
Written in the Stars - Bruno

They say that no one can say what our future will be like... That's what Bruno believed until that late afternoon when he was approached together with his friends by a gypsy. He was completely skeptical until the gypsy sealed his fate: He will marry until the age of 24, will have four children. He will get rich, but not by doing what he loves, let alone gambling. His father will die at age 60 and will die two years younger than he. His fate is tied to a young woman with brown hair, and this would all happen only when Bruno met this woman. He promised himself never to fall in love with any brown haired woman... And that was until he met Helena.

Pauliny_Nunes · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

Chapter 9

Regina approaches the couple, angry. Wasn't it possible that her daughter had been able to stand there in the middle of the street kissing a complete stranger? She stares at the boy and his surprise at recognizing Bruno. Regina narrows her eyes, staring at Helena, and then let's go between her teeth:

— Come in now, Helena.

Helena looks at Bruno one last time, picks up the bag from the ground and enters into the inn, being observed by Regina, who remains outside. Then Helena's mother turns to the boy and says:

— Bruno, isn't it?

—Yes, that's my name. - Bruno replies, offering a smile to Regina that remains serious.

—Listen well what I'll tell you: forget that Helena exists. She is engaged…

—I think you are not… From what she told me, was practically left at the altar. - Argues Bruno.

—She is going through a difficult time, and her presence can hinder her recovery. So stay away, boy. My daughter is not for you. - Ends Regina, turning towards the inn.

—I believe it's up to her and not you.

—How did you say? - Asks Regina, turning, angry at the boy's boldness.

—That's exactly what you heard. I will only walk away from Helena when she wants me to do it. She has to ask me to do it. - Bruno explains emphatically. He fixes his bike and when he is about to leave; he says: — Good night; I expect Helena tomorrow at the store.

Bruno goes cycling down the street under the glare of Regina, who enters with a bad mood. She enters the room of the daughter, who is storing the costumes in the wardrobe under the eyes of her brother.

—Does that mean that you now started to lie to me? - Asks Regina with her hands on her waist, staring at her daughter.

— I did not lie to you, Mother. Do not overdo it. - Says Helena, ignoring her mother's drama.

—You didn't lie to me? He left here saying that he was going to cancel the package made, but he spent the whole day away and still to complete, behold, that he appears to kiss with the boy of his birthday.

—Wow! How is it? - Marcelo speaks, shocked by his mother's revelations. He sits on his sister's bed, arching his eyebrow as he lets go: — Sis, are you kissing Bruno? But he doesn't have a girlfriend?

— What? Is he committed? My daughter, what is happening to you? - Regina asks, horrified.

—Mom, less, okay? Things are not so well. - Refuses Helena moving away from the wardrobe. She looks at her brother and says: — To begin with, Bruno has no girlfriend… no more. Second, I did not go out saying that I was going to cancel the package. I just said I'd see what I could do. Third, that I did not cancel the package because I did not want, and before they ask me, I spent the day at Bruno's house meeting his parents who are wonderful and treated me very well.

— And what the hell were you doing at his family's house?

—Isn't it obvious, Mother? She went to meet the new father-in-law. - Marcelo answers for his sister, making his mother's eyes widen.

— No, Marcelo. I went there because I went to get a costume to wear on the tour we would do today. In fact, I don't know if I ever talked, but Bruno is my tour guide and I took them all with me. I rode around on my bike. I gave a single kiss… not necessarily in that order.

— That's enough. - Says Regina, raising her hands towards her children. — Helena, you will reschedule our tickets for tomorrow. We've had enough rest… it's time to come back.

— But mother…—Complains Marcelo.

— Mother nothing. - Interrupts Regina. — Helena, reschedule the passage and you, Marcelo, go to this blessed place where that man works…

— That man has a name, Mama. His name is Bruno. - Speak, Helena, angry.

— Get out there, Marcelo, first thing tomorrow morning and cancel that damn cycling package.

— I forbid, Marcelo. - Says Helena to her brother.

— It's an order!

— No! You do not rule over me… over us! - Says Helena, standing before her mother as she has never done in her life. — You're making a big deal out of it.

— I'm making a big deal out of it? I caught you kissing another man! Imagine if Leandro dreams about it?

— My life is no longer Leandro's business. As well as who I kiss or not, is also none of your business. - Helena answers.

— Ah, but it is! As long as you live under my roof, eat my food and depend on my money because now you're so in debt that you're going to need me… So yes, my dear daughter, your life is my business, yes. - Rebate Regina, narrowing his eyes. She picks up the phone from the top of the bed and extends it towards Helena, saying. — Now reschedule our passages.

