
The Street I Live On 

Where I live, it's quiet and peace full at night during the cold breezy, and raining nights. It's so quiet, to where can hear the tree rustling from outside to right in your room. Quiet to the point, that you can hear your neighbor's conversation Crazy ain't it?. But where I live, it's the loudest place during the hot sunny days and warm breezy evenings. It's loud where you can hear your neighbors playing music to the point you wanna knock on the door and curse them out. To the point where calling the cops is the only option to silence the entire neighborhood to be as peaceful as the night. Where I live, when it rains, the houses look like they were fresh out of a horror film and it looks like all the flowers would be able to get the necessary water they need. Where I live, a giant government tree blocks our view so we have to go outside to see across our house. Where we have to constantly sweep in front of our house, from the fallen leaves. Where I live, I am faced with a hill to get to the transportation I need to go somewhere else. Struggling to breathe going up, and feel like if I trip I might end up tumbling down back to square one. Where I live, a stadium not too far roars when a game is going on. So loud you feel like it is all in your head and question if it's really the stadium cheering or if you are just imagining things. Where I live, is the best place out of all the previous places I lived. This is where I live.