
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 4

"You're going to elementary school? Uh..."

Listening to Lin Qiye's milky plea.

Mother Lin was in a tangle.

Her darling is a genius, but she still wants to play with Lin Qiye every day.

What fun children are!

Especially a cute, smart and healthy child like Lin Qiye.

Breastfeeding is always obedient.

When peeing and peeing, he can shout and talk.

Go to bed at night, never wake up in the middle of the night to torture people.

Lin Qiye never let her experience the hard work of raising children.

She has only real happiness and full of pride.

But what if the boy went to elementary school?

She's not ready to part with the darling yet.

Mother Lin shook her head reluctantly: "Darling, you are only two years old, you are too young, the school won't want you."

Of course, Lin Qiye had already thought of a countermeasure.

"I'll go to school to sign up, then I'll study by myself at home, and then my mother will accompany me to take the exam!"

This proposal made Lin's eyes shine.

Without burying the talent of the good boy, she can also take good care of the young Lin Qiye.

She immediately called Father Lin to discuss.

When Father Lin learned about Lin Qiye's talent, he was so shocked that he jumped three feet in the company.

"I already knew that my son is a genius. In this case, I will take a leave tomorrow to go through the enrollment procedures for my son."

the next day.

Lin's father and Lin's mother took Lin Qiye to the best elementary school in Jiangnan City.

The principal did not agree at first.

A two-year-old baby, is she still breastfeeding? How can I go to primary school?

I'm afraid it's impossible to count 100 numbers.


Lin Qiye opened his mouth with a table of multiplication formulas, which he recited by heart.

The principal was surprised.

She took out a math test paper for the first grade of elementary school and asked Lin Qiye to do it.

Lin Qiye immediately showed his strength, and at a glance, he was able to report the correct answer.

The principal was stunned. He thought of those geniuses who went to college at the age of fourteen and entered the junior class at the age of thirteen.

She couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Your son is a genius! Absolutely a genius!"

The principal was overjoyed. He had been teaching for more than 30 years, but he had met a child prodigy.

At the age of two, he was able to solve the first-grade math test paper in seconds.

He didn't dare to imagine what heights he would reach in the future!

If it can be cultivated, how much will it increase his fame?

The principal took a deep breath and looked at Lin Qiye with a shocked face.

"Just as Mother Lin said, let's admit you to school! You are self-taught at home, and you only need to take mid-term and final exams."


The principal applied for Lin Qiye's second-grade naturalization certificate as quickly as possible.

Lin Qiye was very happy.

After studying for half a year.

In the shock of the principal's trembling, Lin Qiye skipped grades continuously.

Promoted to the first grade.

The principal who handled the class skipping certificate for Lin Qiye was amazed and praised: "It's incredible, so there are really geniuses in the world!"

The principal has a weird expression. At the age of three, he can master all elementary school knowledge and even understand the content of junior high school.

It's really scary!

The principal's arm trembled, and a bright red seal was affixed.

Then, with a full smile on his face, he rubbed Lin Qiye's tender face.

"Xiao Qiye, you are still studying at home, you just need to take the exam."

Lin Qiye nodded coldly.

That night.

In Lin Qiye's mind, a prompt sounded for the first time.

[Fate changed successfully: 2 years old, you entered kindergarten, you are good-looking and strong, and the children in kindergarten are very close to you. Because of your performance in kindergarten, your family has gained an extra income. ]

[Defying the sky and changing your life successfully: At the age of 2, you entered elementary school. The train of fate is galloping toward another track. ]

[Defying the sky and changing your life successfully: At the age of 3, you were promoted to junior high school, the name of a genius first appeared, and your reputation was seen in the newspapers, you are destined to be extraordinary. ]

[The Gem of Life Lamp is being formed...]

[You get 500 walking points. ]

After reading the tips.

Lin Qiye smiled slightly.