Helena holds the phone in her hands, facing her mother. Her will was to keep fighting, but in the end her mother was right. She was indebted to the marriage, even though Leandro's parents had committed to bear half of the damages. The blonde dials the number of the airline that calls next, while is watched by her mother and her brother, who look at her with disappointment face.

— … airlines, good morning. My name is Sonia. What can I do for you? - Asks the attendant across the line.

— Hello Sonia, I'd like to reschedule my reservation. - Begins Helena, who then turns to her family and says: — Will it be possible for you to leave my room at least?

Regina then pulls Marcelo's arm and the two leave the room, leaving Helena alone.


Bruno arrives at the store early, anxious. He could not sleep at night thinking about the kiss he gave Helena. He had to remember when it was the last time he felt that way when he kissed someone. The only thing I was sure of was that I needed to touch Helena's lips once again.

— Good morning.

—Good morning. - Bruno responds, turning and finding Marcelo standing at the door of the store, which makes him arch his eyebrow. He wanted Helena's lips, but for some reason now he was face to face with her brother. — What can I do for you?

—Bruno, right? - Asks Marcelo, approaching and taking off his sunglasses. — I came here to warn you that Helena won't be taking the tours with you anymore. I'm here to terminate any link my sister has to your company.

—Do you have any reason for this decision? - Asks Bruno, already knowing the answer. From the look on Helena's mother's face the night before, he knew he was in danger of never seeing Helena again.

— Personal reasons. - Informs Marcelo, evasive.

—Right, but I can't throw that into the system… I need something more specific to take the fall.

—Is this for the system or for you? - Asks Marcelo, crossing his arms.

—Does it make a difference? - Asks Bruno, receiving a sarcastic smile from Helena's brother.

—Now I understand where my sister's daring is coming from. - Comments Marcelo cleaning his glasses from the wine shirt he wore.

—And that's a problem? - Asks Bruno, annoyed by the comment.

—None. Actually, I'm your biggest supporter. I'm a fan. - Marcelo says, raising his arms and making a bow. — You have no idea how grateful I am for making my sister react to my mother.

—Thank you. - Thanks Bruno, with fear, because he felt that there was a "but" coming in the words of Marcelo.

—Yeah, but that led my mother to take drastic actions. - Informs Marcelo putting the glasses back on his face. — We're leaving Parati early. So, I believe your romance is over. Until, one day, brother-in-law.

Marcelo turns towards the door of the store without expecting any response from Bruno, who was surprised at the speech of the boy. He did not know why he felt his chest tighten more and more than he wished to ask Helena not to leave, but his legs did not obey the command of his heart. Bruno's friends arrived at the store, greeted him, but he did not pay attention. His mind was far away from reliving the few memories they had with Helena, but that marked him so much.

—Bruno, are you okay? - Jonathan asks, approaching his friend.

—No... - Replies Bruno, facing his friend. — I'm not.

—Ihhh, someone took a foot in the ass or a well given out. - Plays Lucas in the background.

— I kissed her. - Reveals Bruno, still stunned. He tells the complete story to friends and then says: — I kissed her, and she goes away. Her mother forced her to leave.

—Well, that's usually how it works with you. - Gabriel comments by opening the computer. — You stay with the girl, and then she goes away. No romantic bond, remember?

—Helena is different. - Argues Bruno, turning to friends. — I don't know… there is something about her that attracts me and makes me want to be close. I don't want her to go… not yet.

— Man… I don't even know what to tell you, but you remember your prophecy. Beware, because this surreal thing of yours can be that. - Explains Lucas to his friend.

—No, Helena is blonde. The prophecy is very clear: a woman with brown hair. - Recalls Gabriel.

—That's right. Helena is not the woman of prophecy, so if you fall in love with her... – Jonathan begins.

— No problem. - Ends Bruno smiling to friends. — I need to go.

— Go where? - Asks Gabriel without receiving an answer, because Bruno has already run down the street.


Bruno's breath gives his fatigue, but he did not think about giving up. On the contrary, the only thing that came into his mind was that in a few blocks, he would arrive at the inn and meet Helena. What would you say? I had no idea, but I needed to see her again, even if it was to say goodbye. The boy is already turning the corner when he sees Marcelo with two suitcases in hand-delivering to the driver of the van parked in front of the inn. The driver keeps the bags while Marcelo enters the vehicle, closing the door. Bruno decides to speed up his steps more, but the driver got into the van and without thinking twice drove away, leaving only the dust for the boy.

Bruno tilts his torso forward, holding his knees as he thinks: that's it, Helena had left and there was nothing he could do.

—Bruno? - Ask Helena appearing at the entrance of the Inn. — What are you doing here?

Bruno gets up and the only attitude he takes is to pull Helena into his embrace, kissing her ardently.