What do you get when you mix in some modern humans, Heroic Spirits with issues and just chuck 'em into a dark, almost dystopian world where Kaiju, super powered villains and heroes fight on the daily? A fight for power, of course. Kill the other Heroic Spirits to claim their cards and integrate them. A race to become the Ultimate Being drives a few unlikely people together for survival.
The year 2032 was a chaotic time. World War Three had started two years prior and despite the advances in technology, it wasn't turning out to be a quick war. The US, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea were fighting China and North Korea in the Pacific. But the bloodiest front was the one in Europe, where the US, France, Germany, Poland, Canada, UK and Ukraine were fighting Russia, Iran, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and a few other countries.
It was on this front, where the NATO allied front had pushed into Russia's borders, a squad composed of Canadians, Americans, Germans and Ukrainians rested in an abandoned fortified building. Occasionally, the building would be hit with drones or even the stray missle from the North.
"Fuck! Zhat makes it.. what? Twenty?" A young German man asked, his ears ringing.
"Nah seventeen. Artillery didn't hit the building directly the last three times. Think they were aiming at the other squads but who knows? Russian troops aren't the sharpest tools in the shed." Replied a man with a deep southern American accent.
"Guys I'm trying to listen to the news.." A Ukrainian man sighed, his ear up close to the radio he was holding.
"It is just the same old shit, no? Russia throwing everything zhey have at us until zhey get supplied by China." The German man grumbled, peeking out the nearly covered window nearby.
"Yeah, they- Son of a bitch.. Zeke! You still playin' that gacha game?" The southern man asked, looking to the Canadian soldier sitting against the wall smoking and staring at his phone.
"Yeah, so? I'm coping in peace here. Just let me spend my hard earned money trying to get the big tiddy spear woman.." Zeke sighed, pressing his phone screen.
"You wanna join the conversation at least, friend?" The Ukrainian man laughed.
"What's to say? Command's got us sitting with our thumbs up our asses after that last little excursion of ours." Zeke shrugged nonchalantly.
"You mean when you, Hans, William and Etienne left out cans of food for the starving Russians? Then after they took it, left out pipe bombs disguised as food?" The American asked with an unsettled expression.
"I'd say it's not a war crime the first time but it's not really the first time we did it huh? First time we did it to Russians though. Oh is that why they're trying so hard to fuck us here?" Zeke asked, putting out his cigarette.
The building shook from the nearby explosions. The thick concrete beginning to show signs of cracking. Zeke cursed under his breath and put his phone away before getting up.
"They're fucking us hard here.. Shit dude. No foreplay? No kissing? Russians can't take a fucking joke, I swear." Zeke complained, joining the squad as they swiftly started moving away from the building.
"Shit! We'll be out in zhe open if we leave. Vhere the fuck is our support!?" Hans yelled.
The world went white for a few seconds before going dark. Zeke woke up in pain, coughing heavily. Breathing was hard. So was moving. Several heavy things were pressing down on him and he was pretty sure he was injured internally.
"R..Roll call.. Hans?" He called out between wet coughs.
The only thing he heard though, was a loud persistent ringing in his ears. Zeke looked around, seeing rubble all around him. The building they were in had collapsed, burying half hos body in concrete and metal. Still, he called out to his squad.
"Matt..? Ivan? Awesome.. just.. fucking.. awesome." He sarcastically grumbled, beginning to move when he felt sharp pain in multiple places on his body.
Several long pieces of metal shrapnel were impaled through his stomach, his right leg was crushed and he was bleeding at an alarming rate. Zeke sighed, staying perfectly still so the pain didn't overcome the shock. Zeke pulled his phone out, which was still in tact, and opened FGO again.
"If there's any silver lining to this, it's that they'll have a bunch of pissed off US, Canadian and German soldiers comin' to get revenge soon. Fuck it, let's empty the bank account.. I won't stop 'till I get Scathach.." Zeke muttered with determination.
Several hours. Yup, it took several hours to empty his bank account. Zeke almost considered coming back as a ghost to kill the developers of FGO when he hit his phone screen one last time.
"O...h.. Jalter.. huh? Alright... That's a pretty good.. one.." Zeke croaked out before finally succumbing to his injuries.
A deluge of noises, thoughts and feelings assailed him. Zeke found it funny, considering he thought death was just a sleep you took without dreams forever. But this felt more like that one time he got drunk, ate a lot of chocolate and threw up on himself. Just add in a huge headache and some strange information he had no idea what to do with.
"Aaaaaaauuuh...' A feminine groan came from within an alleyway.
A large metal bin opened up, a pale white hand resting on the lid. It looked to be a garbage bin, but luckily for the occupant inside, it was actually a charity bin, for clothes. Though it smelled stale and off-putting, it wasn't nearly as bad as a trash bin. A woman with long, cascading white hair emerged from the pile of clothes, eyes squinted at the sun bearing down at her.
'Did the Russians dump me somewhere..? I feel fine, somehow.' She thought, running her hand down her face, noticing the lack of callouses, cuts and the fact it was paler and smaller than it should be.
She attempted to stand up but stumbled, feeling her body's weight had shifted. Paricularly in the front. She looked down and looked at the two sizable mounds that had suddenly appeared there. She then did the next logical thing to do in that scenario.
She squeezed them.
'Nice' She thought before the realization sunk in fully.
"What the f-" Her own voice shocked her, a distinctly female voice.
