
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 27

Ji Qinghuan, who originally had a bright smile, suddenly turned upside down.

Three hundred flame runes surging on her body, fiery fire lotuses ignited in her eyes, and the space was distorted by her burning.

She rose into the sky, Jing Ying elegant and domineering.

The wisps of flames turned into giant dragons, colliding with the meteorites that fell from the sky.

The stars shattered, were wiped out by the atmosphere, and then turned into shattered sand and fell to the angel star.


There are millions of meteorites falling from the sky!

Even if she is a foundation-building cultivator, she can't resist all of them, not to mention, there are even bigger stars falling to the angel star at an extreme speed.

Ji Qinghuan's willow brows folded into the clouds, worried.

"I can smash some stars, but I can't block them all. I am afraid that the people of Xia will be killed by hundreds of millions!"

"Is this the huge crisis Brother Ye said?"

Ji Qinghuan bit her red lips lightly, the flame dragon danced wildly behind her, tirelessly hitting the meteorites and stars that fell from the sky.

Just a few dozen seconds.

Hundreds of stars were destroyed.

But... the sky fell, millions of stars fell, and she couldn't support her alone!

This is a natural disaster that even a foundation-building cultivator can't resist.

Ji Qinghuan exhaled deeply.

"You have to hold out until Brother Ye leaves the border. After he breaks through the golden elixir, he can deal with it!"

Ji Qinghuan has faith in her heart.

But the people of Xia and the cultivators did not.

They looked up at the millions of meteorites that were falling so fast, they were so frightened that they broke into cold sweats and their hearts shuddered.

"Why do the stars fall? Is it really the end?"

"What a terrifying sight, even worse than a nightmare."

"The streets are full of rats, insects and ants. They are all afraid, afraid, they want to escape, but there is no place in the world where they can escape!"

People were frightened, people shivered, and people burst into tears.

And the cultivators went through a brief panic.

They all gradually calmed down.

"We are immortal cultivators, and we can't just sit back and wait. Could it be that none of the 370,000 immortal cultivators in the Xia kingdom are men? Watching Ji Qinghuan alone supporting him?"

"Yes, we can't go to the theater, behind us are our homes, our parents, our lovers, we can't just watch the meteorite kill our friends and relatives!"

"Rush to the sky and resist meteorites! My monks, why are you afraid of natural disasters?"

"Don't be a coward of the name of an immortal cultivator!"

Although some cultivators fled and retreated, there were also 300,000 cultivators who came forward.

There was even an immortal cultivator who collided with a meteorite with the attitude of giving up his life to go to the national disaster and turning his back on death.

"If I die, please raise my parents!"

"My daughter and wife, please take good care of me!"

"We can become immortal cultivators and live a happy life, thanks to the gift of the king, and it's time for us to repay the king."

"The king is breaking through, we have to hold on for a while! Fight for the king! Fight for the Xia Kingdom!"

Immortal cultivators soared into the sky, like swarms of swarms of locusts, several of them united and smashed the meteorite with all their might!

Ji Qinghuan's eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

With 300,000 Qi Refiners, she only needs to stare at the giant stars.

You don't have to be exhausted to blow up every meteorite.

The pressure dropped!

Ji Qinghuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Five years ago, when Brother Ye spread the "Qi Refining Technique" nationwide, he expected this day, right?"

"As expected of a god, he is detached from the mundane, and he started the layout early..."

Ji Qinghuan's eyes flashed with admiration and surprise.


She looked up at the falling stars in the sky, and punched out.

Thousands of giant dragons covered the sky and swept toward the sky.

Several giant stars shattered in an instant.

And two thousand meters below Ji Qinghuan, the immortal cultivator on the third level of Qi refining, desperately urging his cultivation, collided with a meteorite that was countless times smaller.

Further down, there are more than 30,000 cultivators on the second floor of Qi Refining, forming a defensive network.

Further down, there are more than 100,000 qi-refining first-level cultivators on guard.

The fifth layer of defense net is naturally more than 200,000 qi-sense monks, and they need more than ten people to shoot together to stop the mountain-sized meteorite.


Five layers of defense nets, forcibly stopped millions of stars from falling!


above the sky.

The crash continues.

And it's getting more and more ferocious!


The sky was cracked by a huge gap.

A torrent of white aura poured down from the gap like a galaxy.

The rumbling sound was deafening.

And in the torrent of spiritual energy.

There is a half-human, half-tiger-shaped creature that exudes a terrifying aura, sending out a tiger roar that solidifies the spiritual power of her meridians.

