
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 3

[Because the process of changing your life against the sky is too incredible. You get an extra bonus. ]

[You can choose one of the following three bronze reincarnation cards. ]

[Note: The reincarnation card can be brought back to the main world, and it will take effect in all future walks. ]

[Champion Athlete Physique Card (Bronze Quality)]: You have a strong physique since childhood and have the potential to become a world champion athlete.

[Nobel Prize Scientist Wisdom Card (Bronze Quality)]: You are smart and eager to learn since you were a child, and have the potential to become a Nobel Prize scientist. Wearing this card, you can also carry all the knowledge of the two disciplines of the Overworld into the Sims.

[Ultimate Inner Volume King Energy Card (Bronze Quality)]: You have been energetic since childhood, and your energy is 3 times that of ordinary people. You only need to sleep for 3 hours a day.

Check out the rewards.

The two-year-old Lin Qiye completely released his nature, giggling like the little sun in Teletubbies.

The reward is great!

It was so good that Lin Qiye couldn't believe it!

You must know that walking points are hard currency in the Great Thousand World and the main world. Whether it is resources or treasures, you need to use walking points to buy them.

And the 1000 walking point directly hit Lin Qiye's arms.

His SSS-level talent - Creation Deduction If you want to deduce the next game-breaking plan, you need exactly 1000 walking points.

In other words, with this precious 1,000 walking points, Lin Qiye can completely change his life against the sky!

Thoughts are here.

Lin Qiye was happily rolling on the ground, like a kitten that caught the sun.

Mother Lin picked up Lin Qiye and smoothed the folds on Lin Qiye's clothes: "My dear, what are you enjoying?"

Lin Qiye did not speak.

The mind stays on the extra reward.

Additional rewards.

He knew it.

When I was in school, I learned the corresponding knowledge.

It is extremely difficult to trigger extra rewards. You must avoid dead ends in the process of Sims to trigger.

The teacher said that extra rewards are hard to come by, even if it is a Daqianxian who has simulated dozens or hundreds of times, he may not be able to encounter it once.

But I never imagined that the first time I changed my life against the sky, I would trigger such a small probability reward.

Indeed, life is full of surprises.

Lin Qiye was amazed, his eyes jumped on the three cards.

"But... three reincarnation cards, how should I choose?"

Lin Qiye was in trouble.

The physique card and the wisdom card are both top-notch treasures, both of which are reluctant!

The champion athlete physique card allows the wearer to have a strong physique since childhood, and it is not easy to die.

The Nobel Prize Scientist Smart Card enables the wearer to be smart and eager to learn since childhood and become a Nobel Prize scientist.

Lin Qiye really didn't know what to choose.

He was in a dilemma.


Lin Qiye's eyes lit up and he thought of a solution.

"I will first deduce the perfect plan to change my life against the sky, and then choose the reincarnation card according to the plan. Isn't it perfect?"

Thinking of this.

Lin Qiye immediately consumed 1,000 walking points and activated the [Creation Deduction].

After dozens of seconds, Lin Qiye got the answer.

Overcoming terminal illness is a super difficult problem.

If you want to directly deduce the conquering plan, you have to spend 10,000 walking points.

Lin Qiye was not that wealthy.

When he got the plan, he understood the technology of this world and became a leader in the field of biotechnology.

On the one hand, the more profound the knowledge, the more subtle the deduced plan.

On the other hand, it is possible to use the power of the whole country to overcome terminal illness.

Lin Qiye understood: "I choose the Nobel Prize Scientist Wisdom Card."

Select the moment of completion.

A clear stream poured into Lin Qiye's mind, and the speed of his thinking increased dozens of times.

His eyes were piercing, bright and luminous, and he was extraordinarily wise.

"The bonus of the wisdom card is really high."

"It's time to move on to the next plan."

Lin Qiye was quite happy.

"The next important event is: I will be in kindergarten at the age of 9. According to the perfect plan, I should go to kindergarten when I am 2 years old."

"However, if you want to go to the kindergarten, you must show my talent and intelligence. Otherwise, my parents will not allow it, and the kindergarten may not make an exception to take me in."

Lin Qiye nodded secretly, and immediately cupped Mother Lin's face with his small hands: "Books! I want to read books! Mama, I want to read books!"

