
Wrath of the Hero

After a terrible accident that left his best friend in a coma, a young student went into depression, lasting a long time. Before summer vacation, one of his friends from school recommends a video game, Wrath of the Hero, a long-lasting video game with adventure and epic battles. But, in the end, the plot twist occurred, destroying his love for the video game, yet, being close to the end, he finished the video game, feeling empty inside. On the first day of school, when he sees his classmate, he wants with all his might to beat her up, but when crossing the street, he does not see the truck-kun, which was coming while an epic song was playing. But, the end of him would not happen, because he would discover that he had been reincarnated as a character who was only mentioned once. Trying to survive, and living with the main characters, he, who is now called Michael Belfiore, decides to continue living with one goal, to catch them all, each of the heroines he would conquer. Thus beginning his journey in the world of the video game, Wrath of the Hero.

The_Wind_Jaeger_07 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

First Day of School


Happy New Year!!

<3< p>


[General POV]

Shortly after the beginning of spring, classes with begin all around the continent, like in the Royal Academy of Magic Knights of LaBelle. The opening ceremony will be taken in the Lumiere's Day, the day use by the Lumiere Church to celebrate their Goddess.

Director Benedict Locke, the second strongest most powerful person of the whole Avalon Kingdom, and one of the older humans currently living, with more than two-hundred-fifty years of age.

This was the Year 1174, in a new generation of students have arrived.

This first day of classes serves for the opening ceremony, and then for the students to meet their new classmates.

At the beginning of the year, the admission exam took place, and in that day, not only were approve the new applicants, but were put into different classes.

A total of 625 students would be accepted each year, separate into twenty-five classes.

Class A is where the best patch of students is sent.

And today, at the north of the Avalon Kingdom, where the LaBelle academy was, the opening ceremony was going to take place, with 625 new students, 592 students from the second year, 422 students from the third year, and still 153 students from the fourth year, a total student population of 1,792 students in the year 1,172 of the Lumiere age.



Finally, a New Year has arrived, hope that everyone has a wonderful year, full of health, happiness, and harmony.


Class 1-A was the class where the best students were gathered.

Ten Subjects were taught at LaBelle: Etiquette, Magic, Survival, Dungeon Exploration, Battle, Strategic, Diplomacy, Potions, Guardian Spirits, and History. Eight teachers for each class for a total of 80 teachers.

Together with the teachers the other personnel of the academy were composed of other 1,300 members of Staff, made by the Administrative Council, the Human Resources, Maintenance, Cleaning, Kitchen Staff, Storage Staff, and School Guards. All under the command of the Director of the Royal Academy of Magic Knights of LaBelle.

There was the Main Palace, a Colliseum, Three Buildings full of Classrooms, a building where the kitchen, dining room, storages, and library was located; two big buildings that serves as dormitories, and even a small Dungeon.

Close to the academy was the Ayeres City, a beautiful and cozy place, with a population of 400,000.

In the weekends the students when there to have a little fun outside academy, that's why that place possess many inns, clothes stores, restaurants, and even a theater.

All Graduates have a life of success, becoming not only Magic Knights, but if you were a commoner, you could receive lands, and a last name, and so, becoming a Bourgeois, and forming a family dynasty.

And right now, in the Great Hall of the Main Palace, all 1,792 students were waiting for the director to make his Opening Speech.

An old man of 274 years of age, appear in front of all students, the second year, third year, and fourth year students knew who he was, but for many of the first-year students, they didn't know him. There he was, Benedict Locke, the 28th Director of LaBelle, the second strongest person of the Avalon Kingdom, respect by everyone in the kingdom.

"Welcome, welcome." – He starts his speech. – "As you all know, we live in a dangerous world, full of threats."

Benedict looks at all his students, especially the new ones.

"Still, we have survived, adapted, and founded nations, showing the Gods that we are strong, and we stood proud and valiant against any threat that is toss to us."

"My name is Benedict Locke, I am the twenty-eighth director of this prestigious academy, and you, you are the future of your races, of your nations, and your families."

"Everlasting Youth, who will turn into the Ones protecting and fighting for the good."

"You've must stand strong, and no let despair make you kneel."

"You are now students of LaBelle!"

"Rejoice! You have taken the first step to greatness!"

"A greatness that awaits you!"

"Oh, children o' light!"

"Welcome to the Royal Academy of Magic Knights of LaBelle!!"

And a thunderous sound resounds in the hearts and souls of every student present.

A new year has come, LaBelle has welcomed their new residents.


Class 1-A

In the Year 1174, it will gather not only the Hero of this generation, but also the Villain.

Rivals Fate to Fight to the Death.

