
World Reawakened: The Supernatural Uprising

Whispers of the Vanished, Legacy of Lost Realms In the year 3800, humanity's quest for space exploration led them beyond the confines of Earth to the far reaches of neighboring planets. But what they discovered among the stars was not merely the vast expanse of the cosmos. It was the profound remnants of civilizations that had long vanished into the annals of history. As humanity delved deeper into the mysteries of these ancient worlds, they unearthed the echoes of a past that defied comprehension. The ruins, the artifacts, the cryptic writings—all whispered tales of once-great civilizations, now lost to time. Each discovery was a reminder that the cosmos held secrets that challenged the very essence of human existence. Amidst the remnants of these vanished realms, the boundary between the past and the present blurred. Questions lingered like haunting specters—what had befallen these civilizations? What knowledge and wisdom had they possessed? And could their legacy hold the key to humanity's future?

Twilightfall · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 2: The Chase

Xander felt like he was having a bad dream. The memory of the eerie specter and the basement's eerie ambiance continued to haunt him, even in his dreams. In particular, the spectre's unsettling smile had left an indelible mark on his psyche.

Whenever thoughts of the spectre crossed his mind, an overwhelming fear gripped his heart, drenching him in a cold sweat.

Gradually, Xander regained consciousness, and a sense of reality flooded his mind, convincing him that his previous experiences were nothing more than a terrifying nightmare.

As Xander slowly opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar environment, bathed in the harsh, fluorescent glow of overhead lights that cast long, eerie shadows across the room.

Before him stood several individuals. Xander squinted, anxiety knotting his heart as he studied them intently.

At the forefront was an old gentleman in a black suit, he excluded the air of a successful person. Beside him stood a cyborg guard, half of his body replaced by various mechanical components, his left eye emitting a menacing, piercing red light.

Besides these two there was another group of people led by a person who appeared to be a thug wearing a rugged military uniform and his demeanour was gruff and intimidating. Behind him were four individuals standing there like a pole, All dressed in black uniforms and masks.

"Are you all right, young man?" the elderly gentleman asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine," Xander replied, attempting to steady his nerves. These people appeared to be government officials, and for an underground worker like him, encountering them was far from reassuring.

"There's no point dwelling on whether the specter was real or not. For now, I'll consider it a nightmare. My immediate concern is to leave before they uncover my disguise or become suspicious."

While thinking about this Xander tried to stand up. 

The elderly gentleman nodded in response, saying, "I'm relieved to hear that you're okay. While you were unconscious, you were murmuring something about a 'ghost' or similar. It seems you've had a nightmare."

Xander's legs nearly gave way at the mere mention of 'ghost.'

"Ghosts? They don't exist! He must be hallucinating due to the stressful environment. We've had freelancers lose their minds here before. After all, the place can be quite unnerving at night," the thuggish individual scoffed, offering a considerable amount of information.

"So, there have been others with similar experiences," Xander thought to himself, lowering his head. While he continued to reassure himself that his previous experiences were mere nightmares, a part of him couldn't let go of the nagging doubt.

"I know, I know. That's why I suggested increasing the wages for employees working here during the night. Accidents like these are common for those unaccustomed to this environment," the elderly gentleman concurred.

"Anyway, young man, it's good to see you're alright. I think it's best for you to call it a day and head home. You need some rest. Don't worry; your pay won't be deducted," the elderly man reassured Xander.

"Yes, sir! I'll take my leave." Xander agreed wholeheartedly, eager to escape this wretched place as soon as possible.

"Go! Be careful on your way home, weather out is terrible" 

"Yes, Sir!"


Emerging from the repository, Xander found himself in a starkly different world from the eerie interior. Torrential rain poured relentlessly, drenching everything in sight. The city sparkled under the glow of streetlights as water cascaded down the sides of buildings, creating a rhythmic symphony as raindrops drummed against the pavement.

The external atmosphere, despite its gloominess, felt welcoming compared to the repository.

Xander inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh air, and managed to calm his racing heart. Ignoring the rain, he hastened away from the repository.

With each step, he cast furtive glances over his shoulder, checking if anyone was tailing him. Upon confirming that he wasn't being followed, he sought shelter in a narrow alley and retrieved his communicator.

IIn the midst of the downpour, Xander activated his communicator and dialed the number provided by his employer.

The call connected swiftly, and the synthetic voice on the other end inquired, "Has the mission been completed?"

Xander couldn't discern the speaker's age or gender due to the artificial tone. Regardless, he began to recount everything he had witnessed inside the repository, including the eerie encounter.

During his journey, Xander had deliberated and decided to share this disturbing experience. He initially regarded it as a regular mission, but now he questioned its nature.

He felt that employees should have known some information therefore the mission was so specific about the basement.