Ji Qinghuan struggled to stimulate the spiritual power in his body, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Hey - it turned out to be a Jindan strong? A group of... Jindan strong, there are hundreds of them?"

Under the suppression of one after another terrifying breath.

Ji Qinghuan couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

You must know that the Jindan strong... just need to repeat the palm of your hand, you can kill her!

At this moment, Ji Qinghuan had an ominous premonition in his heart, and sadness appeared on his beautiful face.

"Brother Ye, I'm afraid I won't be able to get you out of the border..."

Sigh lightly.

The flame lotus in her eyes was unprecedentedly dazzling, and three hundred flame runes were floating around her body.

A flaming dragon held up her graceful figure.

no doubt.

She is going to burn the spiritual power in her body and fight for her life.

At this moment.

She had nothing else to do, she just wanted to hit the stone with an egg, desperately trying to delay time for Lin Qiye.

Even if only for a second.


Her rage was in full bloom, and it fell into the eyes of the Tiger Clan, as ridiculous as a man's arm being a chariot.

The golden elixir powerhouses of the God Tiger Clan uttered earth-shattering ridicule.

"Pfft! It turns out that the strongest person in this small world is a foundation-building ant."

"She still wants to fight with us? Tsk tsk..."

"Kill them all! I don't like the human race, let alone the unlucky name of the Xia Kingdom!"

The powerhouses of the God Tiger Clan seemed to remember something unpleasant, and murderous aura filled their eyes.


A strong Jin Dan opened his mouth and spat out a cold arrow.

The cold arrow pierced through the void and brought up a white turbulent flow across the endless galaxy, which was the trace left by the friction between the aura and the cold arrow.

The cold arrow is extremely fast.

In an instant, he came to Ji Qinghuan's face.

She couldn't escape.

Because it has been frozen and pinned to the void, he can't even breathe.

"Before I die, I won't see Brother Ye for the last time..."

Ji Qinghuan shed two lines of tears.

His face was full of regret and sadness.

She couldn't resist, she could only shake her shoulders, close her eyes and wait to die.


The souls of more than 300,000 monks trembled.

"The lord! The lord! Come out and save us!"

"You are our patron saint."

"Xia Guo needs you, and Ji Qinghuan needs you. If you don't leave the country, the boss will die!"

"Please come out of the country!"

"Please come out of the country!"

"Please come out of the country!"

The 300,000 cultivators were desperate.

He screamed in the sky.

The hoarse roar shook the sky and the earth, like the mountains and the sea.

Lord, where are you?

Your people need you!

Come and save your people!

Come and save your people!

In a desperate and mournful sound.

A tall figure with thunder all over his body finally appeared.

The figure is as slender as bamboo and pine, exuding an indomitable aura.

As soon as he appeared.

It seems that it can suppress all disasters.

The 300,000 cultivators in the Xia Kingdom seemed to have eaten a weight.

The hanging heart fell to the ground.

And above the sky, Lin Qiye was just a flickering room.

He came to Ji Qinghuan's side.

With his left hand, he wrapped the girl's waist.

The cultivation of the Jindan realm spread, wrapping Ji Qinghuan, and removing all the pressure on her.


Lin Qiye stretched out his right hand, understated it, and grabbed the icy cold arrow that came at high speed.

Grab it lightly, chic and simple, wanton and relaxed.

It's like picking up a fallen leaf, like picking up a piece of dust.


Lin Qiye threw the cold arrow back with a backhand.

The speed of the Frost Cold Arrow's return shot skyrocketed tenfold.

The Jindan strong man of the God Tiger Clan didn't react at all, so he was pierced through his body, and half of his body was blown into a cloud of blood.

The next second.

The cold arrow even penetrated the chests of the three powerful warriors of the Golden Core Realm.

Raise your hands and feet and shoot to kill the four golden elixir powerhouses.

Lin Qiye's expression did not fluctuate, but he just hung indifferently on the sky.

In my arms.

Ji Qinghuan opened her bright eyes, and her delicate face was full of surprise and happiness.

Her eyes reflected Lin Qiye, who had extremely handsome facial features, and even the tough brows were handsome in her heart.

Ji Qinghuan's delicate body trembled, and she couldn't help hugging Lin Qiye tightly.

I was afraid that the picture in front of me was a hallucination before death.

She bit her tongue, the pain penetrated into her heart, and finally she breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Lin Qiye's voice was as warm as jade and sonorous and powerful.

"Your **** is here."

"It shouldn't be too late, right?"

Ji Qinghuan nodded her head, her smile as delicate and beautiful as that drawn by Dan Qing.