Edmund Salvatore was the current Hero, the Champion of Light. 

Four years ago, that it was discovered who he was, he was taken into the Claris Kingdom, to the Lumiere Church to be train and to learn the basic of what a hero is supposed to be and do.

He grew arrogant and believe that everything he does is for the greater good.

'Whoa, that girls look gorgeous.' – thought the sixteen-year-old hero, who was looking at every girl that enters to the classroom.

Next to him, sitting in the right desk next to him, was not other that the current Saintess of this generation, Melissa Flowers, his childhood friend.

Melissa was the daughter of Countess Flowers of Esglia, and she was a beautiful girl. Long wavy brown hair, cute and big pink eyes, and a gorgeous face and sexy body with F-Cup breasts.

"Look Edmund, is Leah!" – Said with excitement Melissa to see another person that they know.

The two met Leah Mallory two-years-ago, when she arrives to the Claris Kingdom with her family.

Since then, the three become good friends, and even Melissa considers Leah as her best friend.

"Oh… yeah." – Said Edmund who was focused on the other girls, especially a girl with long dark red hair, and beautiful Emerald Eyes, and the most gorgeous face he has seen, even surpassing Melissa in beauty.

Leah tries to get closer to greet them, but when she sees Edmund looking a someone else, she goes to an empty desk and sits with a pouty face.

Then, two students enter the classroom.

Melissa nods at them, and them greet her with a nod also.

'Another beautiful girl?' – Melissa was feeling depressed, seeing all the many beautiful girls that were gathering in the room, it almost seems that all the beautiful new student girls were gathering here.

Some boys also go to have a second look to the girl who has entered the classroom.

A boy and a girl.

The girl was 170cm tall, a slim body with C-cup breasts, light skin, long blonde hair, green eyes, and truly a beautiful lady, second only to the emerald-eyes girl. She walks with such grace and agile pace, that it was kind of magical.

Meanwhile, the boy next to her, was tall, like twenty centimeters taller than her.

He possesses short silver hair, bright cyan eyes with a little bit of golden sparks, and a nice-looking face.

They were Anya and Michael, although Michael was using Camouflage to reduce a lot of his handsomeness.

'I don't want the girls I want to fall in love, to fall in love with me because of my stupidly handsome face!!' – He thought when he turns ten-year-old, and seeing many of his female neighbors, and even some male neighbors, having the hot for him, when he was just a child.

It was not wrong to say that maybe he was one of the most handsome men on the planet; advantages from being a High Human with Divine Bloodline.

Michael walks to a desk in the last row of desk, and Anya sits down at the next desk empty to the one he takes.

He smiles.

Feeling excited at seeing the 4K in Ultra True Reality Quality faces of the main cast of the game [Wrath of the Hero].

'The hero, the villain, the three main heroines, the side heroines, the bitch! Everybody is here!!' – He thoughts like an excited fangirl.

Finally, the last of the twenty-five students of Class 1-A has arrived, and just a few minutes later, the bell that notify the start of classes was heard, and soon, a person appear.

A woman wearing shorts, boots, and a tight shirt that accentuates her ample chest, she possesses long black hair and grey eyes.

"Welcome, students of the Class 1-A, I will be your Strategy Main Teacher, and also, your homeroom." – The beautiful woman said, as she smiles when she sees Michael's face. – "I am Sheila Belfiore, and I will make sure to make everybody of you into a great warrior with the optimum qualifications to become Magic Knights."

'Oh, true, my aunt will be the homeroom of the hero's class.' – Michael who forgot about that, was nervous, after all, who knew what kind of craziness the woman known as Sheila Belfiore will cause to him, a family member.

In the tallest tower of the Main Palace, there was where the Director's office was in.

Benedict Locke, a magnificent man, former Duke of Rilas, and Patriarch of House Locke, was currently seeing the reports about Edmund Salvatore, and another three individuals.

"The hero, the saintess, and two princesses, who would believe that this kind of students would been in the same generation, not to mention, two talented elves, and even a teacher's familiar; a really golden generation, comparable to the Kermes and Turquoise generations."

Benedict looks at the sky, the beautiful sky.

"Soon, the time for a new generation took take the command of the fate of the world would begin, and I don't know if these old bones will stand against the tempest that is coming from the south."

Remembering the information of two years ago from the County of Alanna.

"Demons has come to our lands, and as the Knight of Lumiere, it is my duty to prepare the younger generation to what is coming through." – He looks to a planet, a bright planet. – "Gives us strength, Goddess Lumiere, because dark times are coming, and we, your children will need of your blessing."

Here we are, 2024, hope that this is going to be at least a calm year, and wishing that it will be full of success and happiness.

Happy New Year!!!


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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