
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 58

the global analog age

"Just relying on the luck of the golden dragon, I will destroy the Dragon Snake Sect."

The words "Dragon Snake Sect" sounded in his mind.

Flames flickered in Lin Qiye's eyes.

The golden dragon of luck is really too fierce.


There are more than 100,000 strands of innate innate energy in his body, boiling and excited under the blessing of the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck...

Their quality is improving!

Although the speed of improvement is like a turtle crawling.

But innate zhenqi is a treasure of god-level quality!

Enough for Lin Qiye to use the diamond level. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

It is a once-in-lifetime good thing to be able to meet the Golden Dragon of Luck and raise it to another level.

Such a chance against the sky, even a platinum walker may not be able to encounter it!

Even the Diamond Walker would be ecstatic when they encounter it!


Deep in Lin Qiye's heart, wisps of excitement, hilarity, and darkness spread wildly.

Although Lin Qiye tried his best to restrain himself.

But soon.

The dark feeling in my heart could not be restrained no matter what.

Lin Qiye could only take a deep breath and smiled lightly.

Don't pretend, it's a showdown!

Just cool!

The corners of Lin Qiye's mouth twitched.

At the same time, he looked towards the top of the abyss.

'Go to the Dragon Snake Sect! Go to Dragon Snake Sect! Don't delay my condensing of crape myrtle infuriating! '

Thinking of this.

Lin Qiye flicked the wings of lightning and thunder, and rushed out of the abyss at the speed of thunder.

There was absolutely no spare time to look at Zhu Yuheng.

Zhu Yuheng: "…"

She quietly watched the back of Lin Qiye leaving and fell into thought.

"This guy has tens of thousands of strands of innate qi? What's the matter?"

Zhu Yuheng was puzzled.

Innate infuriating, doesn't it dissipate quickly after the baby is born?

Why does this guy have a hundred thousand strands?

Zhu Yuheng can't understand!

She recalled the scene of Lin Qiye crushing the Dragon Nail.

There was a little depression in my heart.

A hundred years ago, she wanted to challenge Zhenlong Nail, but she was infected with unknown, and she was unlucky for a whole hundred years.


This guy actually made the seven Zhenlong nails disappear!

Then she has been unlucky for a hundred years, isn't it very shameless?

Zhu Yuheng, who has a unique desire to win, took a slight breath.

"I admit that in this competition, I ate a little deflated."

Zhu Yuheng Danfeng's long eyes drooped slightly.

She didn't want to admit that she lost, so she secretly changed the word: shriveled.

Eat deflated, eat a little, not much.


The depression in Zhu Yuheng's heart only lasted for a moment, and he immediately raised his arrogant chin.

Her unique desire to win and lose began to breed again.

"Yeah! Taking the Zhenlong Nail as a reference, it can't fully reflect the combat effectiveness."

"His innate qi, although there are many in number, is not lethal. At most, it can make his recovery ability stronger. And my strength is extremely leading, and I still win."

Zhu Yuheng was analyzing in an orderly manner, and Danfeng's long eyes shone with pride.

No better than Ji Qinghuan... She is not strong enough, and is weaker than the other party in all aspects.

But for Lin Qiye, she has strength and pride!

"But...what are the wings behind that guy?

Like some kind of magic weapon, like martial arts, and like a natural growth. Looks extremely good.

If I could have a pair of wings like that, my strength might be doubled. "

Zhu Yuheng was suddenly curious.


She simply wanted to return Lin Qiye's favor.

But now...she finds things interesting.

As a 'empress', there are still things that I can't understand!

And suddenly two appeared.

Zhu Yuheng could not accept it.

She decided.

In the future, I will follow Lin Qiye and observe more.

On the one hand, looking for an opportunity to return the favor.

On the one hand, look for opportunities to comprehend how to obtain wings and innate qi.

read this.

Zhu Yuheng rushed to the abyss and looked at the location of Qingxuanzong's mountain gate.

over there.

Lin Qiye was landing in front of Eunuch Cao.

at this time.

Eunuch Cao looked at the returning Lin Qiye with worry in his eyes.

Wouldn't His Highness Seventeen become an extremely murderous tyrant who would slaughter a city at every turn?

After all... His Seventeenth Highness is full of calculations, and he is only seven years old.

At a young age, killing too much may cause personality distortions and even affect martial arts progress.

Eunuch Cao couldn't help but feel uneasy in his heart.

He opened his mouth and stopped several times before he finally spoke:

"His Seventeenth Highness, do you feel unwell? Is your state of mind okay?"

