
Written in Blood RPG

Get ready for a wild ride as Onyx leads you through an extraordinary world where vampires, werewolves and Fays mingle with Magicborns and Terrans. There's no telling what surprises this new universe holds or who will be friend...or foe! Don't miss out on the exhilarating releases full of mind-bending twists that blur reality and fantasy until it leaves readers wondering "what is real?". Journey alongside Onyx to discover her truth. Also I have the Book A Woman No One Knows and it is contracted as my main book right now.

Writer_Shi · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

56 The Church

We traveled down the road searching and didn't find a single other target. I noticed that we had wasted 15mins of our time and still need to kill another 51 people. As I arrived at the end of my street I got a notification that one of my party members is dead and another is mildly injured. Looking around I saw Ethan come around the corner and he seemed perfectly fine so I realized it was the other two. Turning the other direction I saw Damien carrying a person towards the church and heard a moan coming from that direction.

"Darn in that werewolf will pay. I have never seen someone so fast and strong. Can't believe that is a player." Shadow said as she moan and turned the corner.

I saw her rubbing her arm and holding an empty HP potion bottle. I waved and walked over. Trying not to smile but it was hilarious that she went against Damien and was shocked at how fast and strong he was. That is very funny in my opinion. I warned her about him before we even started but she didn't listen to me and still tried to take him on. She was an idiot and I was glad I was not of the same race as her.

"Shadow, you took on the Alpha werewolf that I warned you about. If a hurt arm was all you got then you were lucky. Once again I will warn you to beware him and watch out. He will not go easy on you just because you are both players. So how do you want to go about us breaking into the church? Where is the other vampire? I haven't seen her yet. Was she the one who died?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes she died, us Fay will fly, youuuu... Holy crap, you have a pet, very nice!!! You have a slave and a pet, lucky you. How did you get her? You Fay boy, did the queen give you her? How can I get one?" Shadow said with a light and hope in her voice.

"I was granted one when I restored a flower during my test of my skills quest. I can not tell you how to get one as I am not sure how I managed to get one but your welcome to ask the queen about them and see for yourself if there is a way for you to get one. I will take the front top window." Ethan said.

It took Shadow a minute to register the shift in the conversation. She just nodded and headed for the back of the church via the sky. I looked at them both fly off with Darkness following behind Shadow.

"OK lets go, we will head toward this side here as a group. Ramona, I want you to cant a storm cloud and stir up the dust and dirt around the church to help hide our movements if you can. Please try to cover all the sides of the church with dirt and cloud it all up. Cain with me, I will have you run around the church and break the windows on every side. I want them to be guessing where we will be coming from before we attack. I know you are fast enough for this task. I will adjust my senses and see what I can do with my unique ability. My goal, knock out the players or force the terrans into a corner to make killing them even easier and faster but I have never used my talent this way before. Are we ready?"

Ramona brought out a staff with a clear crystal on it and it started to light up. She nodded and pointed her staff towards the church and the wind started to pick up. I heard people inside screaming and watched the counter drop to 49. They are already attacking, so I rushed up towards the church, Cain was running around breaking windows.

"Ramona get in here and cast a fire spell, burn them to a crisp." Ethan yelled.

Right then the wind stopped and I saw her running towards the church. Her crystal went from a bright white light to a red light as she was coming.

"Adam you idiot, if she does that it will kill us to if we can not get away. You fool!!!" Yelled Shadow with a grunt.

I came to look in a broken window, Shadow was on the ground wrestling with Damien, Darkness was fighting with Alfred and another terran. Ethan was holding his own with another werewolf right now. Eve was shielding a bunch of terrans.

"Cain!" I yelled, "Help kill off the unknown werewolves and then turn your attention towards the barrier. We have about 30 mins to kill them all so we can win."

I focused on the Terran I don't know that seemed to be a player. He kept sneaking in attacks at the fay slave and was making it hard for her to combat both Alfred and him. Reaching out my hand I focused on him, I let my senses focus on his body and his blood flowing in his body. When I could sense his heart beating I spread my fingers and he froze mid strike against the fay. She went big eyed but quickly used her dagger and cut his throat killing him right away. She glanced at me and shivered. Alfred quickly spun around and tried to charge at me but he was blocked by Darkness.

"Help my master please" Darkness yelled at me.

Looking over there, I just shook my head. If I faced him things would go very sour. When Alfred realized that I would not target his master he turned and focused on Darkness. The fact that he viewed me as a bigger threat then everyone else in the room said a lot. I was both happy and sad at that. I felt like he and I need to talk after this quest. Glancing around I saw a werewolf come in a room and headed straight towards me. I put my left hand out and grabbed my dagger with my right hand and got ready to actually fight for my life.