
World Union Shoukan

The entire planet has been unified under a single country known as World Union. After World War III, humanity achieved peace and established the World Union. Until 2105. The World Union has been relocated to an unknown world, a world populated by magic, non-human races, and imperialism. In this new world, what will the World Union discover? This is a Nihonkoku shoukan fanfic; I do not own summon japan.

Epiceratos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 5: Trumpet of war

Gloria Calendar 03/01/1639, the royal council, Hark Castle, Jin-Hark, Louria Empire, 10:00 AM.

The Louria Empire is a nation in the western Rodenius Continent. It is regarded as one of the strongest regional governments on the Rodenius Continent, and several superpowers regard the Louria Empire as a developing country with a population of 50 million humans.

When the Western Rodenius Kingdom disintegrated, the Louria Empire gained independence, annexed several minor kingdoms, and changed its name from the Louria Kingdom to the Louria Empire.

The Louria Empire is a country that advocates human supremacy; only pure-blooded humans should reside there, and elves, dwarves, and other species should be punished. Because it is merely one of the country's national policies, it has a strained relationship with the Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom.

Jin-Hark is the capital city of the Louria Empire; in Jin-Hark, there is a great castle where the Louria Empire's ruler performs his daily duties; this castle is known as Hark Castle. Hark Castle is protected by Louria Guard Forces and enclosed by five tiers of fortifications. A royal council is a place inside the Hark castle where King Hark Louria and other high-ranking military commanders are convened, this list of Lourian who are gathering on the royal council.

- King Hark Louria.

- Queen Shi Louria.

- Prime minister, Maus.

- Ministry of Interior, Balin.

- Ministry of Defense, Hingth.

- field Marshall Patagene.

- Fleet Admiral Qedmond.

- Air Chief Marshall Elnath.

- Three great five General, Adem, Pandor, Miminel, and Qranz, Snark.

- The Head of the Royal Wizard, Yamirei.

- The Vice Head of the Royal Wizard, Lanna.

Other Lourian officers with high positions are also gathering in royal councils. There are also Parpladian wearing black jackets and crimson masks among the Lourian.

"The royal council is now started."

Then King Hark and Queen Shi rose from their seats, and King Hark began speaking.

"Good morning to all of us who are gathered in the royal council, first of all, to everyone who has been planning the invasion without resting and for those who risked their own lives to create havoc on the Quila Kingdom and steal information from the Qua-Toyne Republic, and also for the Lourian who deeply loyal to the Louria Empire. Let us express our heartfelt thanks to the Lourians who have perished or who have grown tired of striving for the goal and objective of subjugating the east Rodenius Continent."

Then King Hark and Queen Shi bowed before the Lourians, and everyone was taken aback by their actions. The Queen then began her discourse.

"We've already gotten various reports on the planning and preparation. Alright... To begin with, our conquest aim is to unite the Rodenius Continent into a single entity, which we will call the Rodenius Empire. To achieve our objectives, we must declare war on two countries simultaneously: the Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom. What is your strategy, General Patagene, because our army is in two countries at the same time?"

Then a 30-year-old man with a muscular frame and a scarf around his neck stepped up from his chair. His name is Patagene, he is the only Lourian able to obtain highest rank as Louria Army.

"Our queen, although the Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom are inferior to us, we can't overlook their military. However, there is no need to be concerned because we know how to intercept their counterattack. As you are aware, the Qua-Toyne Republic is our economic rival; their GDP has increased due to their blessed mainland; I propose that we send a large number of LAB-2 and LAB-1 bombers to the farmland province in the Qua-Toyne Republic, where we will burn their farms with incendiary bombs dropped by our bombers."

"We'll definitely need fighters that escort our bomber in case they try to counter our bomber."

"Don't worry, even though their current fighter, TF-2 Kickers, outperforms the previous fighter, it's still nothing compared to our LAF-2, which outperforms TF-2."

"I see, it seems that the Air Force is prepared to assist the Army; how about our navy?"

"Do not be concerned about our naval strength. Battleship Kyudoi is the most powerful Louria warship, she is truly unstoppable and unsinkable, she is also able to sink more than twenty enemy warships, and we are confident that our navy will attack every Qua-Toyne city along the coast." Fleet Admiral Qedmond stated.

"Hmm, it seems there is nothing to be concerned about."

Mao then coughed and said, "Field Marshall Pandour, please explain the overall strategy for the subjugating operation."

"Yes sir!"

He took a deep breath and began his explanation after the map of Rodenius Continent was unfolded.