Lin Qiye gave Eunuch Cao a puzzled look: "What could be wrong with my mentality?"


Lin Qiye seemed to understand the subtext and glanced at Eunuch Cao silently.

"Eunuch Cao, don't you think I'm an extremely murderous change?"

"Then you are wrong."

"I have a flower in my heart, a sword in my hand, a compassionate heart, and diamond means. I will become an emperor in the future, and I will also be a benevolent father who loves the people like a son."

Lin Qiye was magnanimous, showing a restrained smile.

The smile is indifferent, and the handsome and cold facial features are extremely handsome and dignified.

He and the tyrant who slaughtered 400,000 immortal practitioners just now are two different people.


Eunuch Cao was even more cold and sweaty...

'It's over, the real people slaughter tyrants, aren't they all... happy and anger are not visible, one second is still smiling, the next second is a million corpses? '

Eunuch Cao was distraught.

It was a mess.

He decided... to rush for thousands of miles immediately, repair a letter, and report to His Majesty the situation of His Highness the Seventeenth.

Let Your Majesty find a way.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible to distort the cultivation mood of His Highness the Seventeenth!

And just when Eunuch Cao was frightened in his stomach.

Lin Qiye's facial features returned to sternness.

"That's right. Eunuch Cao...I'll give you a task. You go to Qingxuanzong's roster and go to Qingxuanzong to investigate one by one. If you find any immortal cultivators who have abused the people, they will kill their entire family."


Eunuch Cao had heart palpitations in his eyes, and subconsciously admonished: "Your Highness, I'm afraid this will involve millions of people!"

"You have killed so many immortal cultivators before you ascended the throne, affecting your cultivation state of mind, what should you do if your realm can no longer be improved?

In addition, killing too much will also affect your reputation, and the old minister is not willing to call you a tyrant in the future..."

Eunuch Cao is worthy of being a loyal minister of the Qin Dynasty.

He was sincere and worried about Lin Qiye.

He was also afraid that Lin Qiye would have a psychological problem, which would affect his cultivation mood. He was also afraid that Lin Qiye would have a bad reputation and become a tyrant in the people of later generations.


Lin Qiye didn't care at all.

"If I say kill them all, kill them all, even if 2 million people are involved!"

"Six sects, never do bad things! There are only 600 million people in Daqin, and they can harm 200 million!

One-third of the people live in dire straits, what is the face of my Daqin royal family? What is the future of my Daqin? "

"I want the six sects to be wiped out! Even if I bear the name of a tyrant, it doesn't matter? Thousands of corpses will be buried, blood will flow into rivers, and they will all be killed!"

Lin Qiye's tone was so loud that he couldn't be bothered to say anything.


He looked at Eunuch Cao seriously with deep eyes.

"Eunuch Cao, I'll leave this matter to you. As long as any immortal cultivator who commits evil acts, the whole family will be silenced, and none will remain."

"As the future emperor of Daqin, if I am merciful to the cancerous tumor that rides on the heads of the people, it is cruel to my people!"

Lin Qiye stood with his hands behind his back.

"Are you afraid of my murderousness? But can you see my merciful and benevolent actions towards the common people?"

"Could it be that immortal cultivators are human, and common people are not human?"

Eunuch Cao was speechless.

"But... a cultivator is more useful than a hundred ordinary people..."

to this.

Lin Qiye smiled lightly.

"That's what you thought."

"Do it according to my order! Come to the Dragon Snake Sect immediately after finishing it."

talking room.

Lin Qiye's eyes were burning, and confidence appeared in his facial features.

Seeing that His Highness the Seventeenth is so confident.

Eunuch Cao had to nod and obey.


Eunuch Cao also had some scruples.

With a very fast speech rate, he quickly reminded Lin Qiye.

"His Seventeenth Highness, the news of your destruction of Qingxuan Sect will be known to other sects in two days at the latest."

"They will definitely join forces to deal with you! They may even collude with the wolves... You must be careful!"


Lin Qiye frowned slightly.

"Two days? Within two days, I can quickly destroy the Dragon Snake Sect and the Shura Temple..."

"The remaining three sects, I will let the old emperor deploy troops to support."

"With the old emperor's ruthless energy, when he seizes the opportunity to destroy the six sects, he will definitely take action."

"The problem is the wolf clan..."

"If the six sects collude with the wolf clan, then the wolf master will definitely march south, making the old emperor unable to transfer troops."

This is the wolf lord's method to check and balance the Daqin Empire - to make the Daqin Empire internal friction, and let the six major sects drag the royal family's hind legs.