Xander wanted to know what exactly happened, Otherwise he would not be able to sleep peacefully.

The employer remained silent for a few moments after Xander's detailed account. Just as Xander's impatience grew, the employer finally spoke.

"You've executed the mission brilliantly. In addition to the agreed-upon compensation, you'll receive a bonus for your performance."

"All funds will be transferred within the next few hours, but for now…"

"...You must run for your life. If my suspicions are correct, one of the officials is likely tailing you. Run as fast as you can, and if you find no refuge, head to the outskirts of the city."

"You've heard of the haven, haven't you? Seek shelter there; officials can't find you. Finally, I wish you luck. I hope you survive."

Before Xander could respond or seek further clarification, the call abruptly terminated. The words "Run for your life" echoed in his mind, sending shivers down his spine.

"Is this some kind of joke? Danger? But why? I didn't disclose anything within the repository."

"I merely mentioned 'ghosts' while unconscious. Is that a crime, and a crime so grave it warrants my death?"

"Moreover, if it is a crime, why didn't those individuals eliminate me inside?"

Xander wished to dismiss the warning as a jest, but a nagging doubt remained.

"What if it's not a joke?"

With no time to waste, Xander darted through the rainy streets. As he fled, he cursed his employer for not providing clearer instructions.

But as the saying goes, 'Man proposes, God disposes.'

Xander had hoped to escape, but an obstacle blocked his path. An imposing figure loomed ahead—none other than the cyborg guard from the repository.

Also the cyborg doesn't appear to be friendly.

You might wonder how Xander knew?

Well, friends typically don't greet each other brandishing a lightsaber, do they?

Yes, cyborg stood at the end of the street, menacingly wielding a lightsaber that emitted an ominous red glow, akin to the foreboding redness of his mechanical eye.

"Hello there! Officer, are you on patrol? Thanks to officers like you, honest citizens can rest easy." With an affable smile, Xander greeted the cyborg, ignoring the menacing lightsaber.

"While running here, I spotted some individuals with black masks. I can't confirm if they're armed, but it would be prudent to investigate," Xander began to spout nonsense nonchalantly, unfazed by the threatening lightsaber.

"They were on Victoria Street, officer; you should check on them. Who knows if they pose a threat to someone. You should go and investigate," he said, indicating a location opposite to his current position. 

For now, he sought to divert the cyborg's attention, though he wasn't certain it would work.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave. I'm not feeling well and need some rest to report for work tomorrow. Goodnight, and stay safe on your patrols." Xander nodded and strolled confidently toward the cyborg.

Although he projected calm, his heart raced. He didn't know why the cyborg had appeared, but the fact that the cyborg hadn't attacked offered a glimmer of hope.

As long as he could evade the cyborg's watchful gaze, he had countless escape routes. The gap between them narrowed, and Xander soon stood shoulder to shoulder with the cyborg.

Tap… Tap….Tap…

Xander didn't break stride, maintaining a steady gait as he inched closer to freedom.

"Did you see it?"

Upon hearing the question, Xander's expression momentarily tightened, but he quickly resumed his confident walk.

"What do you mean, sir? Are you referring to those suspicious individuals? Indeed, I witnessed them firsthand. If you wish, I can provide a statement at the nearest police station tomorrow." Xander suggested nonchalantly.

"Did you see it? The spectre?"

The cyborg refused to relent and repeated the question, adding more information this time.

"I don't understand, sir. I believe you've mistaken me for someone else. Anyway, I'm feeling cold, so I'll take my leave. Farewell!" Xander replied calmly, his expression puzzled as he portrayed an innocent worker.

But the relentless cyborg didn't stop and continued, "I've been following you since you left the Repository and I heard your conversation."

Xander was speechless hearing this sentence. So you knew it all along! Still, why are you asking me? Are you so bored? 

Even though Xander's stomach was filled with curses and he was constantly cursing this cyborg manufacturer, He knew that there is no point in faking now.

This Cyborg is hell bent on killing him and his only option is to run as he is no match for this retarded cyborg.

Just as he leaned forward to make a break for it, Xander felt a searing pain erupt across his back. The omnious, glowing red lightsaber had come dangerously close, leaving a light but visible cut across his back.


Xander hissed in pain as he kneeled on the ground in pain. The sensation of burning metal on skin was terrifying.

"Fuck you! You retarded cyborg, Why did you sneak attack? Where are your morals?"

"And why are you attacking me you retard? What right do you have to hit me?!" With much pain Xander pointed at Cyborg standing behind him and cursed him continuously.


But in response all he got was another slash. Xander rolled on the wet ground and dangerously avoided the attack.

Xander instincts kicked into overdrive as pain pulsed on his back. He knew he had to run, As there was no time to spare. 

