
Worldly Tales: Azure Knight

'What in the world? Where am I?' he thought as he rose form the scratchy hay sack he was laying on. He sat up with a splitting headache as he tried to remember how he got here. Memories of the previous night suddenly came rushing back as he remembered reaching his front door and trying to unlock it. he had just had what he could arguably say was the worst day of his life. His memories suddenly cut off as he last remembered opening the door of his apartment before everything turned to darkness. Belpha looked around the place he was in and noticed that it was an ordinary barn where hay and animals were kept. As he was looking around, he noticed his shirt was uncomfortably sticking to his chest. He looked down only to notice in horror that his shirt, which was different from the one he remembered wearing, was split diagonally and was soaked in crimson blood. Luckily he had no injury, or at least that is what it felt like, but he further noticed that his skin had a considerable tan compared to his previous skin tone. "Just what is going... on" he said out loud before pausing as he noticed that he could not recognise the language he was speaking. Where was he? Why did someone try to kill him?

Carl_ABK · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Another World

"Dammit, my head," Belpha said under his breath as the splitting headache had only increased as time passed by. He noticed his words were a bit weird bit he wasn't too bothered about it. He got up from the scratchy hay sack and noticed just how weird the barn he was in looked.

There were strange runic letters that were glowing yellow in a circle around him and every time they faintly glowed, his headache increased. The dim barn was illuminated by the yellow runic letters. 

It released a warmth that felt uncomfortable to Belpha but he ignored it as he bent down to see just what the runic letters were. Just as he was about to do so, his headache increased sharply and it forced him to stumble back and out of the circle formed by the letters. He noticed that the headache began fading as soon as he stepped out of the strange circle.

'sigh , At least that solved that problem.' Belpha thought in relief as his mind now had peace. He decided to distance himself from the circle and walked towards the barn door. 

'Wait, if I was kidnapped here and there is this voodoo circle here…' Belpha thought as he hesitated at the barn door. If he was really kidnapped, would they really leave their sacrifice without protection? He really didn't want to die painfully to some cultists after all he had been through recently. 

He had just had a terrible day and now he was kidnapped by some weirdos. He could not even begin to explain why every word he said sounded weird to him or why his skin colour was different from before. He attributed both of them to being used as a sacrifice and a head injury that he might have got from the cultists respectively.

He turned from the door and looked around the barn to find something to defend himself with. He spotted a rack with what looked like a couple of farming tools and an antique looking pistol.

"Let's take these," Belpha said as he picked a sickle and the antique pistol. Upon looking closer, he noticed that the antique pistol was a flintlock that used gunpowder and lead balls.

 'Better than nothing I guess' he thought as he held it in his left hand and the sickle in his right. He was not really confident about putting the flintlock into his pocket since even modern guns tended to fire when kept the wrong way.

Now that he didn't feel as helpless as he was a few seconds ago, he stepped before the exit of the barn once again as he mentally prepared himself.


He pushed open the large wooden door and stepped out of the barn. It was about 5 in the afternoon and the sun was just beginning to set leaving the whole countryside bathed in golden light.

He saw a large field of what looked like wheat and a forest not so far behind it. Into the horizon, he saw a large mountain range that sprawled so high and far that he couldn't even begin to wonder how large they were.

"Woah," Belpha said as he looked at the serene sight before him. He had lived in a big city most of his life so he never got the chance to see such sights in the dull and grey concrete jungle.


"Not again, why don't you stay dead you pest!" Belpha was drawn from his thoughts as he heard a man yelling at him. He was fully covered in a navy blue cloak while wearing a wooden half mask. Typical cultist appearance but what stood out was the fact he had an actual sword.

Belpha did not hesitate to bring the flintlock pistol up and aim it towards the man who was approaching him. 

"Don't come any closer or else!" Belpha yelled as he aimed the flintlock at the masked cultist. He of course didn't want to shoot the man but he was in no position to be a pacifist. The man appeared to be burly, even under the cloak he was wearing and Belpha had no confidence in beating him.

The man ignored his threat and continued charging towards him. Belpha was taken aback by his speed but he didn't let the man out of the line of the flintlock. He took in a deep breath and raised the flintlock from aiming at the man's legs to his chest.


The flintlock pistol let out a fiery cry and spat out the bullet at the man. He couldn't react in time and got hit square in the forehead. The bullet had of course deviated but it was in the favour of Belpha. 

The man came to a rolling stop as his life came to an end. Belpha was still shocked that he had actually killed a man but at this point he was too far in to start regretting. He walked over to the man's corpse and noticed that the man was quite the giant. 

"Wait, am I the small one?" He belatedly noticed as he realised that he was child sized. Thoughts began to run wild in his mind as he continued to rummage through the man's pockets.

When he pulled out a small hollow circle that had a few rings and a crystal core, he realised something that he could have never expected. He was in another world. How else could he explain the runic lines curved into the circle and the magically floating disc in the middle?

I hope you love this book. I will try to keep the schedules stable and keep the series on. I am a new writer so help and tips are very appreciated. Please share and add to your library. Once it gets enough views, feel free to vote :)

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