
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 18

I thought of a plan.

Lin Qiye immediately put it into practice.

He showed a soft and cute smile at Grandma Lin, and opened his arms for hugs.

"Yo yo yo, my grandson wants to be hugged by my grandmother? So cute, so handsome!"

Grandma Lin laughed so hard that she hugged Lin Qiye in her arms and patted Lin Qiye on the back while coaxing Lin Qiye to start school.

Lin Qiye let out a happy laugh.

A pair of small hands pressed on the back of Grandma Lin's neck.


A wisp of innate qi carefully entered Grandma Lin's body, eliminating the dark diseases and strains in Grandma Lin's spine, back and waist.

Innate true qi, the strong will transform the body.

Grandma Lin's spine, back and waist, which had been aged for decades, suddenly returned to the state of twenty years ago.

Grandma Lin felt that her neck and back were a little different, but she just thought that the child was different, so she still held Lin Qiye and walked in the pigeon cage.

While pacing, he muttered: "The old saying is right, there are three fires on the little doll's butt. Look at this little palm, it's even a little hot."

to this.

Lin Qiye just let out a soft laugh.


He twisted his body, and put his little hands around Grandma Lin's eye sockets.

Two strands of innate energy warmed Grandma Lin's somewhat cloudy eyes.

Grandma Lin only felt that Lin Qiye's little hands were very warm, so she closed her eyes and enjoyed it for a while.

Wait until you open your eyes.

She felt that she could see very clearly.

The presbyopia that once troubled her disappeared, and her eyesight was as powerful as when she was young.

Grandma Lin blinked, thinking it was an illusion.

did not take it to heart.

After trying his best to tease Lin Qiye for a while.

Grandma Lin went out.

I have to catch a few lizards in the afternoon.

Otherwise, the little baby won't get enough to eat.

Grandma Lin knew that she was too old to catch as many lizards.

But she must be responsible for the little baby.


Grandma Lin never imagined it!

Her figure was actually much fitter.

And with quick eyes and quick hands, he caught five fat four-legged snakes in one fell swoop.

This is a bumper harvest that has not been seen in many years!

Grandma Lin, who returned with a reward, smiled with wrinkles folded together.

Squatting in the corner of the room, he boiled a pot of fragrant snake soup.

The two were well fed and full of happiness.

In the next period of time, Grandma Lin, a master lizard catcher, returned with a full load every day.

Even go to dig out the bird's nest.


This small family is no longer short of food.

Not only Lin Qiye can eat three fresh and tender lizard meat soup every day.

Grandma Lin can also eat enough.

The lizard meat soup supplemented the newly born Lin Qiye with precious nutrients.

After the food is plentiful.

Lin Qiye had a ruddy complexion, full of energy and sufficient nutrition.

Whether it is day or night, Daozang Jue runs faster.

The amount of innate qi in the body is increasing day by day, and the body is also developing at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Just five days.

Lin Qiye had the height and physique of an ordinary baby for three months.

Even the dragon elephant body began to appear.

An invisible phantom, wrapped around Lin Qiye's chest and abdomen, head and foot, head and tail.

When Lin Qiye received passive or active damage.

The faint phantom of the dragon elephant will surge out in an instant, resisting damage.

At this stage, even if Lin Qiye fell off the bed, he would be unscathed.

After realizing this.

In Lin Qiye's heart, he was full of surprise and anticipation.

"The reincarnation card of silver quality is simply against the sky!"

"How much will it grow for another month?!"

Lin Qiye sighed.

He originally thought that his speed of rise would be average, and he would need to slowly stay up until he was three or five years old.

Unexpectedly, the back-feeding of the dragon elephant body exceeded expectations.

Only five days after birth, the sky-defying effect appeared.

Lin Qiye fell into deep thought.

"In order for the dragon elephant body to grow, I need to make my body grow faster."

"First of all, I have to eat enough every day, and secondly, "Dao Zang Jue" extracts the innate true qi, which can nourish the body, make my height soar, and my physique strong."

"It's not difficult."

Lin Qiye nodded and had a rough plan.

the following month.

Lin Qiye used innate energy three times to 'strengthen' Grandma Lin.

At this time, Grandma Lin was 20 years old, her presbyopia disappeared, and her legs were as neat as a 30-year-old woman.

She can come home full of things every day.

Naturally, Lin Qiye ate in vain, and didn't know what hunger was.

A month later.

Lin Qiye's height and physique already surpassed that of an ordinary one-year-old child.

He can talk and even walk.

But Lin Qiye was cautious and didn't show it.

Only when Grandma Lin went out to catch lizards, she sneaked down and ran.


