
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

I just want to publish as a fanfic so people can read it for free.

Fantasy_Bringer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 11

The theme is just nine words, that is - Humans have completely conquered cancer!

In just nine short words, the field of medicine has been decisively declared, and has since entered a new era.

This is an achievement that can save hundreds of millions of human beings from fire and water.

It is also an achievement that can win the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Therefore, only ten minutes passed, and the whole world was boiling!

Official media and private media all over the world have reported on it one after another.

"The genius scientist Xia Guo led a team at the age of 19 and completely conquered cancer. "

"It is necessary for you to learn about the greatest scientist of mankind. "

"Who is Lin Qiye? What are the achievements? Why do you say he is a god? "

"This century is the century of life science, and the person who opened the door of the century is named Lin Qiye! "

"No Zan is not from the Xia Kingdom! Xia Guo's supernova scientist Lin Qiye conquered cancer! "

"Shocked, Lin Qiye's landmark scientific research paper, over 400 papers! "

"The father of cancer in the world, the strongest in the field of life sciences - Lin Qiye's brilliant life. "

This thing is too hot.


Lin Qiye's legendary experience is even more so.

Whether it is a serious science report or a hot topic from the media, they are all written with impassioned enthusiasm, and every brushstroke is saturated with cool words.

Especially, Lin Qiye was tall and handsome, with a pair of eyes that sparkled.

Even more, Lin Qiye became popular all over the world and became a **** in the eyes of countless people.

The heat kept rising.

Three days later, the press conference was held with worldwide attention.

Various media gathered.

Tens of billions of people are looking forward to it.

Lin Qiye attended the ceremony, standing on the podium. The huge display screen behind him was a series of scientific research results shining brightly.

Although a layman can't understand it, you can feel the sky-defying degree at a glance.

this moment.

Everyone held their breath.

"As you can see, our four scientific research institutes, a total of more than 300 research leaders, have worked hard for a year and finally conquered cancer. We have 6,000 patents."

"Cancer has become a common disease in front of our technology. However, the cost of treatment is still high.

In the end, we decided to license the patent to twenty medical institutions. The patent fee is not high, but there is a serious requirement, that is, each medicine can only be priced at 20 yuan. The profit of medical equipment can only be doubled. "

"We want to allow all cancer patients in the world to receive treatment. Interested pharmaceutical companies can contact us.

Our team will strictly check. "

The brief press conference triggered a more terrifying tsunami.

Because Lin Qiye's almost charitable actions are really shocking.


The media coverage is overwhelming.

"Do you know what the act of giving up patent profits, Mr. Lin Qiye, means? "

"The number of people who die of cancer every year in the world is 15 million. If he holds a patent, Lin Qiye can earn 3 trillion in net profit every year. If he earns 20 years, he can earn 60 trillion, which is equivalent to the number one in the world. Powerful country, the total GDP of one year! "

"Scientists like Lin Qiye are the well-being of all mankind, selfless love, and tears. "

In countless popular science articles analyzing wealth and profits.

A unique long article that quickly became popular.

"Professionals in the field stand up and speak out: In fact, Lin Qiye was also terminally ill.

For the treatment, he once had silver needles all over his body, so that his skin was bruised and he had to use a hanging bottle to maintain nutrition. even worsened several times.

but. The terminal illness did not take away the boss. While fighting against the terminal illness, he carried out scientific research and burned all his power to benefit mankind. "

Changwen detailed the details of Lin Qiye's cancer, Professor Yuan selling his house to treat students, and Lin Qiye's struggle against terminal illness.

Obviously, the article was written by an insider, and there are no sensational words in the article, but it is the facts that make it seem sincere and touching.

The long text is very long.

But after reading the first line, it was difficult to look away.

And every story that follows is so shocking and magnificent.

After watching it, the netizens burst into tears without knowing it, and couldn't stop crying!

"It's too good to cry! I used up a whole box of tissue paper."

"But Lin Qiye has never shown a pessimistic expression in the outside world."

"I finally know what 'the hero of the long envoy is full of tears' means. It turns out that when you look at the life of the boss, you will really burst into tears!"

"Salute to Big Brother Lin Qiye!"

"Salute to Big Brother Lin Qiye!"

"I wish Lin Qiye a speedy recovery!"

The sincere messages from netizens made Changwen the top three in the hot search.


The article was translated into the languages ​​of hundreds of countries, earning enough tears.


The protagonist who moved the world, turned his ears and changed his life.

After instructing the researcher's thoughts.

It is already late at night.

Lin Qiye looked at the lush landscape trees outside the window.

"Come on, deduce the balance in my body, how long it can be maintained, and how much life expectancy I have."

[This game requires 100 walking points (4950 walking points remaining)]

[Successful deduction: Your terminal illness is special, even the complete set of techniques to overcome cancer cannot be maintained for too long. The remaining life expectancy is 12 years and cannot be reversed. ]

After learning the results of the deduction.

