
Written in Blood RPG

Get ready for a wild ride as Onyx leads you through an extraordinary world where vampires, werewolves and Fays mingle with Magicborns and Terrans. There's no telling what surprises this new universe holds or who will be friend...or foe! Don't miss out on the exhilarating releases full of mind-bending twists that blur reality and fantasy until it leaves readers wondering "what is real?". Journey alongside Onyx to discover her truth. Also I have the Book A Woman No One Knows and it is contracted as my main book right now.

Writer_Shi · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

The Lost Jewel?

"Touching her did work as I guessed. Master you were in a daze. What are you holding there in your hands? It feels very powerful and pleasing to me for some reason. Are you ok? Cain came back all worried and started talking about how you just vanished in a blink of a bright flash of light." Xu said trying to direct the anger I had for being touched towards him rather then Jin.

"It is ok Xu, I knew it would probably make her mad, which is why I did not let you touch her. I have a better heal rate then you do." Jin replied back, "It is nice to see you Master, please forgive the touch as we were trying to bring you back. You were just standing there and were not responding to my voice or presence. We were worried about you and your safety. What happened?"

"It is ok, I am not mad at either of you." I said and watched both of them slightly relax. "I finished the quest and got my quest rewards, one of the items was called The Golden Ticket. It activated as soon as I tried to look at it. I was brought to a special area to pick my item choice. This is what I picked."

As I was saying that I watched both of them become very excited when I said, The Golden Ticket. I held out the item and showed them both the item.

"Master, I do not need to come even closer that is a lost Jewel, its a legendary, mythic item. It was presumed lost a long time ago and belonged to the first of our kind. If I am not mistaken of course." Jin said in awe.

"What is it called Master?" Xu asked in shock.

"Honestly, I am not sure. This is all the information I got on it." I said as I shared the item information with them

Item: Black Jewel of ???, Grants the wearer something based on who you are.

Color Jet Black

Value: 2,000,000 Gold

"I am very glad that I was sent to you now Master. Cain was wise to tell me to do that. I might have to give him a fresh look and assessment now." Jin said. "Now we can protect you as we escort you back to the seethe. That item is probably the most valuable thing in this entire region. Thieves will definitely try to steal it if they think they can get away with it."

"You two know this village right? Where could I go to get this appraised?" I asked.

"I know of only one place that is within a days travel that could provide you with more answers but the journey is dangerous and we would need more people to travel with us to protect that Jewel." Jin replied back. "They are shady but very powerful and will do whatever you wish for a hefty price."

"Then back to the seethe we go for now until we can gather up more people for the trip." I ordered as I started walking my way back to the Inn.

***Chime you have 30 minutes until your set time to log out. Please make sure you are in a safe and secure location by then.***

I rolled my eyes and said to myself, "Figures I am running out of time tonight just when things were getting good."

Just as I walked back into the Inn I got notified that my partner wants to end the session shortly. I replied back, I will be ready in a couple minutes need to set people tasks before I logout. I got a thumbs up as a reply.

"Jin, Gather up a group to escort me to this place you know. Xu, guard my room door. Only Cain is allowed into my room tonight." I ordered as we walked down the stairs.

"Yes Master" they both said in unison.

As I moved through the room, I saw Georgina stand up wide eyed. She was hugging herself and shocked to see me back with Jin and Xu.

"I will deal with you tomorrow, Georgina. Max come here and drink. Cain go to my room and get undressed. Micheal watch over the seethe while I rest for tonight. Xu get someone else to stand guard with you while I rest. I am not to be bothered tonight for any reason that is less then the Inn is on fire and we are all going to burn to death if I do not get told. Do I make myself clear?"

I got various, Yes Masters and I shall do as you say and even one I will behave tonight. That last one made me raise my eyebrows a bit but I kept walking to my room only stopping to let Max feed to protect him from the sunlight.

"Share your blood with Hanho and you both should be fine for a few days out in the sun." I said to Max as I walked by and opened my room door, to see Cain already having his shirt off. He was beat red and trying to hide behind his shirt.

Laughing I said, "Cain it is ok, I am not going to do anything to you. You just need to take a bath and change your clothes as I could smell you when I first came down the stairs."

"Oh, Ok Master," Cain said sounding a bit disappointed and yet he looked relieved. "Are you logging out for the night? I will watch over your room and you while you are away."

I nodded, "That is the plan, I will be contacting you when I get home and in my room. While I am away, use my bathroom and get yourself cleaned up. You are welcome to watch what I do tomorrow when I wake up and learn more about my world."

As I finished saying that I laid down on my bed and started to log out.

*** Logging you out now***