"So, I have to find a way to block the wolf master."

"But the current wolf lord, known as a generation of arrogance, lights up the Sixth Heaven Gate. If the old emperor comes to encircle and suppress the six sects, there will be no one to guard the border..."

"Eunuch Cao's words... Eunuch Cao's strength is inferior to that of the old emperor, and he cannot compete with the wolf master."


A problem was placed in front of Lin Qiye.

But suddenly.

The figure of Zhu Yuheng in Lin Qiye's mind.

Although this **** is rather strange, her strength is a real powerhouse who lights up the Sixth Heaven Gate!

Competing with the Wolf Lord...it's not difficult!

"I remember... She wanted to repay me a favor. Wouldn't it be just right for me to ask her to help?"

Thinking of this.

Lin Qiye found Zhu Yuheng who was observing near the abyss.

"Sister. Please do me a favor. Even if you lose your favor, how about it?"

Zhu Yuheng's dragon raised his eyebrows.

She doesn't like to owe favors.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he agreed immediately.

"What's the rush? Say it in advance, I don't like to shoot the weak."

Lin Qiye's eyes shouted and smiled:

"He is very strong. At a young age, he lit up the Sixth Heavenly Gate, and is called a generation of arrogance! He has the talent to overwhelm the world!"


Zhu Yuheng nodded slightly, his interest suddenly aroused.

"Who is he? Where is he?"

"He is the current Heavenly Khan of the wolf clan! He is about to lead an army to invade the northern border of the Daqin Empire.

I would like to ask you to help fend him off for a few days. At the same time, I also ask you to help me bring a letter to the Emperor of Qin, my father. "


Lin Qiye took out the letter from the storage ring.

Quickly write down your arrangement and hand it to Zhu Yuheng.

The content of the letter was clearly placed in front of Zhu Yuheng.

But Zhu Yuheng's Danfeng eyes were full of indifference, she was too lazy to look at it, and threw the letter directly into the storage ring.

"I hope you don't lie to me. If I find out... If you lie to me, I will make you lose a layer of skin."

Zhu Yuheng snorted, the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, and disappeared in an instant.

Watching Zhu Yuheng leave.

Lin Qiye smiled lightly.


"Both are the six sects of heaven, Zhu Yuheng is enough to resist the wolf master, and the old emperor can send troops to destroy the six sects together with me."

"The six Daqin cancers can all be removed, so you don't have to worry about them stealing your home anymore."

"The next step is to find a group of scientific research talents and cultivate them well. It will take a few years to mass-produce explosives!"

"...I will light up the Sixth Heaven's Gate again! When the time comes... Wolf Lord? A generation of arrogant? Heavenly Khan? Wolf clan? Cao Jier! I will lead the division of tigers and wolves, behead all their heads, and build a Jingguan!"

Lin Qiye's eyes lit up.

Without any hesitation, swept the wings of lightning and thunder, and galloped towards the Dragon Snake Sect...

this go.

There are three goals.

One, destroy the Dragon and Snake Sect, and rescue the common people who were harmed by the Dragon and Snake Sect!

Second, kill the golden walkers of the Jianghu faction and seize the spoils!

Three, get the second body of the Golden Dragon!

With a clear goal, Lin Qiye, with high fighting spirit, drove the whole day at lightning speed.

the next day.

Lin Qiye's state returned to full capacity on the way.

And in front of the mountain gate of Dragon Snake Sect.

Lin Qiye's tall figure hung quietly.

With cold eyes, he looked at the Dragon Snake Sect.

The Zongmen Mountain Range of the Dragon Snake Sect is shaped like a coiled dragon, and the dragon's spine is coiled three times inside and out.

The towering dragon's ridge, inserted into the sky, can't see the top, only half of the ridge can be seen, covered with a thick layer of snow for thousands of meters.

Like a white dragon, petrified here.

Each coiled 'Dragon's Back' is a natural danger.

It is extremely difficult for outsiders to cross the natural danger and enter the interior. They can only enter the Dragon Snake Sect through the only entrance.

But accordingly-

It is not an easy task for the immortal cultivators in the sect to escape over the almost vertical and steep mountains that are as high as 20,000 meters.

Seeing this so-called natural danger that can only be entered.

Lin Qiye couldn't help laughing, his eyes were full of smiles.

He was amused.

I couldn't even help but stunned: "This Dragon Snake Sect is simply the perfect terrain for closing doors and hitting dogs!"

"It's digging one's own grave."

talking room.

Lin Qiye twisted the handle of the Ring Chief Sword.

