

However, there are people who are afraid, and there are also people who are not afraid.

"Well~ Compared to Naruto's time, this guy's aura seems to be a bit lacking."

Turning her head slightly, Hinata is not lying. Although the strength of tailed beasts is indeed not divided according to the number of tails, for example, the strength of four and five tails may be higher than that of six and seven tails, but the number of tails does represent the specific chakra of the tailed beast. content.

That is to say, although it is not completely certain that the strength of the one-tailed guard crane is the weakest among the tailed beasts, its chakra content is definitely the least. Naturally, the nine tails in Naruto's stomach have the most chakra, no matter what other aspects.

In this world, no matter what ninjutsu or anything, you need to look at the amount of chakra to determine most of the power, the amount of chakra is definitely one of the most important indicators that can determine the specific ability of a ninja.

"Indeed...Although I still feel scared to vomit, but compared to the last time, it's still better..."

Although cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, Shikamaru and the others obviously remained calm, which made the newly joined Neji and the others look at them in surprise, and the most impatient Teeth said in surprise, "Hey, hey. Have you dealt with this kind of thing before?"

"Ah... Although it is indeed scary, it can still be attacked and restricted, and he has no reinforcements, so he can attack cooperatively."

Shino also cautiously released his own bug, ready to pay attention to the actions of the Gaara in front of him at all times, and seeing the performance of the Hinata group, the panic of Neji and Ya was obviously weakened a lot, and then slowly. Calm down.

"Ah? What, my last time?? Why didn't I know?"

Only Naruto was still looking around in surprise, while Sasuke on the side just said impatiently: "Shut up, you big idiot! If you want to feel it, just fight him!"

"Hehehe ~ ah hahahaha ~ !! You are really interesting !! I am not afraid of me !! So!"

At this moment, Gaara, who was standing on the ground, finally began to undergo a terrifying change. The sand gourd on his back seemed to extend to his left arm like a living organism, forming a ferocious monster covered with purple patterns and sharp claws. Huge palm, and the right half of the face is protruded by the yellow sand as if swollen, forming a half-faced civet cat like a ghost cat. !

"Cheer up!! Now is the real S-rank mission target!!"

With a loud shout, Hinata also jumped down first. If she remembered correctly, although Gaara in this form in the original book was powerful, even Sasuke at the time could avoid his attack, so what about the current self? In other words, Gaara's speed is still not a threat!

"Ah ah ah!!"

Seeing the target who was eager to kill took the initiative to rush down, Gaara, who had already turned into a half-tailed beast, roared wildly, and the deformed giant claw suddenly stretched out, like a winding poisonous snake, slapped towards Hinata who was rushing towards him! !

Sure enough, this speed is not a problem!

In her heart, Hinata quickly stomped on the tree trunk on one side. This beautiful leveraging action not only allowed her to perfectly avoid Gaara's blow, but also jumped directly to Gaara's right. At that time, Gaara's transformation was not complete, and the body on the right side was without any protection.

Inhaling a little, Hinata's chakra also began to gather in one breath. It was on the middle fingers of her right hand that a blazing flame burst open with the wave of the white-eyed girl's right arm. It was Nandou. Flame Killing Fist Profound Truth - Orochimaru! !

Compared with Chilongbo, Orochimaru's range and ability to search for enemies are undoubtedly much weaker, but it is better than its concentrated power and consumes relatively little, and after Hinata's strength has improved over time, Orochimaru's display has been successful. One less finger means it's a whole class more powerful and focused!

After all, half of the current Gaara is made of sand, and it is obviously not suitable to use the eight-child-type moves that require complete close-to-body combat. Therefore, the mid-to-close-range move of Orochimaru, which focuses on breakthroughs, is particularly suitable! !


Gaara, who was a bit slower in speed, didn't have time to dodge at all, and could only instinctively retract his arm to block in front of him, but at this moment, a dark shadow had quickly swept up to his feet and controlled his body. ! ! It was Shikamaru who had already performed the shadow restraint technique! !

"Accept the call!!"

With a low roar, Hinata's strength increased by three points again, and the blazing flame suddenly soared, directly involving Gaara, the blazing flame immediately made Gaara, who was wrapped in the sand armor, feel After all, although the sand has a certain defense against the flame in a short period of time, if the temperature of the flame exceeds the standard, it will immediately become hot, which will cause higher follow-up burns to those who touch it! !

"Ahhhhhh!! It hurts!! Mom!! It hurts!!"

Gaara, who was caught by the shadow binding technique, screamed wildly, but he couldn't break free immediately. After all, the capturing power of the shadow binding technique was quite powerful. Get rid of it immediately.


At this time, knowing that the enemy in front of him is no longer an ordinary person, Sasuke also made a ruthless attack! Taking advantage of the moment when Gaara couldn't move, the dazzling Chidori electric ball on the left arm skyrocketed, and then stabbed straight down towards Gaara's chest! !

"Ah ah ah!!"

