
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 14

Lin Qiye was about to explain.

The soul is anchored above the square.

The headmaster's figure emerged. He is a little old, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face, but he is burly, with his head held high, and he has a military temperament.

He held up a test orb, which glowed purple.


Among the three thousand students, eleven beams of light rose into the sky!

Four of the beams are white.

The five beams of light are blue.

A beam of light purple.

The purple beam of light came from Chen Fan.

He imitated a puppy, escaped the trapping of dog thieves more than 30 times, lived for eleven years, and was deeply loved by the owner, so he got an A grade.

Although the process of Sims is very grassy.

But after returning to reality, Chen Fan proudly raised his head, his face full of pride.

"Brother Ye, I am a purple beam of light, I can cover you!"


When Chen Fan turned his head and looked at Lin Qiye.

Chen Fan's complacent smile instantly solidified on his face, and deep shock and surprise emerged.

"Brother Ye, you...you...you are actually a golden beam of light?"

"Brother Ye, is it possible that you broke through the limit from a terminal illness?"

Lin Qiye nodded, helplessly looking at the golden beam of light rising from his body.

The golden beam of light is as dazzling as the scorching sun.

too dazzling.

So much so that the 3,000 students invariably let out an uproar and exclamations, and one after another scorching gazes were cast on Lin Qiye's body.

Lin Qiye, who wanted to keep a low profile, was forced to become the center of attention.

Even the headmaster's eyes showed strong emotional fluctuations.

"S-level genius? Awesome! No less than the younger generation of the millennium family! I, Licheng, given time, there will also be diamond walkers in the town!"

The corner of the principal's mouth rose wildly.

He stretched out his hand and made a move, and the eleven new Daqianxing practitioners all came to the headmaster's side.

Many students have stiff expressions.

Only Lin Qiye took it calmly.

The principal was full of admiration and patted Lin Qiye on the shoulder.

"Good job, your future is promising! According to the school rules, you can get a reward of 50,000 walking points."

The principal put his palm on Lin Qiye's shoulder, as if giving him some kind of hope.

Lin Qiye raised his eyebrows slightly.

50,000 walking points?

This is a huge sum of money, although it is said that Lin Qiye is a little rich, and once had 43,850 walking points!

But perfecting and practicing the "Qi Refinement Technique" took a full 20,000 walking points.


In the end, Lin Qiye only had 23,850 walking points left.

I thought I would save some use.

Unexpectedly, the school's reward is actually 50,000 walking points!

This is a windfall.

Lin Qiye was overjoyed and smiled lightly: "Thank you, principal."

The principal smiled and nodded: "Come on, Licheng needs your rise!"


The principal looked at Chen Fan.

"You have an A grade, and the school will reward you with 8,000 walking points."

Chen Fan was ecstatic.

He jumped up with excitement, and Billin Qiye's reaction was several times more intense.

after all.

He survived as a little black dog for eleven years before he got less than 3,000 walking points.

But now.

The school directly gave him nearly triple the reward!

He can even buy a reincarnation card!

Chen Fan felt warm.


The principal also distributed rewards to others. However, a B-level score has only 2,000 walking points, and a C-level score has only 1,000 walking points.

Compared with Lin Qiye, it was pitiful.

Received a walking point reward.

The principal led the eleven newcomers to the hanging island district of Yecheng.

Hanging Island District.

There are seventy-two hanging islands.

Every hanging island is a small town with lakes, gardens, buildings and tall buildings. Residents live in it.

Whenever the black fog invades at night, the hanging island will shine and dispel the black fog.


Hanging islands are the safest place to live on, and you don't need to worry about black fog.

"Our school has gone out to more than 40 top Daqianhangers from Licheng."

"They all have a hanging island. We will choose you later. If you want, you can temporarily live on their hanging island. When you get your own hanging island, you can open an island yourself."

The principal explained patiently.

And at the entrance of the shield in the suspended island area.

A total of forty-seven Great Thousand Walkers waited with their hands behind their backs.

Their strength has platinum level and gold level. Only there is no silver level.

It seems.

Silver-level Great Thousand Walkers are not worthy of owning a hanging island.

