
World Of Isle

PS- Review Read to explore the world full of mysterious island. On each isalnd there is a way to access the dungeon. People go thier and level up becoming adventurer, pirate or navy. Their are many cirminal organization hiding in the dark. Each of these organization have only one goal. It's to conquer 36 Main Island. According to legend anyone who conquers it will be given the opportunity ask any one wish. The pratagonist is reincarnated into the world of Isle, with a god level talent EXTRACT+1. It can help him extract the attributes and skill points from the dead monster killed by himself. It can also level up two level any equipment worn by him. Accompanying him is a small white dragon. The dungeon is all a mysterious place. It has 100 floors. Each floor is guarded by a guardian monster. After defeating it you can teleport to next floor. Overall this a combination of chaotic world, with dungeon style settings. If you like reading the book please give a quick review. Thank you Have a good day.

Shame_less007 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Wade Wild

After crafting the gathering tool, I also decided to use the skill points to increase my gathering skill to mastery. It took three skill points to upgrade it to the master level.

Once again much knowledge about the gathering was forcefully introduced to my mind. After an hour I finally digested the memory. It was all due to my intelligence attributes or else it would take at least four to five hours to learn all those skills.

Then I said," Draco, I have a task for you".

Draco said," what task?".

I replied," you will go and attract those mosquitoes, while I will shoot them down".

Draco said," isn't it better we compete with each other. I also want to try out my new skills and weapons".

I sighed and then said," okay as you say, let's keep killing and also keep running towards the inner region".

Draco cheered and said," okay Jack".

I then said," okay let's go".

Then I saw a mosquito in distance I shot two fireballs and it was overkill. I went and used my extract skill to gain 1 attributes points.

This went on until I killed the twenty-fourth mosquitoes. After that, I leveled up. Now I had extra 45 attribute points to be used, 20 from before.

Draco was also enjoying their time by killing the mosquito monster. In two attacks the monster was killed. I looked at its melee skill and thought that his training with me had not gone to waste.

We soon reached the inner region.

Then we met a rabbit-type monster. Many adventures were killing these monsters and I saw them harvesting.

Seeing this I felt that maybe its meat would be delicious.

Thinking about it I looked at Draco and said," let's level up to level 5 then you will hunt rabbits while I will harvest thier meat".

Draco said," okay let's go and hunt them".

I nodded my head and then we kept on heading deeper inside the dungeon.

The adventurers who saw the Dragon and Boy going deeper inside the dungeon had smirks on thier faces and someone commented," are that duo idiots, heading towards the rabbit lair. I hope they would not be killed".

Another adventurer said," well let's not worry about them, let's farm these rabbits, and then we can change our equipment to a better one".

Another one said," okay ". Then those groups of adventurers were busy doing thier work. Except a weak boy rushed towards the duo and shouted "hey you guys stop!".

Seeing that those guys didn't listen to his words he looked at the rabbit's monster and then clenched his teeth and drank an agility potion and then rushed towards them. Fortunately, he caught up with those guys at the entrance of the rabbit monster lair.

So he once again shouted," hey you guys there is danger ahead".

I was going to enter towards the hill in front of me with Draco. At this time I heard someone calling from behind," hey wait guys there is danger ahead".

I stopped and looked behind to see a thin boy who was gasping for breath was looking at us anxiously.

So we walked toward him and then asked," are you okay".

The thin boy had blue eyes and blue hair. It suited his eyes color very much. He had a handsome face, just at this time his eyes had a look of fear and he said anxiously," look behind you guys, there are bloody rabbits".

I looked back and fired a few fireballs killing those rabbits and Draco finished the rest of them.

Then I said," so what's your name?".

Wade looked at the duo in a daze. After hearing him asking about his name he panicked and replied," Wade, Wade Wild".

I said," so why were you warning us".

Wade said," there is a mini-boss inside the lair on the hill. And you both almost entered the lair".

I looked at him and said," but was it necessary to remind us".

Wade said," I don't want to see you guys put yourself in danger".

I said," Okay, then I will see you later after we kill those bloody rabbit monsters".

Wade became anxious and wanted to say something, so I just told him," we are very strong, don't worry about us. Do you have harvesting skills".

Wade calmed down after listening to the boy word said," yes".

Then I said," well you can harvest these rabbits. I don't have any use for them".

Wade shook his head and said," no way, you have hunted these monsters so it's your trophy. Do whatever you want with it. I will kill hunt them and harvest myself".

I was stunned after listening to his words and then I asked curiously," why don't you take it?".

Wade said," I want to become a strong adventurer. So I will keep working hard".

I said," Okay then best of luck", saying so I walked toward the rabbit's lair.

Wade suddenly said," wait".

I looked back and asked," so what happened now?".

Wade asked," take this magic damage potion. It might be helpful to you".

I took the potion and said," I have little use for this potion", saying so I headed towards the Bloody Rabbit lair.

Wade saw this and shook his head and then decided to hunt the monster away from this place. As this place was going to soon be surrounded by Bloody Rabbit.

He silently prayed for those guys and then he left.

While we saw this scene while hiding on top of a tree. Then I looked at Draco and said," what do you think of him".

Draco said," a good and honest guy. He didn't give off a malicious feeling".

Then I asked," shall we add him as a crew member".

Draco said," we can do so but let's play a trick. I will be injured and you will rush towards his direction. If he offers help then we can allow him to join our group if not then we can discard him".

I said," Okay, so shall I cut your skin?".

Draco said," I don't have the habit of getting cut. I will get injured by a bloody rabbit and then you take me there".

I said," then go fast or else I won't be able to find him".