
Written in Blood RPG

Get ready for a wild ride as Onyx leads you through an extraordinary world where vampires, werewolves and Fays mingle with Magicborns and Terrans. There's no telling what surprises this new universe holds or who will be friend...or foe! Don't miss out on the exhilarating releases full of mind-bending twists that blur reality and fantasy until it leaves readers wondering "what is real?". Journey alongside Onyx to discover her truth. Also I have the Book A Woman No One Knows and it is contracted as my main book right now.

Writer_Shi · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

Day 1 Home and Dinner

"Yes Mom, I agree fully to that. Thanks, I am hungry and have food in my room for tonight. Good night." I said trying to act like nothing is wrong.

I headed up to my room kind of in a daze and stunned. Never in my life have I been able to change my Mom's mind that easily. Normally it takes me weeks or longer to convince her of anything new or to change her mind even slightly. This was so odd.

"Master? Are you ok?" I heard a voice that sounded familiar.

I froze halfway up the stairs to my room and looked around. No one was anywhere near me. I shrugged and continued my way up the stairs. I went to open my door and felt an odd feeling.

"Master? What's wrong master?" The voice said again.

"Cain?" I whispered.

"Yes master, its me. Is everything ok? I can sense you are troubled about something. Are you ok? Sorry for bothering you but I have never been able to feel you this strongly before and it made me worried about you. You are very important to a lot of people now. Without you we wouldn't be safe from the werewolves either." Cain replied back.

"Hold on, let me get in my room before I say much more. I don't need people to think something is wrong with me and that I am talking to myself. Out here in my real world that is an issue that can get you locked up and on medication." I replied in a whisper.

Apparently Cain can talk to me in my head when I am out of the game. This is both concerning and very cool at the same time. I need to know what he is able to do while I am outside the game now. I opened my door and walked into it. Carefully I closed the door and decided to head straight to my bedroom. Suddenly I was not hungry and needed to find out what is going on. I knew I should eat though before I do this, whatever this happens to be exactly.

"Ok now Cain, first off I am fine I just learned that I have gained some of the abilities that I have in game out here in the real world. It is both concerning and will come in handy. I need to figure out everything that I will be able to do out here now but that will take time for me to figure out. More importantly right now I need to know everything that you are able to do, feel or see when it has to do with me in the real world. I heard that I could eventually act through you as well as we grow closer and our trust builds up." I said as I headed up my stairs to my bedroom part of my room.

"I heard what that man said to you. Who was that? He seemed familiar with his voice but yet I didn't recognize his name. Who is Damien? I seem to be able to hear what is going on around you. I have tried my best Master to not be nosey and pry into your life outside of here. I don't want to annoy you or bother you." Cain replied to me.

"Cain, you are my slave and my 2nd in command. I would expect you to learn as much as you can about me and my life so you can better suit my needs and wants. The more you know about me the better off we will be. It is important not just as Master and servant but also for the seethe as you are my second in command. As for who Damien is that is Devlin in the game. My name is Onyx out here in real life and in game my name is Lilith." I replied. "Ask anything that you would like to know that I could help you understand better I want no questions between us."

"Ok Master, So that voice is Damien who is the Alpha werewolf here called Devlin. Got it... I guess. What do you want me to call you? I know you told him you want me to call you Master or My Lady but when its just us should I call you something different? Also who is this Mom person you were talking to?" Cain asked.

"You are to call me Master when its just us, when in front of the seethe or doing butler tasks. As for in public when you are with me, you are to call me My Lady as that is my title and having you call me Master will make people wonder what is going on and will draw unwanted attention to us. Calling me My Lady will make others treat us better and differently which will give us more perks and benefits. As for this Mom person, she is the one who gave me life in this world. I am her Daughter and she is my mother. Is that really all you want to know? I want you to relax a bit just like you heard Damien tell me to do and see if you can see what I can see." I answered back.

"Okay master, I will try. I do recommend though that you eat while Indouble check everyone and make sure everyone has what they need before I relax and try to do this." Cain replied.

I felt his sudden and utter terror easily through our connection.

"Master, I am so sorry. I never meant to try to give you an order. I understand that it is not my place. Please forgive me Master. I am sorry this power having so much control of part of the seethe is getting to me. I will need to get used to it and remember my place better. Please Master forgive me." He said in pure and utter terror stricken voice.

"Cain first off calm down, I am not mad at you. Do watch doing that sort of thing when we are around other people but I don't mind if you talk to me like a friend over being master and servant when its just us. IF it happens in front of the seethe or out in public though I will have no choice but to punish you, to remind everyone who is the master and in control. I didn't view that as an order though and I agree with you that I should eat something before we do this all. I will grab something to eat beforehand. I do want you to confirm that everyone has what they need and are in bed and resting or sleeping. So do that while I go eat something." I replied back with a sigh.

"Ok, I will do that Master, your wish is my command. I am glad you are eating though as I can sense your hungry even if you cant. It is starting to make me hungry and I had just fed off of quite a few people in the binding and that shopkeeper." Cain replied.

I laughed a bit as I walked back down my stairs and opened up my mini fridge. I decided on a frozen dinner. 5 cheese rigatoni sounded really good right now. I also glanced at my stuffed breads and decided to have one as well.

"Hmmm do I have a 4 cheese pizza one or a meatball and mozzeralla one?" I mumbled to myself.

"What is pizza?" Cain asked me.

I was shocked and said, "Well that makes up my mind on which one to have right now. I will eat that last so let me know when you are done doing your rounds with the beginnings of the seethe."

"Yes, Master" He replied.

I started reading the directions to heat up my frozen dinner. While I was waiting for them to heat up I went to the restroom and used it. I looked at the shower and thought about it but I will wait until I know what Cain can do before I take a shower for my sake at least. What kind of concentration will it take for him to be able to see out of my eyes. I do NOT want a peeping tom incident to happen by mistake. The microwave beeped and I headed over to get my food out.

"Onyx, there is something here for you from the school. Onyx!!! Did you hear me?" My Mom yelled up at me. "Don't make me come up there. You won't like it if I have to do that. Answer me right now!!!"

I felt Cain's immediate anger that she would talk to me like that.

"Sorry Mom I was in the bathroom. I will come down in a sec and get it." I replied in a hurry and loudly.

I didn't want my mom to miss my reply. It came out so loud that my fork on top of my microwave shook a bit and fell off the top. I froze right there in shock...