However, the power of the tailed beast is enormous after all. Although Gaara's body cannot move now, at the end of the sand gourd, a huge civet cat's tail quickly grows again, and it will be caught off guard like a baseball. Sasuke flew straight out! !

And then, there was a continuous light sound on the sand tail, and a series of gravel was thrown at Shikamaru who performed the shadow binding technique like a shuriken under the jet of Chakra! !


The shocked Shikamaru didn't have time to defend, so he was blown away. Fortunately, Neji on the side rushed over, and the next sand shuriken flew with a bullet, which prevented Shikamaru from being seriously injured.

"Ahahahaha~!! You can't kill me!!"

Gaara, who got rid of the bondage, laughed loudly, and as if the pain had stimulated his potential before, a large piece of gravel quickly emerged from the gourd, and then covered his entire body, and that abnormal chakra finally accumulated. At the top, it exploded! !

"Everyone avoids!"

Just before he had time to roar these words, Hinata was knocked flying by the strong wind rushing in front of him, and the ground of the entire forest wailed and trembled in an instant, revealing the incomparably huge monster under the noon sun! !

One of the Nine Tailed Beasts - One-tailed Shouhe! Officially appeared! !

(PS1: Hmm... today's practice is completed... Finally, one more update, 22 more...)

(PS2: In the next section, the group fights Shouhe~~ Tsk, it's really inconvenient not to be able to summon the mercury lamp~~~ I have to cooperate with these weak boys to act~~)

monster battle

The entire huge Konoha forest seemed to be crying at this moment. The huge trees that were thick and strong enough for the ninjas to fight on top of them fell and broke. The tremor on the ground was like a violent earthquake. , the animals that originally inhabited in the woods were startled and fled to the surroundings, all because of the huge black shadow standing in the forest.

Even though he was already mentally prepared, Hinata couldn't help but nodded secretly when he saw the size of the shadow: The guy in front of him was definitely 30 meters tall, and he was still lying on all fours, plus that This kind of thick and fat body, I am afraid that only the giant of light can deal with it outside.

"...It's really bad...The map of this area, I'm afraid it will be remade after this..."

The Hinata group on the side also avoided and gathered around Hinata in a timely manner, while Shikamaru, who had a blank face, muttered, and now it may be too late to run. This 30-meter-tall monster can take even a step. Enough to catch up with everyone at a distance of dozens of steps.

"Naruto, use the psychic technique to take out all your strength to suckle, our life and death are all up to you."

Hinata is not too worried, after all, she still has the trump card of the mercury lamp, which is useless at the bottom of the box. With the powerful ice escape of the immortal body, it is more than enough to protect herself, but these people can't guarantee it, so she will Immediately open his mouth to put pressure on Naruto.

"Ah? But, Toad Zhong is not as big as this guy at all!"

Shocked by Shouhe's aura, Naruto, who has always been daring, also showed a rare expression of horror, but despite this, the golden retriever's fighting spirit did not disappear. Although he questioned his mouth, he snapped his index finger sharply and planned to Do as Hinata says.

"Then you can summon a bigger toad! Remember! Just use the chakra consumption you used to cast the psychic spell!"

Hinata let out a low drink, but Naruto gritted his teeth slightly. The golden-haired boy's keen intuition also clearly sensed the situation where Shouhe's evil attention was locked on this side. Everyone in the group is really going to be buried here by this sand-tailed beast today!

Therefore, Naruto, who has always been able to keep the chain at the critical moment, also desperately released his own chakra, and then shouted wildly after the quick seal: "The art of psychic!!"

As Naruto tried his best to release the chakra fluctuations, a dull vibration reverberated over the Konoha forest. After the large tracts of psychic smoke quickly dissipated, a giant almost the size of Shouhe also followed. It appeared in this area, and the stunned Hinata group members were now on the head of this giant.

"Well...it seems to be a success."

After confirming that the giant creature summoned by Naruto at his feet was already equal to Shouzuru in size, Hinata raised his eyebrows slightly and put down Wei Wei's right hand, which was ready to summon the mercury lamp at any time.

Strictly speaking, there is only one factor that determines the strength of the summoned object of the psychic technique, and that is: the total amount of chakra that bursts out in an instant when the psychic technique is released.

In short, this means: not only the total amount of chakra of the caster is required to reach the standard, but also the explosive power of chakra must reach a certain level. People who have the total amount of chakra but the instantaneous explosive power are also unable to call out. Powerful psychic beast. The best example is Naruto, who just practiced the psychic technique in the original book. Even though his total chakra at that time was almost comparable to that of Kakashi, his chakra explosive power was so weak that at the beginning even only Can call tadpoles such a funny thing.

It was not until later that Nine Tails selflessly assisted him with a huge amount of chakra, which allowed him to call out a giant like Toad Wentai with the same proportion of chakra explosive power. By the way, if Kakashi can get the part of the chakra when Naruto is psychic, it is estimated that it will be enough for Kakashi to summon five giant psychic beasts of the same level as Toad Wenta.