
Funtacular Story

FG Story (Short Story)

In a land of just sugar and sweets lies a King on his throne. This is not any ordinary king, this was a king of wholesomeness and pie. They called him Funcatular or Fun for short. Outside of this kingdom lies his fellow trustees who helped rule a town called Pie. In that small town, there lies Pieman, The Vice President of Pie, and a little birdie called Robin. The town over was ruled by a ruthless king who goes by the name of Nescio. Nescio was a little pie thief, stealing pies from the Funtacular kingdom. What Fun doesn't realize, is that Nescio has an inside man helping him collect the pies and bring it back to his base.

A quarter to three o clock every Friday, there is a truck loaded with a variety of pies and placed in the dining hall in the Town of Pie. Pieman and Robin always are responsible for placing the pies down and organizing them to the best to worst flavors. Once their job is complete, they go on break and The Vice President takes over and keeps a watch on the pies until Fun steps down from his throne to eat. At exactly 3:05, the Vice President will grab three sweet potato pies and an apple pie and place them on the windowsill, and returns back to her post at the front door. Waiting and waiting until Robin or Pieman returns back. In this case, Robin returns early and allows the Vice President to leave.

The Vice President sneaks around back to the windowsill and gathers the pies that had been placed there and runs off to the town of Cats. As the Vice President enters the house of Nescio, she considers keeping both her jobs as a servant to Funtacular and a thief for Nescio. As she places the pies on the table for Nescio, Nescio welcomed her with cash and her own pet cow. After a few, they started to eat the pies so they do not get cold. Right before it got dark the Vice President leaves and returns back on Funtacular grounds.

You may be wondering why the Vice President is working for both sides. She and Nescio have this "hate" relationship, where in front of people they at like worst enemies. But when they are left to fend for themselves they both acknowledged they have a love for pie but can't physically have it. Coming up with a way to show hatred to one another to get something they both enjoyed.

As the Vice President returns back to the kingdom, she is greeted by fellow Knight Tacktro and the Queen Juls. Something was not right, they are never here on pie day which was strange, or maybe Funtacular invited her here. As the Vice President greeted her and went inside the building, there were so many guards around, shocking the President right out of her boots.

As she looks down the hallway Robin came rushing down to her side, quickly escorting her into Funtacular's spare room.

"Why are there many guards here? This is clearly not a normal pie day" the Vice President whispered.

"Oh dear, I guess it slipped my mind to tell you. King Fun said this pie loadout was special. Oh so special Queen Juls from Jemland came all the way. Just to try one of the best pies in town. " Robin cheered.

"What is so special about pie?"

"Madam! This pie festival was baked by the one and only pie maker family. It cost fortunes! Oh if King Fun makes Queen Juls buy the pie. We will all be rich! Rich, I tell you!" Robin said delighted

It was at that moment the Vice President knew she messed up. Not only did she steal some pies but she gave them to Nescio to eat. With those few extra pies, she could have moved her family to a new home and have someone take care of her. She knew she was in deep trouble if the King had found out. He was ruthless when it came to his pies.

The sounding of bells interrupted their thoughts as both Vice President and Robin quickly scurried to the dining room. At the head of one side of the table was King Fun, and on the side were his right-hand man Pieman and Straw. At the other head of the table lies Queen Juls and her knight. Robin quickly sat next to Pieman side and instantly made conversation while Vice President sits next to Jack.

King Fun stood up and started to say "Thank you all for joining us here, on the official day of Pie. The Queen, herself join us making it a delightful festival."

"At this moment I would like to thank my fellow friend Funtacular for inviting me to such an amazing place to take part in this event. We are quite joyful to be here and to see all these wonderful faces. Thank you" Queen Juls said right before sitting back down.

"Alright, alright. Disburse of the partake in the pie!" Funtacular cried out. Several servants from the kitchen lined up and one by one distribute a pie to each person starting with the King and his guest of honor, the Queen. When the pies were being handed out, the servants came to find out that some sweet potato pies were missing from the count. So 5 people could not get to try it. Instantly Funtacular arose from his seat at the same time, slamming his palm down on the table.

"Who dares to steal of my pie on such lively festival night?" He yelled angrily.

Robin glances at the Queen to see if Funtacular had disarmed her. She is no way seem to be affected by it.

Nobody spoke, it was extremely quiet other than the spoon lightly scrapping the plate where Queen Juls had just eaten.

"Robin, Pieman, and President! Find out which corrupted child stole my pie and take of it to eat."

