
The entanglement.

I stood up from the bed, laying the matress, I saw a white cloth wrap with slight red stains, on the lamp stand. Sniffing it, there was alcohol. ' He probably used it to clean my bruises'.

I scrolled my eyes to the paintings on the wall. There were lots of artifacts showing the early slave trades that occurred, the chains, blinders, cuffs. I went straight to where I had seen my poster, checking it out. ' Of all the pictures I had, they saw it wise to upload this particular one!, how rude'. I looked like a slave myself, it's not like I wasn't though, but at least.

'They must've searched all my pictures and taken the worst of all'. There was a reading table by the left, covered with open books. I walked closer and checked, they were criminal cases on murderers, amidst checking them one after the other, something fell.


I rushed to pick it up immediatly.

It was a dagger!,Why would a dagger be here?, Of what use?, Security?, Hope he's not a serial killer!. Once again, I disappeared in my thoughts. Though it looked familiar to the one I've seen before but could place where. After a while, I dropped it back, keeping everything the way I met them.

" I reek", I said as I sniffed my armpit and smelled my breath.

I came out of his room to the hallway, trying to find my way to the bathroom. Hearing splashes of water close by the left, I headed towards that direction.

"Hello!", I said knocking.

' No reply'

Opening the door, I saw a female figure in the bathroom, cleaning herself with a towel. " Can't you knock?!" She asked with a scowl, slamming the door.

" Sorry, I knocked severally, but there was no reply".

The fat figure came out of the bathroom, she looked familiar with her puffy cheeks, green eyes, and swollen lips that could tell she just had a good time. Anyways I couldn't place where we met. "Why're you staring like you've seen a ghost?", She asked scanning me from head to toe, following her eye movement, it was then I realized I was wearing Tobere's T shirt.

' What the...', My thighs were very exposed as the shirt could only cover a portion below my waist. 'Perhaps, he saw my feminity while cleaning me, did he like it?, Oh shut up Dili!', all these wild thoughts flashed my mind as my face flushed.

" I know you", she said, giving me a hard stare as her brows folded.

" From where", I asked nervously.

" Dindu right, the wanted girl on the loose?".

" Well, sort of, but it's Dilindu, it's not what you...".

" Yeah, whatever", she interrupted, walking past me.

For a moment there, I was tensed up, like my veins we're about to pop out. 'What if she decides to tell on me, after all she doesn't seem to like me, or should i be hopeful that she sticks her nose to her business?'.

" I see you've met Lotanna Dyke".

My heart almost stopped at the sudden intrusion. "My savior", I muttered as I stood frozen as he gently placed his hands on my shoulder.

" What?".

"Nothing". I could tell he was grinning all the way to his ears for having scared me.

" She's Kamdi's girlfriend".

' Girlfriend!, so soon!, It wasn't up to a month we broke up, how can Kamdi be like this?. However I wasn't surprised, just pissed'.

' I probably smell. Why won't he budge?' I gulped. I was only on his green T shirt as my laps were totally exposed, I felt naked.

" Don't be afraid, she won't tell", he said placing his cheek beside mine as he caressed my shoulder. I could feel his bulge from behind. But couldn't say a word, no actually, I didn't want to. As long as those hands were on me, I was like an earthworm.

" You smell good".

"Oh please, not again. You love teasing me especially when I'm at my lowest", I said feeling embarrassed.

" Lowest?".

" Yes", I said, rolling my eyes. Immediately his fingers moved slowly, down my arms to my hands as he enveloped my body in his. I had butterflies in my stomach as I stood pinned to the spot.

He cupped my hands in his as I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he spoke further. " Too soft for an alleged criminal ", he said.

"For the hundredth time, it wasn't me. Why won't anyone believe anything I say, probably because I came into scene just when the deed was done", I said in defense.

" Easy D, was only teasing you, but you'll have to explain the whole scene to us after you've freshened up and had your tea that's already on the dining table ", he said smirking, slowly retracing his fingers.

" Be quick, before it gets cold, by the way, I got a dress for you. It's on the bed, had to get new ones because yours was torn and I don't want to see my D looking all tattered", he said patting me on the shoulder. Unable to reply, I just stood like a block, fantasizing the impossible and realized I had bit my lip resulting from the encounter I just had. I managed to look back, seeing him walk away, this time with a blue towel round his waist. His back was firm and built, and with every step he took, the muscles on his shoulders flexed effortlessly all the way to his waist as he made his way to his room.

" I didn't say you were allowed to peep", he said.

' He's psychic'.

"Not peeping!", I said as my face flushed in embarrassment. I hurridely tip toed to the bathroom.

After bathing, i reached to a red towel nearby, it looked familiar, turning to the top corner to be sure, ' K & D '. This was the towel Kamdi gave to me on Valentine's day. After breaking up, I had it returned so I wouldn't have anything that reminds me of him anymore.

' Why does he still have this?, Does it mean he misses me, no it can't be. Without thinking, I quickly used it to wrap my body. heading back to the room.

The cool breeze slapping my skin as I shakily and swiftly walked to his room, getting to the door.

'Oh, shit'. I hid beside the door immediately, my hand over my chest as I soon began panting.

What just happened?, I looked back to the scene, trailing my eyes from the towel on the bed to his backward frame, and as usual my jaw dropped, I stood there in awe not minding the cold that choked me within.

'Why was the door wide open?, I remembered closing it firmly behind me, did he want me to see him like this?, obviously not', I rolled my eyes. I was about to explode when he turned around, my gaze quickly fell on his...

" You should have knocked, you know", he said as he gently went to pick up his towel. I quickly put my hands on my eyes, blocking them from view whilst turning back.

"Forgive me for being rude but you should have known I was on my way here", I said in defence.

"Well, it's nothing you haven't seen before".

"Oh, is this how it's going to be?. Look!, I'm thankful for your hospitality but this disrespect is it for me". I sparked. I knew very well he was grinning, I could almost feel it.

"Sorry D, my bad".

Suddenly, my anger vanished. It was as if he threw my burning anger into a bowl of ice. No, this isn't normal, it's not like he can waltz over my emotions like that.

"You can come in now, I'm just gonna leave you here to dress up and then we talk later. Your undies are there too, fresh and new", he winked, walking past me.

A few minutes later, I heard her voice again.

'Who the hell does he think he is?, Talking like he has all the right in the world, i scoffed.

"What is that girl doing here?, How could you be so naive?". I heard this as I took my clothes moving to the door and placing my ears gently on it.

It was Lotanna, I gulped. I knew she wouldn't take it lightly.

"You know she's a criminal on the loose, a slave at that", she said sparking.

"Calm down and lower your voice, we don't want to scare her now, do we?", Tobere said in my defense.

"We'll just have to wait for her to come out, then we ask her a few questions, that's all", Kamdi added.

I felt my skin go pale as I walked to the bed, sitting down, already lost in thoughts, those words kept hitting me.

'She's a slave'.