
World Of Isle

PS- Review Read to explore the world full of mysterious island. On each isalnd there is a way to access the dungeon. People go thier and level up becoming adventurer, pirate or navy. Their are many cirminal organization hiding in the dark. Each of these organization have only one goal. It's to conquer 36 Main Island. According to legend anyone who conquers it will be given the opportunity ask any one wish. The pratagonist is reincarnated into the world of Isle, with a god level talent EXTRACT+1. It can help him extract the attributes and skill points from the dead monster killed by himself. It can also level up two level any equipment worn by him. Accompanying him is a small white dragon. The dungeon is all a mysterious place. It has 100 floors. Each floor is guarded by a guardian monster. After defeating it you can teleport to next floor. Overall this a combination of chaotic world, with dungeon style settings. If you like reading the book please give a quick review. Thank you Have a good day.

Shame_less007 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Spider Lair

Draco had several question marks on its head and then it asked," Oxygen! What oxygen?".

I said," forget the term I said. Just remember that after the smoke goes inside the cave, the spiders will have trouble breathing and they will be forced out of the cave".

Draco nodded its head while thinking to itself," Jack's words are getting more strange, as according to memories inherited by my ancestors I haven't heard any words that Jack pronounce".

Then it saw Jack cutting a few trees and then igniting them near the cave. Soon the fire began to burn vigorously.

Half an hour later Draco thought that Jack's plan failed but at this time they could listen to the sounds of a spider shrieking from inside the cave. It made Draco shiver and said," Jack the monster seems to be enraged".

I had a proud expression and then said," of course. Let's move 100 meters away from the cave as now it is time for us to fight. I will try to blow away all the spiders coming out of the cave while you will kill all the small one".

Draco said," will there be more than one spider".

I said," of course, there would be. This cave is a lair of spiders so plenty of spiders would be coming out".

Then we retreated and waited for the spider to come out.

A minute later hordes of spiders were coming out of the cave.

The shrieking of spiders was so loud that adventurers within 3 kilometers could hear the noise. So all of the adventurers began to return to the adventurer guild. As most of them didnt want to lose their life. Also, there was more monster that was afraid so they began to flee in the other direction.

The adventurer seeing the scene was stunned and then said," go to adventurer village. The magic protection will protect us or else will be eaten by these monsters alive".

Then they began to retreat toward the adventurer village.

While near the spider lair I was bombing the spiders while Draco was killing the small spider. It went on for five minutes. The spiders that came out of the lair were levels 15-17. These were all common monsters. The real source of the problem was still hiding inside the cave. And I found that till now the boss had not appeared.

So once again I began to gather the wood and burnt them at the mouth of the cave. The firewoods gathered were twice the amount.

So we waited patiently. After two minutes Draco said," Jack I think those were all the spiders".

I replied," maybe but still there is a big red mark on the map so I think that there would be a big spider waiting inside the cave".

Draco said," okay let's explore the cave after the fire has burnt".

I nodded my head and said," Okay then", saying so I took out red fruit and began to eat it. Draco said," give me one too".

I handed one to Draco and it began to eat.

While inside the cave a huge spider 7 meters long, 4 meters wide, and 5 meters in height was looking at the boy and dragon with its big and small eyes.

Seeing that the fire around it was getting much more fierce it finally gave in and directly use its web to attack and also used poison spit skill.

As I was enjoying my time, I suddenly felt danger premonition from the cave so I threw Draco towards the sky who was going to bite the fruit and I used blink to teleport 20 meters away.

After that, I looked back to see that the place where I was last standing was covered with poisonous breath and the soil underneath was becoming a puddle of green mud.

Seeing this I shouted," Draco the enemy is out, be careful".

Then I placed several Fire bombs near the mouth of the cave and began to explode them.

A minute later after the dust settled down, I saw a huge body of a spider lying on the ground. It still had a few breaths left in it. So I used a few more fireballs to finish it.

When I saw there was no red icon on the map then I patted my chest and said," Draco the lair has been cleared", saying so I began to harvest the materials.

Its body was still intact. This shows its carapace was hard enough to withstand even the fire bomb. Making armor out of it would be a good thing.

A minute later I saw that the things I harvested were

Spider carapace *2 (blue)

Pointy Legs *6 (blue)

Spider poison sac *1 (purple)

Spider eyes *6 (green)

After that, I cut off its head, and then I used extract skill on it to gain 20 attributes points and 2 skill points. I then began to use extract skills on the small spiders to gain 30 additional attribute points.

Also, our level had reached 12 so we could challenge the guardian boss.

But before that, I decided to head inside the cave and see if I could find useful things.

So we headed inside the cave after using some water balls the fire had already been extinguished.

The cave was quiet now. There were webs and we had to burn them to get inside. After ten minutes we finally reached the innermost layer.

There were several spiders' eggs and they might be in two hundred. Seeing this I looked at Draco and said," what shall we do to the eggs".

Draco said," let's bring it back to the alchemist".

I replied," but I don't think I can store it all".

Draco replied," I will keep it all inside my inventory. We will share the gold coins equally if we sell it".

I said," I think it's better to destroy most of it and sell a few of them like ten or twenty in this was even the spider egg hatches then it will not trouble the people".

Then Draco said," no way, I will collect it all. What if they would be rare ingredients", saying so it began to collect the eggs.

I searched around and found that within one web there was rusted armor and weapons.