Walking and talking for a month is not against the sky for Lin Qiye.

What's even worse is that.

Lin Qiye's dragon elephant body appeared to 1%.

The faint phantom of the dragon elephant is enough to resist the attack of the blade, and an ordinary adult, with a kitchen knife, slashing at Lin Qiye with all his might, will be perfectly blocked!

And Lin Qiye's physical strength is comparable to that of an adult. One punch can make an adult dizzy.

"As expected of a dragon elephant body of silver quality, I love it."

Lin Qiye was overjoyed.

He is no longer a weak baby!

The second month.

The innate qi in Lin Qiye's body increased rapidly, reaching as many as a thousand strands.

Although the innate qi did not improve his cultivation in any way, Lin Qiye knew that the innate qi made his body clean and flawless, and it was condensing a supreme cultivation foundation.


Lin Qiye didn't go to practice "Qi Refining Technique" at all.

on the one hand.

If you are not old enough to practice forcibly, it will hinder your potential.

on the other hand.

Lin Qiye also wanted to condense the supreme foundation.

Once you have the supreme foundation, it is not too late to cultivate.

Anyway, sharpening knives is not a mistake for chopping firewood.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to sharpen a peerless sword?

Besides, at this stage, the recovery of spiritual energy has not yet begun.

With 2% of the dragon elephant body manifested, Lin Qiye was invulnerable, enough to deal with 90% of the situations.


The cautious Lin Qiye was still careful to hide his genius side.

the third month.

Lin Qiye's dragon elephant body showed three percent.

With a height of one meter one, the supernormal growth is almost outrageous!

Even Grandma Lin felt something was wrong.

Is this a three-month-old baby?

Do you think anyone at the age of four believes it?

Grandma Lin fell into doubt, she looked up and down Lin Qiye.

"Could it be—did you feed the baby too well?"


In recent months, her efficiency in catching lizards has never been higher.


Although Lin Qiye was in a slum, he was white and chubby, his face was as fair as jade, and he was as pink as a child raised by a wealthy person in the city.

It is even said that children raised by rich people in the city are not so good-looking!

Thinking like this.

Grandma Lin raised her head proudly.

"Looks like old lady, I've had enough to eat, and I'm getting younger and younger!"

"Also, little baby will be a big man in the future! It's normal to be born different from ordinary people."

Grandma Lin nodded.

"Then I have to grab some food for my good grandson! I can't starve the baby!"

Grandma Lin muttered to herself.

Lin Qiye, who was beside him, was a little worried.


Grandma Lin got up earlier and earlier, but returned home later and later, and became more and more tired, indicating that there were no lizards to catch nearby.

Grandma Lin had to go to farther and more remote places to catch lizards.

This is very dangerous.

Lin Qiye wanted to stop it.


Lin Qiye opened his mouth and began to speak: "Grandma~"

Hearing Lin Qiye's words, Grandma Lin was stunned, and then she laughed until the wrinkles were stacked together.

"Hey, good grandson! You can talk!"

this moment.

Grandma Lin's heart melted.

Luckily, the baby she raised so hard can be called grandma!

very nice!

Watching a little life thrive, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not a kind of satisfaction for the elderly?


Just when Grandma Lin was about to enjoy family happiness.

outside the door.

A man violently kicked the door.

The sound of kicking the door was mixed with filthy swearing!

"Mr. Lin, get out of here for me! Have you hidden a treasure in your house recently? Hurry up and hand it over to the uncle!"

Grandma Lin's face changed drastically, and she quickly held the iron gate.

"Hide under the bed quickly!"

Lin Qiye's expression remained unchanged.

"Grandma, open the door, don't be afraid."

Grandma Lin was very anxious.

"Hide quickly!"

But the next moment.

The rusted iron door was kicked open, and Grandma Lin hurriedly backed away, almost falling to the ground.

Lin Qiye's eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing a muscular bald-headed strong man with yellow teeth and full of smoke smelling all over his body, he got into the house.

"Yo! Mrs. Lin, you raised a child? Are you going to raise it to the rich people in the city?"

"This little baby, the rich people in the city who are white and tender will definitely charge a high price!"

The strong bald man's eyes flashed with thick greed, as if he saw a mine.

Lin Qiye looks too good-looking.

Such a face, such black eyes, such a tender skin, the price is a city resident card, plus two million angel coins.

With two million angel coins, the middle class in the city can only earn 100,000 a year!

But now, the opportunity to get rich is just around the corner.

The strong bald man smiled.

The big hand grabbed Lin Qiye violently.

"I'll sell this little thing, and I'll give you 100,000 angel coins!"

"Don't resist, or I'll kill you!"