
World Shatter

Henry Miller always dreamt of being teleported to a fantasy world but he never expected that a fantasy world would be brought to him. On that day, the earth cracked open letting loose monsters and magical beasts onto the surface. A stroke of misfortune causes Henry to be incapable of leveling, and in turn, he is forced to become stronger through the power of exercise mixed with a fiery resolve and unparalleled regenerative powers. This isn't a story of candy and roses, but one of pain, struggling, and a strong reliance on community to work together in order to survive. Out of the ruins of shattered earth, many will rise to the top and many will fall at the feet of others, but there are very few truly strong enough to protect others, and of those few even less will willingly choose to do so. Therefore it is Henry's duty to carry that torch and be someone who can bear that responsibility. Through light and darkness, Henry will remain as the pin that holds together the World Shatter.

Gulags · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

The First Encounter


[User: Henry Miller]

[Race: Juggernaut]

[Class: Spiteful Loser]

[Lv: 0]

[Xp: 0/100]

[Body: 10]

[Mental: 11]

[Senses: 10]

[Magic: 0]

[Skills: Racial ability (Uncanny Regeneration), Racial ability (Stomach Pocket-Dimension), Class ability (Fearless Resolve)]

[Traits: Racial trait (Starting attributes are unaffected by this race), Class trait (Attributes don't increase by leveling up), Class trait (Starting attributes are unaffected by this class)]


My Body attribute had gone up by two points, reaching and matching my Senses attribute.

"I wonder how far I can take this. I doubt I'll be able to do this forever."

I wouldn't be surprised I eventually hit a point where exercise became ineffective no matter how heavy the weight I used. That is how the body works, after all.

If that were the case, I would have to figure out how to get the System to increase my attributes artificially.

Looking down, I noticed stretched skin flaps drooping out of my shirt. I now had the physique of an average-sized person minus the extra skin.

"Let's cut it off."

Heading back inside the house, I walked to the kitchen and retrieved a butcher knife. Then stretching the skin out over the edge of the countertop, I quickly lopped it off, causing me to reel in pain.


I quickly recovered.

I must've cut three pounds of my own flesh off, and yet I felt so tranquil. I won't lie that my mindset toward self-mutilation was starting to disturb me.

Setting the butcher knife aside, I calmly watched as the giant gaping incision in my stomach clot up and repaired itself. Then repeating this same process to every place on my body, there was no longer any dangling skin left.

Once finished, I headed to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

A man with an average physique stared back at me. He was average in build but still looked a bit soft.

"So, this is how I look like as a skinny person, huh? Not half-bad."

My looks were maybe slightly above average but not anything to write home about.

Picking up the chunks of flesh and dropping them in the bin, I headed back outside and continued waiting for the girl to arrive.


It had been maybe an hour or two of waiting, and I started to get the feeling that something bad might've happened.

Grabbing the gun and slipping it into my pocket, I ran back in the direction of the camp.

As I got closer and closer to the camp, I began to hear gunfire and inhuman screaming. The screams sounded familiar like they were coming from a humanoid creature.

Turning the corner, I saw what looked like a picture pulled straight out of a zombie movie. Green little naked men with grotesquely large noses climbed out of the ravine and started swarming the encampment spears in hand.


The goblins were getting shot down with rifles and pistols before they could even get close.

I wasn't quite sure what I could do other than approach the camp.

I peeked out and waved my hands over my head. Luckily, I wasn't shot as I closed in on the camp from the back.

"Get in here!" yelled one of the men trying to raise his voice above the gunfire.

Stepping inside the encampment, I saw women and children with looks of terror and hands clasped over their ears to shut out the noise.

The man handed me a pair of earmuffs and yelled, "Go grab the ammo crates out of the back of that truck."

He pointed at it and said, "it's that white one over there."

I nodded and ran over to the truck.

Putting my earmuffs, on I stacked up as many of the ammo crates as I could carry and walked back over to the men, dropping it beside them. I quickly flipped the crates open and tossed the loaded clips over to the men.

They grabbed the clips and reloaded their guns with them, throwing the empty ones aside.

The man looked back at me and yelled, "do you know how to shoot a gun?"

I nodded and yelled back, "I do!"

I never shot a gun before personally, but I knew how they worked, more or less.

The man yelled, "Good man, take this rifle and start shooting!"

Stepping up to the barricade, I started shooting at the goblins.

Piles of dead goblin corpses laid stacked up against the ravine ledge. They kept coming, and they weren't slowing down or showing signs of stopping anytime soon.

"If this keeps going, we'll run out of ammo."

A thought emerged that I needed to confirm.

I grabbed the rifle and an ammo crate and walked out of the encampment. As I did, the man yelled, "H-Hey, where the hell you are going!"

"To get a better angle. It's too cramped in here."

That was a lie, but I couldn't bother explaining.

"W-Wait! Wait!" he yelled after me as I bolted down the block

I wanted to actually know how many of these little guys there were. As far as I knew, there could've been an entire nation of them crawling out from the ravine.

Walking around to the other side of the block, I approached the edge of the ravine and peered down the side.

Goblins floated up into the air and out of the cavernous ravine like it was the rapture. Then as they approached the top, they climbed over the ledge and onto the surface.

"Is the System doing this?"

Pointing my gun at one of the levitating goblins, I opened fire to find that its corpse kept floating up until it reached the top, wherein then it floated to its resting place right along the ledge of the ravine.

"What the hell is going on? Is it…?"

Looking around, I notice this event is happening all up and down the ravine as far as I could make out. Many different types of creatures were levitating out of the ravine in clusters and packs with seemingly endless quantity.

It was then that the realization struck me that the entire population of fantasy monsters and beasts were coming out all at once.

"This is how they're brought to our world, isn't it?"

Throwing the rifle over my shoulder, I sprinted back to the encampment as fast as I could.

If the System was going to send the creature out all at once, then this wasn't a battle worth fighting for.

Turning the corner, I waved my arms and screamed, "Run! Run! Run!"

They couldn't hear me over the sound of gunfire.