
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

The Mysterious Book

Percy stared in awe at the ancient tome Timothy had discovered, its pages filled with archaic symbols and intricate illustrations depicting spells long forgotten. She could feel the power radiating from it in waves, sending tingles across her skin.

"What secrets could this book hold?" she wondered aloud, hesitant to touch the weathered leather binding.

Timothy reached towards it tentatively, overwhelmed by an inexplicable urge to unlock the mysteries within. The moment his fingers brushed the cover, a brilliant flash blinded them momentarily.

When their vision cleared, Celestia City had vanished - they now found themselves standing in an open field dotted with moss-covered boulders and towering pines that sighed in the gentle breeze. In the distance, a majestic castle loomed, silhouetted against the dusky orange sky.

"Where are we now?" Percy asked with dismay, turning in a circle to take in their unfamiliar surroundings. The strangely familiar book lay innocuously in the grass by Timothy's feet.

Emily closed her eyes, probing their location with subtle magical tendrils.

"I believe the book is somehow transporting us," she murmured. "This appears to be the outskirts of Avalonia, the ancestral kingdom of mages millennia ago during the Height of the Magi."

"But how could that be?" Timothy interjected, brow furrowed. "Avalonia is only legend, a mythical city that supposedly vanished long before recorded history."

Mad inclined his head thoughtfully. "Much has been forgotten through the ages. But magic leaves traces if you know how to find them."

Alya remained silent, a cryptic smile playing about her lips as if she alone understood some hidden significance.

Percy reached towards the book then hesitated, uncertainty clouding her star-flecked eyes. "Every time we've opened it, we've been taken somewhere new. But how do we control where it sends us?"

"We must proceed cautiously," Emily advised, "and study the runes within for clues. There may be a pattern or hidden message if we-"

Her words were cut off as a thunderous roar shook the earth beneath their feet, acrid smoke belching into the sky ahead. An enormous green dragon burst into view, emerald scales glinting as it wheeled around for another pass, deadly flames spewing from its maw.

Percy reacted instantly, magic circles materializing around her. Arcane symbols blazed within them as she traced intricate patterns, crafting a shield to protect them against the inferno. Emily reinforced it with layers of shimmering wards, deflecting the worst of the blast.

They dove for cover behind the boulders as the dragon thundered past overhead. Its leathery wings stirred dust devils in its wake.

"We need to get back to The Tower!" Emily shouted over the din. "It's too dangerous here without proper preparations or resources!"

Timothy scooped up the mysterious book hastily as Percy continued deflecting bursts of flames. The acrid stench of smoke hung heavily in the air.

"There must be something in here that can return us home! We just need to find it!" He flipped rapidly through pages filled with cryptic runes and complex diagrams unlike any magic he knew.

Percy risked a glance overhead as the emerald dragon wheeled around for another pass, its primordial hunger unappeased. "Hurry Timothy!" she yelled, sweat beading her brow with the effort of maintaining her protections against the unrelenting assault.

Emily and Mad added their magic to bolster the shield, but they could all feel its stability fluctuating as the dragon bore down on them again. Alya stood unruffled beside them, arms folded in a display of apparent unconcern.

Finally Timothy located a symbol that seemed familiar, part of a transportation incantation he recognized from their lessons back at The Tower. Desperately hoping he was right, he began tracing the intricate pattern while channeling all his focus and willpower into activating it.

The lines took shape, glowing azure and emerald as Timothy recited the invocation. Their cracks and pops of building energy made the air feel electric, fingertips tingling with power.

With a resounding thunderclap they disappeared, leaving only scorched earth and smoking cinders where they had stood moments before. The bemused dragon circled overhead, flames guttering in its maw as it searched for traces of its vanished prey.

In a flash Emily, Percy, Timothy, Mad and Alya reappeared within The Tower, collapsed in exhaustion from their narrow escape. The mysterious book lay inert once more at Timothy's feet.

"We were lucky this time," Emily said gravely, glancing at each of them in turn as she caught her breath. "We must study this book further and unlock its secrets before attempting such dangerous journeys again."

Percy nodded solemnly in agreement, the urgency of their situation made clear after barely cheating death. There was still so much they didn't understand about the powers they now confronted. But with the bonds of trust between them, and the wisdom of mentors like Emily and Mad to guide them, they would unravel the mysteries...one page at a time.