A sultry French accent that made pleasant tingles run up her back. She looked at her hands, chest and lower body next. She quickly adapted and mentally noted the changes.
'Okay. One, I'm a chick. Two, my skin is pale but actually kinda perfect? Like damn! No hairs at all? No pimples, dimples or lumps? Feels like someone sculpted this body. Three, I'm naked in some kind of Salvation Army clothing bin. Additionally..' She felt it earlier when she moved, the long hair cascading down her back.
She grabbed the white locks and realized what happened.
"Isekai as Jalter? Could've been worse. I could have been Jack. Or the lower star Servants.. I wonder what I can do?" Jalter mused to herself.
"That can wait 'till later. I should really figure out where the Hell I ended up. But first.." Jalter looked at the clothing pile she was in before beginning to dig through them.
Five minutes later she emerged out of the alley in a large black 'I ❤ New York' hoodie and a pair of white Pumas. As most of the clothing were for kids or very strange, she opted for something that looked more normal, in case she needed to blend in.
'If need be I'll just pull the hood down and cover my hair. Now let's see..' Jalter walked out onto the sidewalk, where a few people were walking and minding their own business.
It looked like she was in some East coast American city, by how much it resembled Boston's downtown. She looked up at the tall buildings and the busy streets, thinking to herself. Once she passed a park, she took a seat on an unoccupied bench and observed the people walking by.
'English speaking. People of all different ethnicities. No accent. Wait.. actually I hear some Boston accents. So I'm probably somewhere in East coast America. Somewhere up North, near Boston and New York. Temperature's cool but not freezing.. Maybe Spring or Fall? I'll figure that out in a bit. Let's figure out who the fuck I'm supposed to be.' She sighed, resing her arms on her legs and staring into a nearby puddle's reflection.
A beautiful face was looking back through the reflection. Pale gold eyes that looked both dangerous and alluring at once. Yes, it was definitely the face of Jeanne Alter. An antagonist in the FGO series until she's summoned herself. Someone created by Gilles de Rais wishes.
"Dude basically had his fanfiction come true." She snorted in amusement, watching as the reflection's face smirked.
'So am I Zeke or Jeanne? Both? I remember a lot of Zeke's life but Jeanne.. Ah. She never had much of a life, did she? I can remember trying to turn France into a wyvern nest. Fafnir dying. Then I..' She shook her head as a frown made its way to her face.
'That settles it. Shit is officially fucked. So I'm some amalgamation of the two. Lucky me. I can temper that anger and hatred lingering on later.' Jalter concluded, sighing out in relief as she went back to people watching.
'Wonder how strong I am now.. Should set up a test after I figure out this world. If I just wound up in the past or if this is a whole new.....' Her thoughts came to a halt as a feeling of unease hit her like a freight train.
Jalter stood up, feeling multiple presences both near and far. The numbers kept increasing too, like some sort of mass invasion. The Jeanne part of her immediately recognized the feeling. Heroic Spirits. A metric fuckton of them. All appearing at some specific point, then scattering away at insane speeds. A few even landed in the city she was in. Jalter hit her face with her palm.
"Fucking shit, dude.. Can't you give me like an hour so I can at least grasp where the fuck I am!?" She shouted indignantly, earning a few looks from the passerby civilians around her.
A few even rushed away in fear. Jalter noted that reaction and started walking the streets, trying to find somewhere with access to a computer, like an internet cafe. As she walked, she noticed more white people. The area she was in was looking more run down, like certain areas where gangs operated. Soon enough, a few young men with red armbands approached her. She looked at the armbands, which almost looked like swastikas, only they read as '88'.
"Hello, sister. You look new around here. Forgive our suddeness but you looked lost. Perhaps we can help?" The leader of the group of four introduced.
"You know I'm not very fashion oriented but those armbands kinda look like ones the SS wore. Almost makes you look like Nazis." Jalter said, looking at the collective amusement on their faces as they heard her.
"Because we are?" One of the young men chuckled.
"Oh yay.. I was hoping you guys were LARPing but honest to God Neo Nazis? Yeah I'm gonna go." Jalter turned away, seeing the white civilans all start to clear out.
A rough hand grasped her shoulder, intent on keeping her there.
"Now now. No need to leave. We're just interested in your appearance and accent is all. So why don't you-" The next thing the young Neo Nazi knew, he was sent flying with the hardest punch he had ever received.
He landed on the hood of a nearby car, his chest caved in, with multiple bones broken. The Neo Nazis looked at Jalter, who herself looked surprised at the casual hit she sent at the man for touching her. It was more out of instinct than any intentional harm. They looked at her with fear before scattering to run away.
"It's a Cape!"
"I fucking knew it! Look at her hair!"
Some of them screamed out as they ran off, fleeing from the woman who so casually put their friend at death's door. Jalter cursed and threw her hood up before quickly walking back to the more civilized part of the city she had walked from.
'Did one of them call me a Cape..? Do heroes exist here? Marvel? DC? I need to find a library or cafe ASAP.' Jalter quickened her pace, leaving behind the now dead Neo Nazi.
Two hours later, she finally received some answers. Though it was from a news site. She had to sneak into the internet cafe, knock out the pervert who was watching Hentai in the back and look for some general information.
"Brockton Bay.. Why's that sound familiar?" Jalter muttered before seeing a link to a website.
Parahumans Online Forum
"Oh.. I'm in Worm. God.. fucking dammit!"