"Our army is divided into five corps, each corp has 60,000 armies. Because the Quila Kingdom is less guarded and lacks siege during the night, the mountain corps and desert corps will enter the Quila Kingdom and then attack the Qua-Toyne Republic from the south. We are confident that we can conquer the Quila Kingdom in less than one week."

"How about the Qua-Toyne Republic?"

"Before we sent our armies, we do bombardment on their Gim with our fighter and our bombers, then the tank corps and army corps will enter the Qua-Toyne Republics. Then we'll go to Ejey, a fortified city in the Qua-Toyne Republics. It is only 55 kilometers between Ejey and Gim. We may require assistance or supplies. Because the distance between our army and Polihark is only 550 kilometers after we take Ejey, there shouldn't be much of a threat because they have less weaponry to destroy our tanks. Don't worry, we'll have a reserve corps on our mainland in case of an invasion from the sea."

"It seems that our armed forces have no trouble planning. Anyway, do we have any information on the Qua-Toyne and Quila armies?"

"The Qua-Toyne army has two army corps, whereas the Quila army has only one army corps. They only have 200,000 armies in total."

"Alright. It seems there is no reason for being concerned."

"I do have something to be asked, Maus do we have any information about the country that just contacted us? And, Balin, can you make certain that no Elves or Dwarves try to sneak into Hark Castle?" She inquired.

"Don't worry, our majesty's safety is always my top priority."

"We have no information about them, unfortunately, but our spies confirm they have a steel ship with a single cannon."

"Do they possess aircraft?"

"They have helicopters, just like the Parpladia Air Force."

"Helicopter? Helicopters can be bad news for our army because I know that helicopters bring close support attacks to their own army. However, as long as we have LAF-3. There shouldn't be many threats from the helicopter, all we need to do is encounter the helicopter with LAF-3 before they start an attack. Does LAF-3 ready to be manufactured and mass-produced?

"Yes, the LAF-3 is ready to be manufactured and encountered helicopter."

"All right, then... I will approve the invasion plan; we will use all of our aircraft to invade the Qua-Toyne Republic and the Quila Kingdom, and all of our wyvern that can still fire fireballs will be used to defend the mainland."

= = =

Gloria Calendar 03/02/1639, Area 83, Louria Empire, 11:01 PM.

Area 83 is a secret location in the southwest of the Rodenius Continent on the country of the Louria Empire where ancient objects from the Ancient Sorcerous Empire are being researched, most recently the flying dinghies left by the Ravernal Empire. These flying dinghies are called Mal Dingi.

"These flying dinghies are only equipped with one small magical laser blaster for attacking enemy aircraft and one large magical laser blaster for bombardment; this object can fly at a speed of 250 km/h. Each of these flying dinghies requires three crew members: a pilot, radio operators, and a bomber.

"Hmm, these flying dinghies are quite intriguing... Do you believe we'd use flying dinghies during the Rodenius war?"

"We only have three flying dinghies, so I doubt we'll use it unless Operation Emergencition begins."

"I see.."

One of the Lourian scientists show a smug face and then said, "anyway this object resembles a small sausage, but still... Based on the specification, those flying dinghies are incredible though." The other Lourian scientist is triggered, he said "Yes, you are right! It also looks like Your small penis, you can mock this object, but the skills are goddamn beautiful; Sometimes I referring those objects as the flying lady gunner."

= = =

Gloria Calendar 03/04/1639, the government council, Green Palace, Polihark, Qua-Toyne Republic, 8:00 PM.

On the Polihark, there is one large building where the president and vice president do their daily lives. This building is called Green Palace, and it is colored green, which is the holy color for the Elves. The Green palace has over a hundred rooms, one of which is currently occupied by the governing council.

The government council has gathered high-ranking officers to discuss the war plan against the Louria Kingdom; a high-ranking Quilan officer has also arrived to participate in the war plan.

"Please be quiet, everyone!" The government council will convene!" Prime Minister Amane stated unequivocally.

As she stated, everyone in the government council fell silent, and the atmosphere became more tense than usual because they knew the Louria Empire would invade the Qua-Toyne Republic in less than three weeks.

"There will be an opening from President Kanata before the government council begins." Prime Minister Amane stated.

President Kanata stood up, nervous for the governing council, and delivered some speeches.

"Good night to all of us who have gathered here to finish our preparations for the Louria Empire's invasion. Before we begin the government council, let us give a standing ovation to the Quilan and Qua-Toynian officers who worked tirelessly to support our country and people as they prepared for the counteroffensive."

Everyone in the government council clapped their hand because they are proud that their plan will be used; they only hope that their plan was not useless when it began. After ten seconds of handclapping, the room returns to normalcy.

