
Written in Blood RPG

Get ready for a wild ride as Onyx leads you through an extraordinary world where vampires, werewolves and Fays mingle with Magicborns and Terrans. There's no telling what surprises this new universe holds or who will be friend...or foe! Don't miss out on the exhilarating releases full of mind-bending twists that blur reality and fantasy until it leaves readers wondering "what is real?". Journey alongside Onyx to discover her truth. Also I have the Book A Woman No One Knows and it is contracted as my main book right now.

Writer_Shi · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

Rewards and Points

Adam just shook his head and started walking back to our location. I quickly caught up. Wondering what we might get for winning, I almost jogged along beside Adam. We slowed down some so Shadow could catch back up. I could tell Adam was bitter about something but I did not want to pry.

"I am pissed," Adam said out of the blue. "Ramona lost against Claire. I am never going to hear the end of that one."

"Ahh, so that is why you are upset rather then happy that we won." I said to counter his mood. "I for one can't wait to see what we will win."

"Who is Claire?" Shadow asked.

"Claire is his girlfriend in the real world also known as Eve here in the game." I replied.

"Oh, ok. So you guys know each other in real life then. Why are you all different races then? You could of formed a party and did this quest together rather then two and two. Unless you wanted to be against each other but from what it seemed like, there wasn't a desire to face each other coming from you freaky vampire and that really fast werewolf." Shadow replied.

Laughing I replied, "I told you that we should not go against each other. We are both leaders of your respected packs and to have us face each other would be really bad. It would mean war for my seethe and his pack if either of us lost to the other person in any way, shape, or form."

"Well you did beat him in this mission, you just never fought him. It looked like his slave though was going to take you on. I think if you had not turned away from him you would of had to fight at least the slave." Shadow replied back.

"I think Shadow is right, Lilith, watch out of Alfred. He is clearly no ally to you even if his master is your ally." Adam replied.

"I agree," Nodding to their points of view. "Thanks Shadow and Adam for that insight."

"Wait a second, Adam and your girlfriend's name is Eve. That is just too cute. Wait a sec you are Lilith as well. I wonder where you got your names from. This is too funny." Shadowed giggled as she spoke.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, we were almost half way to our starting point. I noticed that Adam kept eyeing Shadow. Looked like he wanted something or did not like what she was laughing about. I knew it was only a matter of time and boy was I right. We just walked past the fountain when I heard him clear his throat. Shadow ignored him and kept her pace steady.

"Hey Shadow?" Adam asked.

"What do you want Adam?" Asked Shadow.

"Could you teach me how you used your illusion? I really want to know how to do it." Adam asked with his head down.

"Haven't you met the queen yet? She teaches you how to do it. Did you not pay attention or something?" Shadow questioned.

"Actually I haven't met her yet. I am a bit afraid that she will assign me as a guard or something and I wont have free reign to part with my friends. Shadow I really want to learn how to do it." Adam replied.

"I am sorry, I can't teach you it as its forbidden to learn it before you meet with the queen. Stop being so scared and just go and meet her. I have never heard of her taking a player as a guard before. Besides if that were to happen you can always just refuse the job, or at least get yourself fired from the job." Shadow said. "I was made a scout as most of the Fay players end up being. So we can travel and report back what we see to her. This allows us to be able to take quests and everything with no issues."

Adam nodded and went around the final corner to our starting place. A golden chest was sitting there with 4 player names above it. Of course it was our names. Just then the other vampire in our party appeared out of no where and fell on her butt. It appears that she is back from the dead now.

"So we won huh, very nice." She said. "Touch the chest with me so it will unlock and open please."

We all touched the chest together.

*** Congratulations for winning the quest please do enjoy your selection from the rewards. Remember whatever you choose will be bound to you and can not be sold or traded. You can only destroy it if you no longer want to have it.***

A screen popped up, You have earned 100 experience, 300 gold coins and a gold ticket. Do you accept the reward? Yes or No

I reached up and touched yes, although I was a bit disappointed in the reward. I thought it would be a really good reward and not just this stuff.

A chime was heard, You have now reached level 2. You have been granted 2 attribute points and a skill point. Please review your skill options and put in your points.

My inventory bag icon was blinking so I reached down to open it. I could see the gold ticket shining bright and pick up it.

*** Gold ticket bound to you now would you like to use the item? Yes or No***

Looking at it I read the description and it read, this ticket opens up a free list of high grade gear that will allow you to become stronger. The item will grow with you and you level up and will allow you to play the game the way you want to play it. I nodded and touched the yes on the screen. My vision went black. All around me was darkness and only the ticket in my hand provided light to my surrounding. Looking down it looked like I was floating in mid air. This was pretty disorienting to say the least.