
A Seal Unbound

Deep with in the Phextos Forest, there was a rumbling sound alongside the quaking ground. Many beasts in the forest ran about madly, their instincts screaming for them to flee. As they fled, the ancient temple in the center of the woods began to glow a radiant gold. It was as if the sacred place was a dam holding back a raging tide, bursting forth with such fury that it seemed unending. Several more tumultuous minutes passed before the temple suddenly collapsed into ash.

With the obstruction gone, a rift of black energy punctuated by green lightning was torn into the center of the destruction, widening to reveal a handsome young man. Said young man had long black hair tied into a pony tail at the base of his neck, while several rogue strands fell down his face. He had green eyes and sharp yet heroic features. Standing at precisely 6 feet and with a lean figure. Added to the fellow's pale skin, it was quite striking.

Looking down at the black tunic and green trousers that he wore, the young man sighed before picking a direction and walking forward. Casually looking about, he spotted and strode up to a pair wounded of animals, a stag and the blood wolf that was likely chasing it trapped under a fallen log. Raising his hand towards the beasts, several tendrils of black energy reached out and grabbed the two creatures. As they connected, lines of silver, blue, and red energy started to be funneled through each tendril, flowing into the young man. Feeling himself get somewhat stronger, he smiled to himself.

"It's good to see that our little war didn't completely destroy this world, and I can't sense any of the traitorous bastards influence plaguing this land either. Seems like I can use my name freely then." Said the first ever demon, Ori the Cleanser.

Walking through the woods in his original direction, Ori started to appreciate the flora in his surroundings. He would appreciate the fauna as well, but it had fled during his dramatic entry into this world. Then again, if it was not so, he probably would have been torn to shreds a few times by whatever predators lived near to where Ori appeared.

Several uneventful hours passed until Ori found an animal trail. Not being able to identify it, as he had not visited in so long he himself did not know, Ori figured that even if he were to get brutalized by whatever beast made the tracks he could start leeching off its energy as he was being eaten. Following the path led Ori to a small blood wolf den, however only three wolves were present, the rest probably still on their way back or dead from the stampede. With a shrug to nobody in particular, Ori formed a dirk out of dark energy and rushed into combat.

Surprised by their attacker, which for some reason they could not hear nor smell, the largest of the trio got its legs swept out from under it and a blade through its skull. Finishing his rotation, Ori tore the dirk from his victim's head while rolling forward to counter his next target's bite. Instead of blocking however, Ori slashed his weapon into the wolf's mouth and pushing its head away. Giving a pained yelp, the wounded creature rolled in the dirt after being struck, which caused its ally to strike early to buy time. Said course of action did not end well for the two, as Ori knocked his attacker out of the air with an elbow strike before stomping on the wounded wolf's skull. Hearing a sickening crunch, the final wolf rose up in a daze. But before it could act, its hide was pierced by the black tendrils. As the last blood wolf died, it saw its companions withering away into energy, feeding the strange predator that struck them down.