
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs


Percy drifted in and out of consciousness, surrounded by infinite rainbow hues. There was no sense of up or down in this strange realm. It was as if she floated in the depths of a prism, refracted light dancing across her skin.

When awareness returned fully, she found herself resting on an opalescent surface - neither liquid nor solid. Sitting up cautiously, Percy gazed around in wonderment. It was a realm of contradictions - terrifying yet strangely beautiful.

In the distance, islands of varicolored earth drifted like lilypads across an ethereal sea. Each one teemed with life no mortal eye had glimpsed before. Creatures with gossamer wings flitted to and fro, leaving glittering contrails in their wake. Colossal beings lumbered across the landscape, their shapes conforming to no earthly morphology.

Percy blinked, realizing her perceptions were changing - able to discern things previously obscured from her senses. Was this a side effect of the rift? Or had her starry eyes granted her new ways of seeing?

Testing this newfound perception, she extended a hand, willing into being a shield of protective runes. To her surprise, glowing glyphs manifested instantly at her command within this realm. What other powers lay untapped inside her here?

Rising carefully to her feet, Percy stepped forward - and nearly stumbled straight into an abyss! She windmilled her arms, stabilizing at the very precipice of the opalescent platform. Gazing down, she saw infinite colorful fractals receding into an abyss of the unknown.

Percy shuddered. One misstep here could equal obliteration. This was a deadly wonderland, yet also ripe with possibility if she proceeded with care.

In the distance, one island drifted closer than the rest. Lush vegetation covered its surface, reminding her poignantly of the world she had lost. If she could reach its shores, perhaps some answers lay in wait.

Kneeling, Percy placed her palms to the platform, willing it forward using her newfound talents over this malleable realm. The opalescent surface slowly drifted towards the verdant island ahead.

Heart pounding, Percy gathered herself in preparation. At the precipitous moment when both surfaces aligned, she leapt! Hitting the sandy earth in a tucked roll, she stood and found herself surrounded by undulating ferns under an azure sky.

Had she made it to safety? Or were more dangers lurking in this new place? Glancing back, she saw the colorful platform already retreating into the prismatic sea. There would be no turning back now.

Setting her jaw in determination, Percy pressed on into the island's beckoning jungle, following a winding path between massive roots and vine-draped boughs. Lights flickered hypnotically in the canopy overhead. The very air itself seemed alive, thrumming with unseen energies.

Rounding a corner, Percy stumbled into a clearing containing an ancient structure mosaic with abstract symbols. Delicately stepping forward, she brushed vines aside to reveal an archway leading inside.

Percy hovered on the precipice between light and shadow. What secrets lay within? This felt like a test - to see if she would embrace the unknown, or falter.

Inhaling deeply, she chose faith over fear and strode forward into darkness. Runes sprang to life along the walls, illuminating an intricate mural. Percy's eyes widened as its meaning became clear.

This temple contained a message - one that had waited eons for her arrival.