500 walking points is undoubtedly a huge sum of money. With these 500 walking points, Lin Qiye has the confidence to deal with all the changes!


Bottom line.

Lin Qiye was still very cautious.

He has changed his life twice now, but that doesn't mean he can take it lightly.

When studying in a simulation school, he learned that: in the process of life, there are accidents everywhere!

You may change the events of your childhood, but if you are not careful enough.

Then it may trigger a series of accidents such as robbery, kidnapping, car accident, falling objects, X disease and so on.

Lin Qiye decided to continue.

He is only a little over three years old, and it would be best for Gou to learn by himself at home.

In addition to self-study, I will jump and do some exercise.

At the same time, Lin Qiye's diet is scientific and balanced.

This caused his height to jump up. At the age of four, he was already the height of a seven-year-old child.

Yan Zhi has also changed from being cute and cute to being immature and handsome, just like a handsome young man.

But being handsome is useless in the face of terminally ill teenagers!

Knowledge is the only one!

Lin Qiye knew this very well. Before the sudden outbreak of terminal illness, apart from scientific knowledge, everything else was false!


Lin Qiye studied even harder. It only took him half a year to solve his junior high school knowledge.

And with a perfect score of 147 points in six subjects and 147 points in Chinese, he entered the best high school in Jiangnan City, Jiangnan City No. 1 Middle School.

A four-year-old champion in the senior high school entrance examination! child prodigy! caused a small stir.

Many interview media gathered near the community and wanted to write a big news.

But Lin's parents and Lin's mother refused all media interviews.

"Children like reading and learning, and have a strong desire for knowledge. I hope the outside world will not disturb them."

The voice of Lin's father and Lin's mother also caused the media to be condemned by the society.

Under the condemnation, the media and newspapers left in dismay.

The principal of Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School personally came to visit Lin Qiye's home.

Lin Qiye's talent is too high.

The leaders of the entire Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School were willing to give Lin Qiye the green light.

He can teach himself at home.

You only need to be accompanied by your parents when you take the exam.

Lin Qiye was very happy with this.

After all, he has a Nobel Prize-winning scientist smart card, and he taught himself high school knowledge without difficulty.

Just one year.

Lin Qiye knew all about high school knowledge.

At this time, he was only five years old.

Although the scientific diet allowed him to reach the level of a nine-year-old child, about one meter three.

But compared to 1.6 meters, UU reading www.uukanshu.com or even a 1.8 meter high school student, he is just a grandson of the soil.


This did not affect Lin Qiye.

He begged the school in advance to register him for the college entrance examination.

Therefore, he was able to take the college entrance examination this year.


Lin Qiye was five years old. As the champion of science in Jiangnan Province, he was admitted to Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, majoring in biological sciences.

A five-year-old science champion, a popular news subject.

The media coverage is overwhelming.

He became a summer hit!

The media called him a prodigy, but many people attacked and abused him online.

"Haha! Xia Guo loves to cultivate exam-oriented education as a problem maker."

"At the age of five, you can do problems like this, and you will definitely not be able to do scientific research in the future."

"Unfortunately, the age of five is the time to cultivate scientific thinking and innovative consciousness, but it was ruined by exam-oriented education!"

"Exam-oriented education has ruined another genius. Now you know where the gap between Xia and the West is?"

There is a lot of maliciousness on the Internet.

But Lin Qiye didn't care at all.

He has only thirteen years left.

For thirteen years, I must try my best to overcome the terminal illness in my body.

Otherwise, this time The Sims will fail.

Lin Qiye didn't dare to think about the consequences of failure!

He was ruthless.

The last chance must be seized!


Lin Qiye didn't hear things outside the window, and the world praised it without any encouragement, and the world didn't feel sorry for it.

He is just struggling to swim in the ocean of knowledge.

And at the moment Lin Qiye got the college notice.

In Lin Qiye's mind, a prompt sounded again that made Lin Qiye feel relaxed.