
Begging of the sword 1

1918:England : ball after World war 1

Crowd : i heard she slaughtered whole army with reaper and pocket knife (whooaa that is scary)

Progonosis : why are you spreading false rumors there was no need to draw my reaper

Progonosis:What a troublesome crowd

(went to the balcony )

BANG ....... THUD what happened touches chest part and looked into her hand

Progonosis :IS THIS BLOOD!!!

think calmly my heart is shoot by right side

i am losing blood now is it enough to support me till doctors came no i won't make it

am i going to DIE HERE after all that hard work i tough i finally found freedom but that was a lie if there is a next life i want to live freely that no one will be able to control me


Progonosis :wakes up what is happening

Kent:is this my child (tears of joy)

lorel:yeah my dear it is our child

Progonosis : wait i need to process this situation after while..... i think i am reincarnated as a whole new person