
The Incredible Loot

The goblin chieftain's face turned from red to green, back to what it once was, and then his entire body suddenly vanished, pixelating into nothingness. 

Jake fell forward, no longer having an opponent in front of him, and fell straight where the goblin chieftain stood once. 

All the loot was right in front of him. 

Myriad Arrows and Kierch also ran to see what had dropped from the boss that they spent quite a bit of time trying to defeat. The last boss they defeated, the cyclops, granted them a whole two epic items, and one epic grade material. 

Surely this was going to be no less. 

But there was only one item here with a purple glow. It was the black wood staff with the purple crystal on top of it. This item only dropped once, when the raid was first completed. 
