
Wronged Alpha Mate

Soon to be alpha find out he have male mate and he couldn't make a peace with it. He thought it's just an attraction but he is not gay. He feels desire for him and can't keep in his pants when he see his mate.

Anki002 · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

28. Did done.

Cody took a few moments to understand the situation. He was over Dale's body with a wet pant, body covered in sweat on this breezy night.

Dales was barely conscious below him, his breathing was slow. Dale's back was all scratch from rubbing over hard ground. Dale's wrist has dark bruises from tight holding. Dale's one side face was all scratched dangerously, When Cody locked Dale's Hands and leg, Dale started to bite. To avoid bites, Cody pressed Dale's head one side too hard and rubbing was on going, so face was in the worst condition and Cody can tell from look, it will take the longest time to heal.

Cody's body heals fast, but a normal werewolf will take at least 8 hours to heal completely as per Cody's calculation. Dale is a little weak but as per Cody 10 hours is enough for Dale. The ceremony will start too early for Cody, Alpha, healer and a few elders but for all others it will start in the evening, in the morning there is football match for entertainment. Ruth is team captain so Dale has to be there but Dale has 10 hours until the match starts.

But healing needs good nutrition, wolf-bane needs herbs and ointment can help with skin. So if Cody plans everything right this accident can go unnoticed if Dale doesn't open his mouth. And Dale has been silent on this matter so Cody can assume.

Now time to execute the plan, Dale is nearly unconscious, so he can't move on his own, Cody lifts him bridal style and starts to run towards Dale's Room. That's the only safe and nearest place right now. It's outside from the main pack. Cody's room is in the middle so there is a chance that someone can see.

He came below Dale's room window, he can't just ring the bell so window is the best option, Dale is not heavy for him he can jump lifting him in the room but he doesn't know the infrastructure of the room and Dale is already injured he doesn't want another accident with Dale's body. So he climbed a tree near Dale's house then landed on the roof and then he placed Dale on the roof very carefully then went towards the window. It was locked but he knew the trick to open, all packs have the same type of widows so opened it. He went in and saw the infrastructure. He moved all the furniture near the window then calculated the distance for safe landing.

When he came back Dale was a little conscious and was trying to get up. Cody just lifted him and jumped, before Dale could realize anything he was on his bed, Cody's landing was very safe.

Dale opened his eyes after the stabilized form jump it was too sudden for him. Cody opened the bathroom door and started the heater, Dale has wounds all over body so bath is the simplest way to wash them all. He came back into the room and started to search drawers.

Dale was confused, he didn't want future alpha in his room.

Dale asked, "What do you want?"

Cody, "Medicine".

Dale, "Go to your house and search for them there."

Dale knows words were strong but after what Cody has done, he doesn't want to hold back. If his body had been straight he would have punched Cody in the face. Right now the only organ he can move is tongue and Dale decided to use it. Other hand he does want to see Cody's face right now, it's too much for him.

Cody, "You need a wolf-bane cure and I don't have it. You need a bath and something to apply on this to heal fast."

Dale "I'm good, I will take a bath, apply something on my wounds. You can leave."

Cody, " you can barely stand on your own, let me help you, once all done i will leave. "

Dale, " You have helped enough to create this mess now leave.."

Cody, "I know, I have done this that's why I want to help and you can't do this on your own."

Dale,"I can call Ruth for help but please leave."

Cody, "No. Not Ruth. If she saw you like this, she would declare war. I can ask Micheal ...."

Cody wanted to say, "...for help" but Dale cut him in the middle.

Dale, "War is already on. Now you leave. It's better for you or believe me I can make this hell for you."

Cody was a little surprised by Dale's reply but he didn't show anything on face. He decided to play it cool and resolve this matter after the ceremony.

He took a diary and pen from the table, wrote his mobile number and mumbled, "Call me if anything is needed."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Anki002creators' thoughts