But he needs an opening to run as Cyborg has locked onto him currently. Xander's trembling hand reached into his shirt and fumbled for a while and found what he was looking for.

In a moment of pure instinct he threw the object toward the cyborg and he sprinted through the winding alley without caring about the cyborg.

Cyborg looked at the object flying toward him and said calmly, "Flash grenade?"

Yes, it was a flash grenade. To be exact it was a miniature flash grenade. The only weapon Xander carried with him all the time. It was hidden within his communicator. 


The flash grenade exploded in a brilliant burst of blinding light, illuminating the narrow alley. Xander didn't dare look back, focusing solely on the path ahead as the world around him turned into a chaotic frenzy of white light. The deafening explosion of the grenade left his ears ringing.

Xander knew that this attack would only temporarily stop the cyborg for a few seconds and few seconds of time is what he needs now.

Tap… Tap…Tap…

Soon Xander heard the sound of footsteps and knew that Cyborg had started chasing him but he didn't turn back as it would only slow down his escape. Rain poured down heavily as Xander, soaked and disoriented, sprinted through the slick, narrow alleyway.

'It's here again!' Out Of corner of his eyes, Xander saw a red glow nearing him.

The crimson glow of the cyborg's Crimson Saber cut through the thick layer of rain moving toward him. In a split second Xander made a decision and changed his path of escape and dived into the alley on his right.


The cyborgs attack destroyed the thick cobblestone on the ground. 

'Fuck! This guy really wants to kill me.'

Xander felt his scalp numb after seeing the aftermath of the attack. If this attack landed on him..

'Well, I would have died.'

"Hey, Officer! Why don't we sit down and talk things through? There is no point in fighting, As someone will die."


In response all he got was another slash of sabre. Once again he changed direction and dived into another alley.


As he rounded a corner, Xander spotted an abandoned trash can. Without hesitation, he kicked it over, sending a cascade of debris across the path. It was a desperate ploy, a makeshift obstacle to slow down the cyborg.

Xander spotted a dislodged pipe leaning against a wall. He grabbed it and swung it as he ran, creating an erratic barrier for the cyborg to navigate. Despite this Cyborg didn't even slow down for a second as he kept slashing through the obstacles.

"No changes detected on target, life status is normal! It's time to end this chase!" The cyborg's mechanical eyes flickered with red light as he gripped the light sabre tighter.


Xander heard another sound behind him and thought it was another slash and felt a chill crawl up his spine. Xander took a desperate turn and dived into the alley on the left but just as he appeared in the alley his heart stopped. 

The cyborg was there, right in front of him, its menacing crimson lightsaber poised to strike.

'Oh shit! It was a feint.'

The rain poured down creating a relentless drumbeat against the pavement. In Xander's eyes the world seemed to slow down as his eyes met the cold, unfeeling gaze of the cyborg, its mechanical limbs ready to deliver the final blow.

Time seemed to stop just like his heartbeat. Xander's breath caught in his throat, and the raindrops seemed to hang in the air, shimmering in the dim light. 

Then, in an instant, the cyborg struck. Its lightsaber pierced through Xander's chest with a searing, electrifying pain. Xander gasped, and the world rushed back in a chaotic blur of colours, sound, and sensation.

Drip! Drip! Drip!


Xander's blood fell on the puddle of water as he fell on the ground, his mouth desperately gasping for breath and his hand clutching his wounded chest trying to stop the bleeding.

Raindrops splattered against his face as he crumpled to the ground. His blood mixed with the rainwater, painting the cobblestones crimson.

Xander knew that there was no hope to live but he struggled desperately as he looked at the cyborg standing in front of him like a death god and mumbled a word while spewing blood.


The cyborg stood silently under the heavy cloak of rain Indifferent and unyielding like a silent sentinel of death.

"You saw something that you shouldn't have! You are not the first one and nor will be last! Anyone who peeks through the taboo will die! That's the iron-clad rule." The red glow in Cyborg's eyes reduced a lot as he said this while looking at dying Xander.

This was the first time he said so much but in response to his statement Xander chuckled happily and said.

"So…. it was real.. Cough cough! I knew I… I was not hallucinating … Hahaha… Do… You know… What I Saw…?" Xander had a smile on his face as he looked at the cyborg.

"What did you see?" Cyborg looked at Xander coldly and said after a second.

"I… Saw… Cough! Cough!"

"I… Saw….."

"... Your wife…. getting screwed by an articulated robot ...."


In response the light sabre pierced through his chest once again but this time Xander did not feel pain. In his final moments, as his vision dimmed and the world grew distant, he laughed happily.

"....Hahaha hahaha! I got you, You dumb cyborg!" 

These were his last words as Xander lay in the puddle of water motionless with a bright smile on his face.