Lin Qiye nodded.

"Does that mean I can only live to thirty years old?"

"It's a short-lived ghost, but the extra 12 years is enough to change your life many times. Coupled with a major event like overcoming cancer, you will definitely get an S grade, right?"

Lin Qiye sighed.

"However, I can't be slack, I have to do my best! I must get an S-rank reward!"

Lin Qiye started a new round of struggle.

the next ten years.

Lin Qiye led a team of four high-precision laboratories to charge into many fields of life science and technology.

"AIDS Conquered"

"Nanobots are more intelligent and convenient"

"Continuous Improvement of Genetic Engineering Theory"

"The structure of all protein molecules was sequenced in the laboratory and an accurate model was given"

"Carbon dioxide synthetic starch"

"The human longevity gene is preliminarily analyzed"

"Theoretical Human Lifespan Reaches 500 Years"

In the past ten years, human life science and technology has jumped more than ten steps forward.

Lin Qiye won the Nobel Prize himself, and even two teams in his laboratory won the Nobel Prize.

It's just that Lin Qiye was still unwilling to accept the award.

Twenty-eight years old.

Lin Qiye lacked everything.

Money? honor? status? Like a cloud of smoke.

The mere Nobel Prize is not worth wasting time.

time flies!

Lin Qiye suddenly came to his twenty-ninth birthday.

Father Lin, Mother Lin, Professor Yuan, the school laboratory, and colleagues from the four high-precision laboratories celebrated Lin Qiye.

That night.

Lin Qiye was in excellent condition, with a clear mind and a clear head.

He had a dream.

A strange dream.

A dream that seems to be an epiphany.

in a dream.

He realized that thousands of great powers can be applied to genes!


There are still 90% of the human gene sequence that is not used, and in the thousands of worlds, there are creation genes, reincarnation genes, and mythical genes. If people can construct mythical genes.

It can make myths come into reality!

If you can construct the creation gene, you can create the world.

But when Lin Qiye wanted to have an epiphany...

Lin Qiye woke up suddenly.

The content of the dream, I only remember a few simple nouns.

For example: creation gene, reincarnation gene, myth gene.

Lin Qiye's hunch told him.

These three nouns are close to the essence of the world.

Not only the essence of this world, but also the essence of the main world, the great world!


Lin Qiye racked his brains and thought hard, but he still couldn't recall the specific content of the epiphany in the dream.

I couldn't even understand the three nouns that appeared in my mind.

Lin Qiye wanted to use the creation deduction.

Even the creation deduction is powerless.

Because the content of the dream is the epiphany derived from the creation deduction.

It needs epiphany state + creation deduction talent.

Look at the status.

It doesn't matter how many walking points are consumed.

Lin Qiye, who had no clue, could only hold on to his hair in pain.

the next day.

Lin Qiye expressed his dream in the laboratory.

But all the researchers were at a loss: "Although Kekule dreamed that the snake was biting head to tail and built a benzene ring structure. Professor Lin, your dream seems to have no guiding significance."

"Creation gene, reincarnation gene, mythical gene? Can't you be more specific? We have no research direction for a few metaphysical terms."

The researchers shook their heads.

"Professor Lin, wouldn't you follow in the footsteps of Newton and Einstein and start studying theology?"

The researchers quipped.

Lin Qiye looked distressed.

Back in his studio, he lost his mind.

Lin Qiye knew very well how anti-sky the premonition brought by the SSS-level creation and deduction talent.

He always believed his hunch. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


He will use the next time to study the essence of the world!

three months.

six months.

Eight months.

Lin Qiye's research was worthless.

For the first time, Lin Qiye was troubled by a problem for half a year.

The researchers in the lab thought that Lin Qiye was crazy!

However, Lin Qiye was unmoved.

Still thinking crazy.

At the age of twenty-nine.

Lin Qiye remembered a sentence in his dream - Thousands of mighty powers are added to genes.

But at the moment when I remembered this sentence.

in the depths of the ocean.

Suddenly a mysterious black hole appeared.

The black hole spit out an orb.

The mist containing abundant energy quickly spread all over the world.

The fog seems to accelerate the growth factor, causing the size of marine life to skyrocket. People have seen squid with a length of 100 meters and whales with a length of 1000 meters in the ocean...

And the tigers on land began to grow wings...

The global mutation kicked off.

Countless small countries and island nations perished.

Lin Qiye never imagined that in the last year of his life, there would be a spiritual recovery.

Under the nourishment of spiritual energy.

The lesions in his bone marrow were like volcanic eruptions.

Just a week.

It made Lin Qiye look haggard.

Lin Qiye was a little stunned.

He realized that his time was running out.

And a hunch told Lin Qiye that if he wanted to get an S grade in the process of this Sims life, he had to change another historical event!