
White Grass

After Wade Wide looked at the party name his eyes almost popped out of their socket. Then he asked," Jake why did you name the party name ONE PIECE".

I replied," Its names look cool", while I said to myself," because I am a reincarnation. In my previous life, I liked to watch ONE PIECE and so I kept its name".

Then Wade said," are you sure it's the only reason".

I nodded my head and said," of course, it's the only reason".

Wade said to himself," didn't he keep the name because he wanted to remain alive and conquer the island in one piece. I hope so, or else I would cry without tears".

I asked," Wade on which island do you live".

Wade replied," it's a famous island known as Alchemy Island as this is the place where most alchemists are found".

Then I asked," so do you have any reason to join the dungeon".

Wade said," hmm, I joined the dungeon to earn enough money to treat my sister's eyes who can't see".

I perked my ears and then asked," is your sister beautiful".

Wade almost punched Jack's face and then took a deep breath to calm himself down. Then he replied," of course she is beautiful".

I asked," then what is her age".

Wade replied," this month she is going to reach fourteen years".

I nodded my head and asked," so do you know what kind of medicine is needed for curing blindness".

Wade said," I have gathered all the ingredients, except for one. It's can be harvested from Bloody Rabbit monster".

I then asked," so you killing those Rabbits, not for their meat".

Wade shook his head and said," no, I was trying to kill to reduce the population of a rabbit but they breed too fast so I kept on hunting them for meat".

I nodded my head and then I asked," so what is the last ingredient you require".

Wade said," White grass. It is grown within Bloody Rabbit's lair. It is the main ingredient for making a cure blindness potion".

I said," Okay then I help you get the White grass as a meeting gift".

Wade said," okay then I will thank you in advance".

I then looked at Draco and said," let's kill these rabbits", and then I looked at Wade and said," don't harvest these monsters. I have to need them".

Wade said," okay as you wish".

Then I said," Draco let's go", saying we were going to enter the burrow.

At this time Wade said," Jack, wait. Use this potion. It will attract all the monsters within a one-kilometer area".

I said," okay then".

Then I dropped the potion to the ground and seeing my action Wade almost pissed his pants and he said," you fool", saying so he climbed to the top of the tree and then he said," you needed to drop the potion at a good place so that you would not face a monster from other sides".

I said," it's okay. Anyway we are strong".

Wade started to doubt himself," that was it right to join this mindless idiot".

Then he saw a scene that he never saw before. It was a one-sided slaughter. The Blood Rabbits were pouring like a tide but Jack was shooting them out with the fireball and the damage done was fireball ridiculously high. Two was enough to blow the corpse of a rabbit. It was a bloody scene to watch.

Two minutes later the Elite Blood Rabbit saw the scene of the dead bodies of its companion lying dead so it roared and charged toward the attacker.

I saw that finally, the Elite Blood Rabbit was out. Seeing this I shoot a barrage of fireballs. Five hit it while the rest of the fireballs exploded behind. But it was more than enough to kill Elite Blood Rabbit.

After that, I said to Wade," go and collect the White Grass".

As after the Elite Bloody Rabbit was killed rest of the Bloody Rabbit began to flee away.

Seeing this I shook my head and then walked toward it and began to use extract skill. But my level was already 6. So I couldn't gain any attributes. So I used extract skill on the elite blood rabbit and then I got 5 attributes points and 1 skill point. Now I had 50 attribute points and also 5 skill points.

Then I looked at the drops of 15 silver shells and a skill scroll from an elite blood rabbit and 1000 bronze shells lying on the ground from killing its subordinates.

Wade walked towards the White grass and as he was going to harvest his face became flushed and he said," I can't harvest it as my gathering mastery is not enough".

Seeing the scene made me feel amused. As the most wanted thing was presented before you but you can't take it as you don't have the abilities to own it. This feeling is like hell.

So I walked toward him and said," okay I will help you harvest the White grass", saying so I used my gathering skills, and with the help of the gathering tool I harvested 3 blue grade and 1 purple grade White grass and then I handed it over to Wade.

Wade took the grass with red eyes and then he said," thank you".

I said," you must return as your sister might be waiting for you now".

Wade nodded his head and then he said," we will meet later".

I asked," but how do I find you".

Wade was speechless and then he said," can't you see the map function".

I looked at him and asked," where is it?".

Wade then asked me," did you attend the novice class in the safe zone".

I shook my head and said," there was no novice class when I reached the safe zone".

Wade sighed and then rubbed his forehead and said," okay just open your status and turn on the map functions. Then you can see a mini-map in the corner of your eyes. From here you can spot the mini-boss and your friends and partners. They would be shown blinking with a Blue and green dot respectively".