down at the table. "Fiirst ooff Ii wiill noot teell annyyoonnee aaboouut whaat yoouu twwo doo iin heerree. Seecoonnd ii waass aarrmm wwrreesstlliinngg aa maan naammeed Hhhaaarrriisss aannd wwee brrrooke aaa taabllee" I keep my eyes down, ready for the punishment.

"Is that it?" She asks me, I take a moment and rack my brain for a moment, I don't recall anything else except maybe.

"Ii woouulld liikee too assk aboouut wheerree wee arree gooinng" I'm hoping that there isn't anything I missed

"Not the answer I was expecting, but after your question, I'd like to ask something about your fight with Marthin." She doesn't show any emotion from that statement.

"Mmyy quueesstioonn iiss, wiill ii bee abllee too swwiimm aass ii plleeaassee aat thhe dockss?" I look at her, looking for anyway to see if she'll give a good answer but her face is as emotionless as before.

She just looked at me and gave her response, "I believe you could, just around the ship as many could see you as a threat and try to eliminate you. At least around the ship you could get on and the crew could help you. Now for my question, what do you actually eat?"

....now that I think about it. I haven't eaten since my fight with the juvenile martigar. I just shrug and say "Aannythhiinng" I don't know any exceptions, maybe human flesh as I don't want to gain the taste of it.

She haven't given any emotion the entire time I was in the room. "The reason for this is because after the fight with Marthin, I heard from Kaina that you had his brain in your mouth for a bit and that you grabbed your jaw and opened it, letting the contents fall out as you backed away from it. I need to know if you'll eat human flesh."

I knew at this point that my next words will mean the difference between this situation ending or this escalating into a fight. One that I know I'll lose.

"Iit iis posssiibllee, hooweevver ii rreffrain frrom dooinng iit aas ii doo noot waant too gaaiinn thhee taasste oof iit." I speak truthfully as I am already bracing for a fight.

"So if aren't forced to eat it, you won't eat human flesh." This is the first change she had the entire time I was in the room as her whole demeanor calmed down.

I then hear the elder speak to me. (There is someone else in the room with you three, and they are trying to do something to the captain. Do you want me to stop it? I can't see the situation clearly as the formations around you are weakening my perception in the room) yes, I don't want anything to happen to these two, can you pinpoint where the intruder is?

(Yes, behind the desk, they are using invisible magic. The reason you haven't detected them is because there is a small formation around them, making them invisible to weak perception magic.)

Ok thank you again

I pull my shark eyes out, and stare directly at the seat behind the desk. I can see them barely shuffling with my eyes as my eyesight becomes acute and I can see details that most can't see with the naked eye. They are shivering as I'm staring directly at them. The captain sees where I'm staring and says to Levine

"Looks like he can see through your formation with those eyes. No point having it there if he can see through it." She says at the person behind the desk.

I look at Levine but see that the Levine in front of me disappears and Levine is sitting in the chair behind the desk. Looking at me with fear in her eyes.

"H.How d.id you see me?" She stuttered out.

I point to my head, hoping to have her make a connection. She understands and makes the connection.

"I'm going to ask again" she says "how did you see me?!" She wasn't happy

"I saw the formation then, using my enhanced eyes, saw you shuffling behind the desk."

"I see, so my formations can be seen by you. Well now I got a question for you." She is definitely uncomfortable right now. "Are you a danger to the men on this boat? My reasoning for this is because I have quite a bit of knowledge about namiens and when they are near women, and males that get too close are in danger as namiens are territorial about the women around them."

Now I understand the situation, she misunderstood what I am. I put my eyes away, and explain clearly in her head.

"I am not a namien, we haven't been over this so I understand how you got the wrong idea. I don't have an issue with the men on this boat, earlier I was just arm wrestling one of them. I won't hurt anyone unless they antagonize or hurt me first. Please reiterate this to the captain"

That is my chance to end the situation on a high note. She reiterates it to the captain and the situation, I hope, has been resolved.

"Well it's getting midday right now so now it's time to dish out the punishment" the captain says then looks at me. I break out into cold sweat after hearing this. "You aren't officially one of my men so I can't punish you in accordance to such. But you did break one of the tables down there with Harris, so you both will take the punishment together."

She looks at Levine and she nods. After that Harris and Kaina come through the door, she has a poker face, and he is confused. I stare at him and he stares back, we both have a confused look on our face, so we both know that neither of us know what's going on.