The wings of lightning and thunder slammed into a fan, which turned into an afterimage that was difficult to capture with the naked eye, and entered the Dragon Snake Sect from the only entrance of the Dragon Snake Sect.

In an instant.

Corpses are everywhere.

Blood mist and blood gas rose into the sky.

far away.

Many old villagers, puzzled by their wrinkled faces, looked up in the direction of Dragon Snake Sect.

A cloud of blood covering the sky, like a Kunpeng flying in the sky.

The cloud of blood rolled, and the smell was overwhelming and disgusting.

The people were terrified.

"What happened to Dragon Snake Sect?"

"Is that red cloud floating in the sky a terrifying giant beast?"

"What a big red cloud, it seems that there is a thick ominous inside!"

"It's too scary? Could it be that the immortal of the Dragon Snake Sect is angry?"

There are children crying.

The people hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed.

"I beg the immortals of the Dragon and Snake Sect not to be angry! I beg the immortals of the Dragon and Snake Sect not to be angry!"

And farther away, in the mountains and mountains that are even more inaccessible.

There is a loose cultivator who was forced to hide everywhere by the Dragon Snake Sect. When he saw the blood cloud rising to the sky, he quickly swept to the top of the high mountain and looked far into the distance.


They were so excited they almost broke.

"This... This is a blood cloud! Someone is slaughtering the beasts of the Dragon Snake Sect! Someone is slaughtering the beasts of the Dragon Snake Sect!" "Hahahaha! Heaven has eyes! Heaven has eyes! My Linger, look Are you there yet? The beasts of the Dragon Snake Sect have been punished!"

The loose repairer gritted his teeth.

Kneeling on the mountain peak and weeping bitterly.

And a similar situation.

Occurs in many remote areas within the sphere of influence of the Dragon Snake Sect.

Loose cultivators one by one, gritted their teeth, and drilled out from all directions.

With full of anger and the joy of revenge for blood revenge, he rushed to the Dragon Snake Sect without his life, and wanted to watch the Dragon Snake Sect collapse with his own eyes.


After half an hour.

Outside the Dragon Snake Sect, it was crowded with loose cultivators. Their strength was not high, but the hatred in their eyes was burning!

They rushed into the Dragon Snake Sect one after the other, rummaging through the corpses and pools of blood to find the enemy they had hated for many years, or even a hundred years.

"You turned to ashes, I know you!"

"Xue Ba of dog days, you also have today! You finally have today?"

The loose cultivators dragged the enemy's body out of the **** water.

Then, knife by knife, chopped into minced meat.

As for the fat-headed and big-eared enemies, they use oil to light sky lanterns.

all in all.

They used the most relieved means to retaliate and vent.

a time.

The Dragon Snake Sect in the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood is actually full of laughter and a happy atmosphere.

It is like a ghost in hell, enjoying the process of punishing the undead.

Feel the crazy scattered repair below.

Lin Qiye raised his eyebrows.

He didn't stop the loose cultivators from taking revenge.

Just a warning in a majestic voice.

"You can take revenge, but whoever dares to kill innocent people indiscriminately will surely die! Remember! You must not oppress the people in the future!"

The rolling voice resounded through the sky, containing the power of thunder and the spirit of an emperor.

Let the hearts of the scattered cultivators jump.

They took this sentence down deeply and did not dare to disobey it.

after all.

The one who said this was the super powerhouse who could destroy the Dragon Snake Sect.

Even a behemoth like the Dragon Snake Sect can be overthrown by itself.

What he said... could there be no deterrent?

"We won't kill civilians, after all... we are the victims!"

"We were oppressed by the Dragon Snake Sect and our family was ruined!"

"My son was taken out by them before he was born!"

"Thank you, my lord, to plead for us!"

"Thank you sir!"

The loose cultivators were both in awe and gratitude, and they all knelt on the ground together, bowing to Lin Qiye.

Lin Qiye nodded slightly.

Turn around and swept into the back mountain of Dragon Snake Sect.

have to say.

Wang Liu, the golden walker of the Jianghu faction, was a little clever, but he actually hid deep in the back mountain and hid in the snow.


This little cleverness is of no use.

Lin Qiye followed his intuition and found Wang Liu's hiding place.


The sword light flashed, and the layers of snow merged.

Wang Liu lowered from the snow and was exposed.


Wang Liu paled in shock and was terrified.

Like a frightened mouse, he looked at Lin Qiye with trembling.

"Wang Liu? Long time no see, can you recognize me?"

Lin Qiye's indifferent voice resounded in Wang Liu's ears.

