
wrong skills in the wrong universe

Charlie died due to fighting along side Angels in the never ending war between Heaven and Hell. this war happened due to a slight misunderstanding between God and his son Lucifer. Being unsatisfied with his father, Lucifer decided to rebel against his Father. Before the war began, Everyone in Heaven has a life, I might think an angel doesn't have one right... Being an angel for Charlie is boring, there's sometimes no task for him to finish. so he indulge himself in Novels, movies and comics from earth. he finds them really unique and interesting. reading them makes him feel full of life. but he has to abandon them all and put them all behind him and focus on the war for the time being. he don't know if he will survive but he's glad for the time given to him to read and watch all of them. Having fought for thousands of years, Heaven could finally see the light of victory. Charlie was ecstatic, until he saw one of the demons was sneaking behind his brother, Amanadiel. holding a blade forge in hell. if an Angel or demon was stabbed by it, they will die and never to resurrect. Worried that Amanadiel might get stabbed, Charlie immediately ran towards the blade, while pushing Amanadiel away from the blade. due to his sudden march, the demon stabbed the blade right in his heart. Amanadiel who managed to survive thanks to Charlie was flabbergasted, he was both feeling kind of thankful and sad seeing Charlie die like that. killing the demon holding the blade, Amanadiel quickly hold Charlie's body in his arms. Tears starting to flood his eyes and face. currently even crying he still looks majestic. Charlie wiping Amanadiel's tear off, he said "don't cry brother, I'll see you soon..I promise" pausing at that last sentence, Charlie seems to want to speak more to his brother but darkness took his consciousness away.

wishes · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

promise I'll never get to fulfill

There seems to be no light in this place, only darkness. I don't know how long I've been here for, might be days, months or even years.

This place seems to have no meaning of time, maybe it is because the darkness took it away. wandering in this place alone, makes you feel desperate for a way out. But I have long past that stage, now I'm just hoping I'll dissipate into nothingness so I could finally rest in peace.

I don't know who I am talking to, it must be because my mind is slowly corroded by the darkness. Floating in here is boring. The only thing that kept me entertained here is Remembering back the novels, comics and movies that I have watched back in silver city.

thinking back about the war, I wonder how everyone is..

looking at the empty void, the golden light in Charlie's life orb starting to fade little by little as it dropped down slowly into what seems like a floor in the void.

Charlie could feel that it is now the time for his existence to finally disappear

I'm sorry for not being able to keep my promise Amanadiel.

slowly, his life orb turned smaller and smaller until it completely vanished from existence.

feeling the warmth that he longed for, Charlie quickly opened his eyes wide. trying to make sure that he is still alive. looking around him, he saw that this place looks like one of his rooms. quickly analyzing his current state he was in he looks completely alive... and he is currently lying in his bed.

feeling confused, if he remembered correctly, this is what they call turning back time..is..is it true, did I turn back the time?

"no you did not, my child"

suddenly a majestic and powerful voice he has ever heard rang in his ear.

he soon realised that he's currently not alone. Looking towards the source of the voice, he quickly found his father, God.

"hey...long time no see father" feeling slightly awkward as it has been years since they last talked and Charlie does not know how to communicate anymore. socializing feels weird after being alone in complete darkness with no one to practice socializing.

"you did good Charlie" looking at Charlie, God's eyes seems to warm up a little bit.

"how's Amanadiel and the silver city?" asked Charlie with a bit of anticipation, he don't know what happens to both heaven and hell and was hoping that his father could catch him up on the topic.

"Amanadiel, he's great and healthy thanks to you and also we've finally won the battle. I've also confiscated your brother Lucifer's flaming sword away from him and I also banished your mother to hell. it looks like she was the one who started the rebel against us."

sitting down beside Charlie on the bed, God started to tell what happened in the war after Charlie died.

"but mother, she's so loving and gentle..how could she?" pausing for a few minutes to take it all in Charlie continues

"so much had happened....how..how many years has I been gone father?"

"the war ended 11 thousand years ago and you've been gone for 50 thousand years" looking at Charlie's eyes God decided to tell Charlie the truth. Charlie reminds him of his wife the goddess of creation, she's so charming and gentle but things seems to suddenly go wrong. Charlie is also the only one who inherited his mother's power and I hope he won't be like just her.

"but why now, why now did you finally talk to me or revived me? I don't understand"

feeling slightly sad about being abandoned for 50 thousand years, Charlie wants to know why now did his father decided to meet him.

"actually, we've been searching for a way to bring you back. but we only managed to recover your soul. you're here for a limited time only. there's not much time, I came to tell you that we have to send you to other universe for you to have another body" remembering his purpose here God told Charlie that he only has an hour before his soul fully vanished from existence.

"what do you mean by that, that means..I can leave silver city?!" God can see the ecstacy in Charlie's voice and expression. he's confused, why would Charlie be happy, isn't heaven great?

"y..yeah you can leave silver city, uhukk"

feeling flabbergasted by Charlie's antique, God continues.

"I'll send your soul to one of the universe, I don't know which one as it will be random and I hope this chance of life could repay for what you did back in the war. see you again my child" smiling and waving his hand Charlie's soul quickly got sucked into a vortex full of lightning and dark clouds.

"but I haven't finished talking yettttttt" his voice trailed off through the vortex and god only smile.

"damn I want to tell him to send to one of the wuxia world of probably the comics, that would be nice. with my strength and angel ability I think I'll thrive there."

feeling so giddy of the upcoming event he will face. he thought he might be sent to a world full of actions and drama but little did he know the world he's going to be in. he'll definitely wish god will take him back to silver city.