
Wrath of the Hero

After a terrible accident that left his best friend in a coma, a young student went into depression, lasting a long time. Before summer vacation, one of his friends from school recommends a video game, Wrath of the Hero, a long-lasting video game with adventure and epic battles. But, in the end, the plot twist occurred, destroying his love for the video game, yet, being close to the end, he finished the video game, feeling empty inside. On the first day of school, when he sees his classmate, he wants with all his might to beat her up, but when crossing the street, he does not see the truck-kun, which was coming while an epic song was playing. But, the end of him would not happen, because he would discover that he had been reincarnated as a character who was only mentioned once. Trying to survive, and living with the main characters, he, who is now called Michael Belfiore, decides to continue living with one goal, to catch them all, each of the heroines he would conquer. Thus beginning his journey in the world of the video game, Wrath of the Hero.

The_Wind_Jaeger_07 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

The Golden Generation (Part 2)



Once more, my aunt smiles, while saying the name of my brother.

"Gael Belfiore."


Some of the students start whispering about how two students here possess the same last name as their teacher, some correctly thinking about a familiar connection.


There she is.

Grace, o' beautiful Grace.

She was in the game, together with Bertram and the [Villain], the only characters who were Commoners.

It was almost impossible for commoners to be able to become part of the Class 1-A.

Bertram was a powerful Barbarian, a humanoid race known for the Great strength and resilience.

The [Villain] was the fate enemy of the [Hero].

And one of the Main Heroines, despite possessing Commoner Bloodline, she was the daughter of one the richest Bourgeois Merchant of her kingdom, and that money buy many top-tier elixirs and other things that give her strength, and she is one of the Main Heroines, they have the World's Protection and Love.

But Grace, Grace although categorized as a Special Heroine, that only happens in the second part of the game, and in the first part, she is a member of the Main Antagonist's Party, after all, she was the childhood friend of the [Villain].

Right now, she was one of the weakest members of Class 1-A, more so when you consider her class, which is Healer.

Still, she was a pure soul, with enormous potential, and whose Willpower is one of the greatest after all she experienced in her youth, seeing her family being killed, and passing her childhood in an orphanage when she suffers bully from children, and screams and reject by adults.

Also, although her current clothes, the way her beautiful golden blonde hair covers her face and her common origin, people obtain don't see her true beautiful appearance, that surprisingly, is even better than Faith's and Andromeda's beauty.

The true number one beauty of Class 1-A, of the Golden Generation, is Grace, a commoner girl who is part of the [Villain] close circle, and whose journey will be full of dangers and sorrow.

One of my favorite heroines, and one who behind-the-scenes story make me mad of anger.

"Here." – She said, her voice was almost like a whisper, thankfully, my aunt was right now a superhuman with senses above the common, and she listens the voice of sweet Grace.

Now was time for the next student, someone that would bring some joy to Grace's life.

"Janice Santelli."

"Here." – she answers, as she swiftly looks at the [Villain].

'She has already fall in love, ha.'

Janice, daughter of Marquess Santelli of the Filbert March.

The first time she looks at the [Villain] face, she falls in love with him.

Poor girl.

After all, in the game's story, the [Villain] is not looking for love, but for revenge and justice!

Still, Janice's love for the [Villain] was pure and strong.

She follows him everywhere and anywhere, as a member of the [Villain]´s Party, and as time pass, becoming the best friend of Grace, someone the poor orphan girl trust and comes to love as a sister.

The final faith of both girls is some of the great reasons the last arcs make me hate and abhor the game [Wrath of the Hero].

"Julietta Gauthier."

The second of the three Main Heroines in the Golden Generation's Class 1-A.

168cm tall, D-Cup breasts, mid-long Violet Hair, Black Eyes, and a beautiful appearance. She also wears black glasses that strengthen her bad sight.

Daughter of the Owner of the Gauthier Farmlands and the Gauthier Bank from Beviridis Kingdom.

She was a nice cheerful heroine, who presence always illuminates the scenario.

"Hello. My name's Julietta, daughter of Julius and Sally Gauthier. I am from the Beviridis Kingdom, and I wish to become a powerful Magic Knight; is a pleasure to meet you all." – She said with a cheerful, sweet voice.

The reason she wants to become a strong Magic Knight is to protect her family in the future.

Currently, the Gauthier Family is part of the Royal Faction.