"All right, everyone... we'll start the government council. Minister Spenard, please explain the defense preparations against the Louria army."

"Yes, I will explain our plan, which has been in the works for over a year, and we call it operation Hanaka."

On the table is a high-quality map purchased from the World Union, which depicts the entire Rodenius Continent.

"As you can see, we have already begun evacuating civilians in Gim; we have also begun laying mines on the street."

"Shouldn't we just burn down Gim city? Perhaps we can request assistance in rebuilding Gim after the war is over."

"We don't need to burn it because we've already planted explosives around Gim. Anyway, our army corps, which consists of 60,000 armies, is currently ready to be sent to the battlefield, while the reserve corps which consists of 60,000 army will remain on the Polihark, Maihark, and Gothark. There are numerous underground tunnels connecting Ejey and Gim, so when we march to Ejey, we will liberate it and surround it."

"Will they figure out how to get into the secret tunnel?" Vice President Oleja inquired.

"Don't worry, as long as we have an aircraft carrier, we came sunk their ship by the torpedo," President Kanata said. Anyway, will their nation in the east outside of civilization support our country?"

"The Fenn Theocracy and the Gahara Thearchy have agreed to accept refugees into our respective countries. The Sios Kingdom declined our assistance request because the Louria Empire is their primary trading partner."

"Hmm, Minister Spenard, how is the progress of defensive Andre Line?" President Kanata asked.

"The defensive Andre Line is 100% complete, stretching from the shore to the Lean Nou forest, and will serve as the second defense line if Gim falls to the Lourian."

"All right, build more turrets along the line to ensure they don't enter the Lean Nou forest. I will agree on every aspect of this planning!"

As a result, the government council session came to an end.

= = =


The god Gloria Gor and the Milky Way god Misherah are having a conversation about the planet Gloria in an unknown location with no solid surface.

"Gor or my young sister, I need to talk about your planet, but first, how is your division goddess doing?"

"Asherah is pretty much like usual since her sacrifice, no one will know her appearance except Ganera. Sarugan, the God of the Sandstorm, has decided to reduce the Quila to the sandstorm, but Edluria, the God of the Plain, has an evil ambition to destroy other godness by instructing King Hark Louria and Queen Shi Louria to unify the Rodenius Continent."

"He can't just do that! How dare he crosses the line by ordering his own Unit-H to attack Units E and D."

Humans are part of Unit-H, Dwarves are part of Unit-D, Elf is part of Unit-E, and kitsune or Fox persons are part of Unit-F.

"Don't worry, Ganera is aware that the World Union will intervene in the Rodenius war; this is one step toward demonstrating their hyperpower to every nation in the new world."

= = =


Abssyanal... Except for Prenivel, the goddess of the Raverworld, who is also known as the goddess of wickedness by other goddesses, no goddesses know this location. More than a million armies with demonic/monster appearances have gathered here, and they are armed with futuristic weapons similar to Ravernal tech.

"Long live Prenivel! Long live Prenivel! Long live Prenivel!"

"Lady Prenivel has returned, and the Glorian, earthling, Yggdran, and Aludran should be united under her control in the future!"

"Let's manifest nightmare upon the universal!"

Then, with a loud clap, everyone stops chanting; it's Lady Prenivel, dressed in her war uniform.

"Everyone, I wanted to thank you all for waiting for me to arrive, and I also wanted to thank you for secretly commanding the Abssyanal army with secretly... Yes, I thank You, Birk."

"It's all for our plan to create Greater Abssyanal," Birk said with a smile.

"Our lady, it's time to rule the Galaxy..." Milek stated.

"No, Milek, now is not the time to conquer the world; we have some business to attend to on the planet of Gloria... "Birk, I'd like you to contact our Abssyanal spies in the Louria Kingdom..."

"Certainly, our lady."

A floating image of Lourian's advisor wearing a black jacket and glasses appeared in front of them a few seconds later.

"I am here, your majesty..." Said Skorpo.

"How have you been since becoming Louria's advisor?"

"It's a simple task, our lady; once the Rodenius Continent was completely conquered by the Lourian, I will corrupt King Hark Louria and Queen Shi Louria, and in this way, we can bring your children to the Gloria."

"All right, if this mission fails, retreat to the Parpladia Empire."

"yes our lady..."

The floating image vanished, and Prenival exclaimed, "... Milek, please blow the trumpet of war because we are about to begin the era of the second warfaria!"

"Yes our lady!"

Milek has blown the war trumpet; all gods can hear it, but not their children, which are living things. The sound of trumpets is made up of a thousand children's screams.

