
Xu Yue

Even though physically, that copy of Xu Yue looked nearly identical to her, Xu Yue could see that the latter looked nowhere near as beautiful as her.

But the moment Yue had occupied it, the formerly flavourless clone underwent an instant change, causing Xu Yue to faintly smile.

A moment later, Xu Yue then stretched out her hand and gripped Yue's waist, causing the latter to click her teeth.

"So shameless," mumbled Yue, who had just regained her own self after spending so much time inside of Xu Yue.

Sadly for her though, Yue's words did not do anything, as her actions spoke otherwise.

Even though Yue's words seemed to want to shame Xu Yue, her hands did not do the same, as they began struggling and trying their best to defeat Xu Yue.

Of course, Xu Yue had long anticipated this, as such, she had made sure to not give this body of hers much power in the slightest, allowing Xu Yue to easily toy with her at will.

But even so, Yue still continued struggling, as she tried to slap, pinch, suck and kiss Xu Yue into being defeated.

Although this was quite effective, this only seemed to excite Xu Yue even further, and made her next actions on Yue even more brutal.


As she admired the perfect looking body that was standing in front of her, Yue couldn't help but faintly smile as she got up from the bed that she had been using for the past year.

Even though Yue and Xu Yue have had fun in the past, this was the first time that the two of them had a physical body.

Back when Yue had first obtained her physical body, she had been instantly sent out of the Three Thousand Regions, not allowing her and Xu Yue to spend any time together.

And when she had returned, Yue had to act urgently to heal Xu Yue, and could not do anything to a Xu Yue who was about to vanish from existence.

"So, what are you thinking about, seemed so contemplative?" asked Yue as she approached Xu Yue, who was simply staring into the distance.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about myself for a little bit," mumbled Xu Yue, causing a frown to appear on the face of Yue, who was staring at her.

Even though Yue knew that Xu Yue was lying, she did not particularly care, as she knew that as soon as the two became one once again, she would be able to know what she had been thinking about just now.

"I guess it's fine if you don't want to tell me, a surprise if much more fun either way, but now It's my turn to have fun, don't you think so?" asked Yue, causing Xu Yue to faintly smile.

"I guess that's true," said Xu Yue as she faintly smiled, causing Yue to suddenly embrace her and grab her by the waist.


Rather sadly, as Xu Yue had a much more powerful body than Yue, the latter wasn't able to achieve her goal, but even so, as she stared at Xu Yue, who was lying on the bed with a slightly tired look on her face, Yue couldn't help but click her teeth.

"I only you weren't so shameless," mumbled Yue as she sat down next to Xu Yue, causing the latter to fall silent.

"I guess I wouldn't be me if I weren't shameless," mumbled Yue whilst she watched Xu Yue continue to think.

"You've changed quite a bit, you aren't the same as before," mumbled Xu Yue as she turned her head sideways and looked at Yue.

"Why wouldn't I change, after all, I'm no longer just your heart demon, I'm simply you, If I had not changed at all wouldn't that had been weird, after all, I have been absorbed by you for all these years," said Yue as she clicked her teeth.

"Even becoming sentimental for your own heart demon, Xu Yue, I know myself very well, but I didn't think I was like this," mumbled Yue as she watched Xu Yue frown.

"Losing a different flavor of myself is really quite a pity," mumbled Xu Yue as she stared at the ceiling.

As she heard Xu Yue's words, a bunch of question marks appeared around Yue's head, as she became extremely confused.

A moment later, Xu Yue suddenly waved her hand, making Yue to freeze, causing a faint light to appear in Xu Yue's eyes.

"A different flavor of myself, I really didn't lose my shamelessness, I'm still the same as before in that regard," mumbled the now complete Xu Yue as she destroyed the spare body that Yue had been inhabiting.

Even though Xu Yue and Yue were two different beings, human and Heart Demon, after being fused for so long, they had long since become one.

A moment later, after some more thought, Xu Yue lazily got up from the bed, causing it to disappear as soon as she stopped touching it.

After that, Xu Yue's robe then appeared on her body, causing Xu Yue to instantly return to her normal self.


Inside the Library of Heaven.

As she looked at Xu Yue, the Tenth, or rather, Xu Yue from a different timeline, couldn't help but click her teeth.

"As expected of myself, so young yet still is imaginative," mumbled Xu Yue, who was in a weird state right now.

Even though Xu Yue was an incarnation of the Tenth, and was a very real being, at the moment, Xu Yue did not have any existence.

Although this defied the very laws of existence, by channeling her path through Space and Time, as well as leveraging her connection to the Libraries of Heaven in all timelines, the tenth was able to create this incarnation.

But even though it was not very powerful, as it did not have any existence, this incarnation was not afraid of the Grand Dao of this Timeline in the slightest as she knew the latter could not detect her.

After watching the Fourteenth for some time, Xu Yue had grown to quite like the young Xu Yue and was currently debating doing something rather risky.