And right now, Beviridis Kingdom is not facing its best time.

"Good to hear that, don't you worry Julietta, I and the rest of professors will make sure to turn you all into great and powerful Magic Knights." – My aunt said.

And Julietta nods with a cute smiling face.

As a Main Heroines, is a done deal that she would become strong, sadly, I know that that will not entirely work for her, her future is dim and sad.

But I will make sure to change that, she is after all, one of my favorite heroines, and is one of the easiest heroines to increase favorability, so, she is a main target right now for me to acquired.

Just thinking of kissing those kissable lips, while listening her moaning…

'Calm down! I will embarrass myself if someone sees me awaken the beast in my pants right now.'

While whispering a mantra of calmness and serenity, my aunt mentions the next of my classmates.

"Leah Mallory."

'Fuck her!!'

I hate her.

Is the only thing in my mind for her, hate, absolute hate, I hope she dies.

Should I kill her?

She was "best friends" with Melissa, and friends with the [Hero].

If I want it, I could kill her, but maybe is not the right time, and she could be of uses for me in the future, so…

'You'll live… as long as your pathetic life has uses.'

"Magdalena Lorraine."

She was from the Veritas Kingdom, and in the game was always a follower of Princess Andromeda.

Although, in secret, she wants to follow the [Hero], but her duty as a member of the Veritas Kingdom does not let her do it, and she always vote and supports the princess.

A true loyal subject.

Now, letting behind that girl, who's in the game is only known as "Princess Andromeda number one follower," is time to know the Golden Team Members, the comrades of the Hero at LaBelle.

"Marilyn Walton." 

The first member of the Golden Team, the [Hero]'s Party in LaBelle to appear, in the game she was only mentioned as Young Lady Walton when the Golden Team must compete against other teams.

"Martha Fernandez."

Known in the game as Young Lady Fernandez, the second member of the Golden Team to be mentioned in the list. Edmund, who was the leader of his own team, of course as the protagonist of a supposed Harem Erotica Game, he only selects girls' members in his team.

Few occasions in the entire game he needs to have in his Party, male members.

As expected from a Harem Protagonist, sadly for the players, and him; and luckily for the current me, he is a dense idiot uncapable of even going to third base with any heroine.

Thanks to his stupidity of only choosing female members in his team, the Onyx Team always was above the Golden Team.

The Onyx Team was the [Villain] team, and circle of friends.

The Golden Team of the [Hero] always came second, still, the best student of the 1st year was always him, the damn [Hero], the most beloved person of the Lumiere World.

"Melissa Flowers."

The time has come for the last of the three Main Heroines at Class 1-A is to be present.

She gets up from her chair, and looks at each student, even at me, always smiling.

The gorgeous girl the looks for a couple of more seconds at the person she loves the most, her hero, her childhood friend, and her beloved one, the [Hero] Edmund Salvatore.

Finally, she looks at my aunt.

"Good morning everyone, I am Melissa Flowers, sole child of the Countess Flowers of Esglia, it is my greatest honor to be accepted in this class, and be a classmate of every one of you, I hope you help and treat me well, and also, my wish is to become the best housewife, form a lovely family, and be a respectful member of the kingdom's society."

Despite her graceful and educated greeting to all of us, I could notice that she was mad, after all, her beloved was looking like a stupid boy at other girls, especially the princess.

A princess and someone more beautiful than her, that was a good punch to the already low-self confidence of Melissa, one of the less popular heroines of the game.

Despite possessing long light brown hair, pink eyes, and a great beauty, she was feeling inferior to Andromeda, Faith, the other princess, Julietta, and other of our classmates.

This is the fault of Edmund, who never call her beautiful, or said pleasant things to her, always treating her rude, and always looking at other girls.

She was the easiest heroine to acquired in the game, you only need to invite her to dinner at the Sweet Love Coffee Shop, and tell her to be your girlfriend, and she will always, 100% accept.

After all, she was already deeply in love with Edmund, the main character of the [Wrath of the Hero] game, becoming the easiest lover of Edmund, but also, being jealous all the time, sex-blocking the player with other heroines, and even becoming a damsel-of-distress many times that the player needs to rescue.

And each time, was an arduous and boring, long-mission.

And for me, she will be maybe one of the hardest heroines to make mine.

'Challenge accepted!'

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