Lin Qiye was an exception.

"This year's new recruits are still as few as ever. There were thirty-six yesterday, and only eleven today. The quality of these eleven should not be high."

The Great Thousand Walkers of Gold and Platinum communicated.

"However, it's been a long time since there have been S-level geniuses. There are only three level talents."

"The quality is unsatisfactory!"

There is a lot of discussion.

The veteran Daqianhangers looked critically at Lin Qiye and the others.

"Old Principal, what are the grades?"

The principal smiled mysteriously and pointed at Lin Qiye: "He has an S grade!"

"And the one next to him has an A grade."


The veterans of the Great Thousand Walkers were stunned and looked at Lin Qiye excitedly.

"S grade? Come on, brother, come to my hanging island, I am willing to give you the highest level of protection. Plus 50,000 walking points."

"I have 60,000 walking points!"

"I have 70,000 walking points!"

The veteran big thousand walkers suddenly started bidding.

This made Lin Qiye a little stunned.

The principal explained with a smile.

"The bird follows the phoenix and the phoenix soars far away, and the man is accompanied by the virtuous and the good.

They are investing in advance because their state has been stagnant for many years.

If you can rise up, then the benefits you return in the future will be able to take them to break through the realm. "

Lin Qiye understood in an instant.



Bet right on the spiral ascension!

And Lin Qiye, a genius who got an S score as soon as he came up, has a high probability of betting right.


They are naturally willing to take out their heritage and spend a lot of money.

Lin Qiye looked at the veteran Daqianhangers who were bidding frantically with a calm expression.

He doesn't look at the level of competitive prices.

Because the school awarded 50,000 walking points.

Lin Qiye's walking point reached 73,850, which was enough to splurge.


Lin Qiye had to choose the hanging island by himself.

His gaze swept across the veteran Daqianxing.


I saw an iceberg beauty with an indifferent expression.

Bingshan beauty is wearing a azure blue training dress below, the training clothes are tied tightly on the top, lightly bundled around her waist, and her long hair is pulled up into a high ponytail, looking heroic and valiant, like a Valkyrie.

She stood in the crowd, strayed outside the crowd, and when she looked at anyone, she felt a sense of alienation.


She didn't open her mouth to compete, as if it was a routine.

"I choose that boss."

Lin Qiye suddenly spoke up and pointed at the beauty of the iceberg.

The Bingshan beauty was a little surprised, her eyes moved slightly and fell on Lin Qiye.

"I don't have a walking point to invest in you. You have to think about it."

Other veteran practitioners also gave advice.

"Are you sure you want to choose her? The benefits we give are too low?"

"Hundreds of thousands of walking points, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you can buy a silver-level reincarnation card!"

"You don't know the sky-defying silver reincarnation card?"

"Young people, don't think that you can do anything if you are talented. You can get a silver card after working hard for three or four years!"

The veterans were alarmist, trying to scare Lin Qiye.

But Lin Qiye believed in his own judgment.

"I don't need to walk a bit. I live on a hanging island of a beauty boss."

The iceberg beauty frowned slightly.


Lin Qiye's eyes were somber: "I don't want to take such a debt of favor. It's better to be free."

The iceberg beauty seemed to be reminded of some kind of memory, and nodded slightly.

"Then you can stay here. What about the others? Come with me if you want, and leave first if you don't have me."


The iceberg beauty turned and left.

Chen Fan hesitated: "Brother Ye...I..."

Lin Qiye understood what Chen Fan meant, and patted Chen Fan on the shoulder: "Consider seriously, do you want to owe favors for some walking."

Chen Fanli pondered on the spot for a moment, and then quickly followed Lin Qiye.

He followed Lin Qiye's judgment!


Bingshan beauty brought Lin Qiye and Chen Fan to her hanging island.

She turned her back to Lin Qiye, her back was Jing Ran.

"You still have a chance to regret it. If you regret it now, you can get hundreds of thousands of walking points, and you can even buy a silver reincarnation card.

For a newbie, the silver reincarnation card is enough to make you soar into the sky. "

"Are you really not going to regret it?"