= = =

Gloria Calendar 03/06/1639, military base, Le Arras, Altaras Kingdom, 09:00 AM.

Altaras Kingdom is an industrialized country located in the semi-third uncivilized area, where merchants from the Parpladia Empire, Louria, Sios, and other countries congregate due to its strategic geographical location. The Altaras Kingdom is also resource-rich, as it has one of the largest stone mines in the Gloria. Altara's economy is centered on the Siltras mines; without them, Altaras would not be a prosperous nation.

King Taara and Prime Minister Baara are currently inspecting its latest biplane multirole fighter-bomber, B.M.AL.1, which has a top speed of 200 kilometers per hour. This bomber was outfitted with two fixed machine guns and two flexible machine guns.

"My King, our defensive preparations against the Parpladia Empire are complete; they will not be able to intercept our air force easily."

"That's good, but it won't be enough because they have jet fighters..."

"Our King, the destroyer from Mu's Royal Navy has arrived; there is nothing to fear." Prime Minister Baara stated.

"You are correct, these destroyer has missiles and a guided torpedo."

"These missiles did, in fact, sink the Parpladia warship...

"Our king, where is the prince Gaara and the princess Lumies? I thought they would come here alongside you."

"Ah, they're visiting the graveyards of my wives; I don't think they need to come with me in here... In any case, could you show me the destroyer?"

"Yes, our king, right this way..."

= = =

Royal Graveyard, Le Brias, Altaras Kingdom, 10:00 AM.

Gaara and Lumies are a brother and sister who are looking at their mother's tombstone on one of the beautiful tombstones. Turara is their mother, and she died shortly after giving birth to her children.

"Please be happy in heaven, Mother; we promise to be good children to everyone in the Gloria including our father..."

Gaara smiled and said, "We love you mother, and we always remember you no matter what will be happened."

Then they both placed a white Immorpeace flower on her grave; Immorpeace is a white flower that can only be planted on the magical mainland. Then they both leave the Royal Graveyard and return to Athenall Castle.

= = =

Gloria Calendar 03/10/1639, southeast of Louria Empire, 00:07 AM.

The night has arrived and the sun has set; it is time for people to go to bed because they are tired from work, but it is a different story for the Lourian army because their work is about to begin.

More than a hundred light tanks, medium tanks, trucks, tankettes, and even self-propelled artillery have been gathered at the border of the Quila Kingdom to invade the Quila Kingdom. The armies are all from the mountain and desert corps, and they are led by Qranz and Snark.

"Quilan come to Louria and wanted short peace, but we must reject their permanent pressure on our people in the Quila Kingdom, we should close their denialism and open their minds about our mighty army, we should destroy everything that imposed our country for once and forever, let's break the peace chain and unite the Rodenius Continent for making a new beautiful chain that seeks truth supremacy of Rodenius.


On the skies, there is a squadron of LADB-1 Diversity(Dive bomber), LAI-1 Interceptionist(Interceptor/heavy fighter), and LAF-1 Gladiator(Fighter). There are also two LAHB-1 Elephanzer(Heavy bombers), in total, there is 50 Louria aircraft are deployed in the Quila skies.


The majority of the Louria army uses trucks or jeeps; they don't need to walk because it would make them exhausted during the upcoming battle.

"Demolish their oil rigs and slaughter every dwarf you see; they are human adversaries!"

= = =

Military base Olbo, Province of Olbo, southwest of Quila Kingdom, 00:20 AM.

The emergency alarm can be heard in the military base Olbo as the Louria army began to invade the mainland of the Quila Kingdom. Although most civilians in the Olbo have been evacuated, there are still some people or treasures that have not been evacuated.

There are 48 QF-Veli (fighter) and two QB-Hansebra (bomber) on the paved runway; these beautiful military biplanes rotate their propellers and begin moving on the runway; seconds later, all 50 biplanes have ascended from the ground and are flying toward the west to intercept Louria aircraft.

Meanwhile, 8 brigades from the west division have gathered to defend their mainland, and they have set a trap to destroy armored vehicles.

"General Shawarma, the Louria army is approaching; we are prepared for a confrontation with the Louria army."

General Shawarma knew the war would not end well and that Louria's weapons were superior to Quila's; he had heard that Louria possessed a submachine gun. Despite his army's disadvantage, he is confident that his army will cause significant casualties for the Louria. He looks up to the beautiful night skies and prays to his god.

Sarugan, my lord, I hope you ensure the safety of the Quila Kingdom's dwarves, and may the goddess be on our side during the Rodenius war.