The tender childish voice came out of Lin Qiye's mouth, which startled Mother Lin.

"Darling, what did you say?"

"Book, I want to read a book, I want to read a book!"

Mother Lin was a little confused. A 2-year-old baby can't articulate so clearly, and she has to read a book when she comes up, isn't it a little weird?

But when I think of the miraculous incident where my son vomited after drinking a sip of poisoned milk powder when he was a child, plus the height of the good baby can be comparable to that of a four-year-old baby.

Mother Lin was not surprised either.

She put Lin Qiye on the floor, took out a children's picture book, and spread it out in front of Lin Qiye.

Lin Qiye: "..."

This thing is terrifyingly retarded for geniuses.

Lin Qiye didn't take it seriously, and before Mother Lin took him to read, he flipped through the children's picture book, and every time he turned a page, he would spit out a word.

"Lion, tiger, bear, crocodile... It's too simple, I don't want to see it."

Mother Lin could only throw away the children's picture books for learning about animals.

Take out the children's numeracy picture book.

Lin Qiye flipped through the picture book and opened his mouth to all the figures.

"It's too simple, I still don't want to see it."

Mother Lin was stunned.

"My dear, you are not a genius, are you? Are you really 2 years old with this level of intelligence?"

Lin Qiye disapproved and recited a table of multiplication formulas.

Then he put his hands on his hips and stood proudly.

"I'm going to kindergarten! I'm going to study in kindergarten!"

Mother Lin was a little confused.

Kindergarten is for four or five year olds.

My own darling, will he go to kindergarten at the age of two?

Will it be a little early?


In terms of height, my own darling has grown to be equivalent to a four-year-old baby, and going to kindergarten is nothing.

More importantly, he is so smart, so smart that he can memorize the multiplication table by heart!

Multiplication formulas, should be the knowledge of the second grade of elementary school, right?

Where did he learn it from?

on TV?

Mother Lin's thinking was a little confused.

But it's more of excitement and pride.

My own cub is definitely a genius!

Mother Lin was very happy. Holding her mobile phone, she quickly contacted the best kindergarten in the neighborhood.

Hongtongtong Kindergarten.

30,000 yuan per semester.

Mother Lin paid the fee.

Let Lin Qiye successfully enter the kindergarten.

Because Lin Qiye is cute and handsome, has a cold temperament, and is very young, so the kindergarten's kindergarten teacher took special care of Lin Qiye.

Coax Lin Qiye as a child.

However, they never expected that Lin Qiye began to show his power after being honest for half an hour.

He first mingled with the children, and then shouted in the crowd, "Our parents won't come to pick us up! They don't want us anymore!"

"My parents just threw us here because they didn't want us!"

Say it.

Lin Qiye 'wailed a lot', crying so hard that it was heartbreaking, and the voice shook the sky.

The other children were a little confused at first.

But after ten seconds.

The children were like tearing down dominoes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com burst into tears.

A few children were more sensible and didn't cry right away.

Lin Qiye would walk in front of them: "Mom and Dad have already thrown us away, right? Right? Right? Right?"

Under Lin Qiye's madness, who can control the emotions of a four or five-year-old child?

In the whole kindergarten, no child was spared.

And group crying is not easy to appease.

Often after comforting a few, when she turns around, she will be hooked and cry.

It took two hours for the kindergarten teachers and sisters to make the children go from crying to sobbing with tears.


Lin Qiye stirred up the emotions again, and the children who finally stopped crying fell into the second round of collapse.

Even the children from the next class joined the crying team.

The mentality of the kindergarten teachers and sisters is almost collapsed!

The principal's aunt even collapsed.

She hurriedly called Mother Lin.

"Is it Lin Qiye's parent? I'm sorry, your children are... so different.

Mother Lin, please, please pick him up! The kindergarten is willing to compensate you for double the tuition fee! "

Mother Lin: "..."

She tried her best to apologize and save her, but the principal pleaded with tears.

So—Lin Qiye dropped out of kindergarten on the first day of school.

He earned 30,000 'tuition fees' for nothing.

After returning home, Lin Qiye simply looked at Mother Lin.

"Mom, I want to go to elementary school, I want to go to elementary school for class."

Lin Qiye didn't want to waste time, because a terminal illness would break out at the age of eighteen.

He has to race against time to complete his fate-defying plan...