Wang Liu was shocked. Desperate to the extreme.

"Are you Lin Qiye? That s-class talent newcomer?"

"How could it be you? Aren't you a White Banker?! Why...why...why are you in the golden time?"

"Impossible! Even if you are an S-level talent, you can't become a golden walker in just two days!"

Wang Liu's face was full of astonishment.


It is impossible to become a gold walker in just two days!

Even the most talented evildoers in the capital have to walk for a year or two before they can officially sprint to the Golden Walker.

In just two days, he has entered the realm of the golden walker, and he is not afraid of insufficient experience, unstable foundation, and poor background.

Killed by other gold walkers?

But just came up with this idea.

Wang Liu was stuck.

Insufficient experience, unstable foundation, and poor foundation?

Is Lin Qiye really inexperienced, his foundation is unstable, and his background is too poor?


Lin Qiye was like a monster.

At the age of seven, the Four Heavenly Gates were lit up!

It can also slaughter a sect with a half-step Nascent Soul powerhouse.

Who can match this speed of growth?

Wang Liu was desperate.

He can't escape.

Not even suicide.

He could only watch Lin Qiye helplessly, approaching step by step.


Knife up and down.

Wang Liu joined Lin Qiye's split plan.

Heads and corpses rolled down in different directions.

Just when the head fell.

In Lin Qiye's mind, the long-awaited, crisp and pleasant prompt sounded.

[Life Lamp Gem Tip: You have perfectly killed the Golden Walker Wang Liu!

Captured all the opponent's treasures and walking points]

[Reminder of the Gem of Life Lamp: You have captured the energy of the Gem of Life Lamp of the Golden Walker Wang Liu! The quality of your life lamp gemstone has been improved by a small grade!

When you are cultivating in the main world, you can use the walking point to break through to the second realm of Nascent Infant without hindrance. ]

[Life Lamp Gem Tip: You have captured 175,000 walking points]

[Life Lamp Gem Tip: You have captured the golden quality cultivation method - the long river formula]

[Life Lamp Gem Tip: You have captured the Silver Quality Physique Card - Holy Ape Body]

[Gem of Life Lamp Tip: You have captured a silver-quality weapon—Ghost Tooth Knife. ]

[Reminder of the Gem of Life Lamp: You have captured the gold-quality martial arts—like a mountain. ]

[Life Lamp Gem Tip: You have captured low-level demonic magic weapon fragments x1 (consumes ten years of lifespan and sacrifices the magic weapon, which can provoke the same-level walkers below the gold quality and drag them into the same time and space to fight.

The opponent can refuse to fight, but after refusal, the difficulty of the next Sims will increase by a disaster event. )]

[Reminder of the Gem of Life Lamp: You have captured the Silver Quality Wisdom Card - 'Wizard of Martial Arts']

[Life Lamp Gem Tip: You have captured the Silver Quality Martial Art - Misty Footwork]

[Life Lamp Gem Tip: You have captured the cornerstone of the formation x50]

[Killing Notice: A Gold Walker was beheaded by another Gold Walker. ]

A series of prompt tones, crisp and pleasant, every word is like a wonderful note.

Every reward made Lin Qiye feel refreshed and refreshed.

"Although there are only two gold-quality treasures, the comprehensive wealth exceeds 4 million walking points!"

What a cool word?

Lin Qiye was speechless.

Gold belt, gold belt!

Four million, four million!

So much money!

It's so lucrative!

This kind of thing is addicting!

Lin Qiye was secretly delighted, and the smile in his eyes was undisguised.

"Four million worth of loot is in hand, and the more important second stage of the golden dragon of luck."

Thinking of this.

Without any hesitation, Lin Qiye quickly swept towards the back mountain of the Dragon Snake Sect, fell directly into the abyss, and rescued the second body of the Golden Dragon of Luck.

Second body.

Exactly the dragon neck.

The two dragon bodies are fused together, increasing the state of the golden dragon of luck by more than 10%.

at the same time.

The hundreds of thousands of innate qi in Lin Qiye's body became more and more boiling and more excited.

The excitement and joy made Lin Qiye feel refreshed and refreshed.

"The effect of the golden dragon of luck is too good! Go to the Shura Palace! Take the third body."

Lin Qiye didn't want to stop for a moment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com swept directly to the Asura Hall.

But suddenly.

A strange intuition appeared in Lin Qiye's heart.

"Have I forgotten something important?!"

Lin Qiye was suddenly suspended in the air, and his cold facial features showed a thoughtful look.

"I must have forgotten something important. Let me think!"