One by one as their name was called they stood. In unison, they spoke, "Yes, my king" and sat back down. Vice President became restless in her seat, fidgeting a lot more than just her thumbs were. Not only was Funtacular called them out to find it, but Robin was also practically a detective straight out of Sherlock Holmes. And Pieman, was a former FBI agent. Getting down to the bottom of things was his job. As for Vice President, she was left with no chance of actually keeping it secret. She moved nervously in her seat and glanced at Robin. Robin seems determined to figure it out and she tried to get Pieman on board with it. Vice President excused herself from the festival and quietly snuck over to Nescio town.

"Nescio oh Nescio! It's horrible! I am doomed the King will find out that I have been a dishonest servant" Vice cried walking into Nescio's place.

"What do you mean? Is the money not to your liking?" Nescio asked confused. He was in the middle of eating one of the many pies Vice brought over.

"King of Pie and Queen Juls will kill me! They found about the missing pies! And today is the festival!" She cried panicking.

"Drats! What would Fun do to your family if he finds out?"

"The scary part is... I don't know. He has the power to wipe their existence and I don't want to take no chance." Vice started to cry. Unable to hold her tears in longer she collapses to the floor with a sob.

"Vice tell him the truth. Tell him everything." Nescio said after a bit.

"What are you crazy? They don't call him the King of Pies for nothing. Before I came to be his servant, I heard he was ruthless. Eliminating anything or anyone from his pies." She said shaking. What she feared was abandonment, from the people she was close to.

Robin was listening in on the conversation between President and Nescio. The Vice President was unaware of being followed by her friend. Robin quickly left Nescio town unannounced and went to Funtacular.

"Are you sure about this?" Funtacular asked

"King, I for certain that Vice is. They even followed her to Nescio town. For certain she is in need of help" Robin said kneeling at the king's feet on his throne.

It wasn't even a day past and Robin was able to crack the case by following the ones she was closest to. If Vice had just brought it to the king, there would not need to be an investigation.

"Call Vice forth" The King finally spoke. There was no anger, matter of fact no emotions passed through the king's face.

Robin quickly went to find Vice, surely she should be back at the castle now. Right when Robin thought of checking the entrance, Vice and Pieman were walking down the hallway talking.

"Vice, the King has requested for you. Pieman best if you come too." Robin spoke loud enough for both of them to hear. From her spot, she was able to see the fear in Vice's eyes.

All three of them walked to the King room. On his throne, the King waited for Vice to step forward and kneel before him.

"I have been summoned, my king?" Vice spoke, nervousness waves flooded her.

"Yes." He said then waited before continuing. "My pies. You know something I don't, am I right?" Funtacular was giving her an option to speak and confess. Was Vice willing to tell the truth and risk her life?

"King Funtacular, King of all Pies" Vice started. "I was the one, I stole some pies from your castle and sold them to Nescio. I am sorry my King. I needed the money for my family. I thought if I worked for you the money would be enough to support us all. It wasn't so I also started to work for Nescio selling some pies to him. Please don't kick me from your castle. I would do anything, please! Just don't abandon me as every other king has done before." Vice President started to cry. Pieman offered her a handkerchief to tend to her eyes. Vice willingly accepts it and kept her head bowed.

Funtacular waited. Vice worried that she was heading on the road to be killed. Road killed in a castle she adored. Then Funtacular spoke. "Pieman, change the amount disbursed to Vice. You and Robin can have twenty-five percent each. Vice will take the remaining fifty percent. And Robin, make room for Vice fellow family in one of the loot houses in this town. Nothing too far Vice place."

Vice must have heard incorrectly. She inhaled sharply and cried happy tears when she let the information sink into her. "Oh, King! Thank you! I will forever be in debt to you. I will spend the rest of my life working for you, and my family too. Oh, glorious heavens!"

Robin and Jayman smiled at each other. Clearly lost in a conversation of how to get the place ready to welcome Vice's family.

Then Pieman spoke to Funtacular. "Granted permission King?" The King nodded and Pieman proceeded "Festival would welcome newcomers. New national tradition? Anyone on the premises is a newcomer into Funtacular Kingdom."

Funtacular was very fond of the idea that Pieman brought up. Robin and Pieman laughed at each other, clearly they both had the same idea to make it a happy place.

This is a new start to a wonderful home. In the land of Funtacular.


Special thanks to:

Funtacular Gaming- The King, Funtacular

Jayman- The Pieman

Kawaii- The Vice President

Nescio- The Pie Thief/ Nescio

JulsGotGame- Queen Juls

And Creator - Robin