
World Of Isle

PS- Review Read to explore the world full of mysterious island. On each isalnd there is a way to access the dungeon. People go thier and level up becoming adventurer, pirate or navy. Their are many cirminal organization hiding in the dark. Each of these organization have only one goal. It's to conquer 36 Main Island. According to legend anyone who conquers it will be given the opportunity ask any one wish. The pratagonist is reincarnated into the world of Isle, with a god level talent EXTRACT+1. It can help him extract the attributes and skill points from the dead monster killed by himself. It can also level up two level any equipment worn by him. Accompanying him is a small white dragon. The dungeon is all a mysterious place. It has 100 floors. Each floor is guarded by a guardian monster. After defeating it you can teleport to next floor. Overall this a combination of chaotic world, with dungeon style settings. If you like reading the book please give a quick review. Thank you Have a good day.

Shame_less007 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Shadow Organization

I looked at the blue chicken attributes and then I said," Draco, as usual, you will fly in the air and I will attack it from the ground".

Draco said," Jack you are not allowed to use bomb skill", saying so it swallowed its drool.

I said," I know. Just distract it when it will use the sonic skill. And don't get hit by it".

Draco nodded its head and said," don't worry. Anyway, this is the strongest chicken we are going to fight".

I said," okay time is up. Let's cook the chicken".

Draco said," no way Jack remembers to freeze it. We will ask Jarvis took to cook it for us".

I said," okay Draco".

Then we began to use ice balls to attack the blue chicken.

But the blue chicken was evading the attack and seeing this I shouted," Draco be careful, now the monster we are facing is intelligent and can do a variety of attacks. Keep distance from it".

The Blue Chicken jumped toward Jack and used the skill of Chicken Pecking.

I used blink and evaded its attack and also took the opportunity to deal with ice damage.

The ground where I was standing had shattered. It made me feel chill in my back and I said," f*ck this chicken. Draco this blue chicken turned out to be ferocious".

Draco said," come to one Jack just hold on for two more minutes, and we are done".

I used shield skills and at this time the blue chicken used the sonic attack on me.

I was shocked and was currently in a dangerous situation.

Draco saw this scene and shouted," Jack be careful".

Fortunately, the shield was cast on time and just a millisecond later the attack arrived and 50% chance to reflect the attack was triggered and the attack was returned to the blue chicken. I was scared out of my wits as I saw that the blue chicken was lying on the ground with its eyes turned upside down.

I patted my chest and then we sent a flurry of ice balls and killed it.

Draco flew down and said," Jack that skill was amazing. How did you do it so timely?".

I replied," timely my ass, I almost lost my life".

Then I went and used harvesting skills on the chicken.

I got Meat*3 (purple) and chicken claws (blue)

Then I used extract skill on the monster to gain additional 20 attributes points and 3 skill points.

Now I had amassed 100 attribute points and 13 skill points.

The Treasure box was opened and two skill scrolls (blue) were dropped and 50 gold shells.

Seeing this I said," Draco we will finish the quest next time".

Draco said," okay Jack, let's return".

Then we both were teleported to the 5th floor in the adventurer village.

And then we exited the dungeon as it was already safe.

Then I went and called to Jarvis and said," Jarvis prepare a meal for us", saying so I stopped and then continued," use this meat", saying so I handed him the chicken meat (purple).

Jarvis's eyes shrank when he took the meat and then said," Jack how did you get this meat".

Draco replied," from guardian boss".

Jarvis said," okay wait for some time. I will prepare it right away".


Inside the safe zone.

In ranking place, One piece showed that it had already cleared hell level challenge till 4th floor. Today was the most outrageous day as two hell-level challenges were completed in one day. It completely left the adventurers stunned.

The name of one piece began to be known by more adventurers.

Everyone was curious about the identity of party members.

Wade who was listening to the chat people was stunned after listening to their words and then Luna said," brother wasn't it that person who helped us before".

Wade nodded his head blankly and he said," I joined them. But later due to you I left the team".

Luna said," brother don't you feel bad about leaving them".

Wade said," I don't regret it. Let's level up and become stronger so that I could help them in need", saying so he began to check his friend option and saw the two names were missing.

Although he spent a short time with them. He could tell one thing Jack was an ambitious character. He had the charisma to lead a group of people but the question remained will he need people to follow him to conquer the dungeons or islands?

As last time in a fight, he alone was enough. He was f*cking strong that one word came to his mind whenever he thought about him.

Luna then said," brother which level challenge will be done by us?".

Wade came back to his sense and said," let's challenge a normal-level monster first, and then we can challenge another level of difficulty later".

Luna said," okay brother. So do we need a party".

Wade said," of course, we need to find a good party, or else alone what would you do with your potion ability".

Then they both began to look for the party. Wade couldn't participate as it was against the rules of the dungeon. The higher-level adventurers could return to the previous floor that you have cleared. You can help your relatives by giving them potions and equipment but you can't help them in the dungeon.

So most of the people in noble families had elites of adventurers in comparison to low-level or ordinary families.

There are also people from ordinary families who awakened a good profession and now they also have become noble families.


On a beautiful Island filled with exotic birds and animals.

Two people were enjoying their time alone.

Then the man said," it seems the boy is doing some crazy things again".

The woman asked," what did he do this time?".

The man replied," cleared two floors with the hell-level challenge in one day".

The man and women were Drake and Amy, Jack's parents.

Then Amy laughed and said," how can you say that he is impulsive but he indeed does things that make us worry".

Drake said," I hope that he don't get attract the attention of those organizations".

Amy asked," you mean Shadow organization".

Drake nodded his head and said," yes. These people always target genius. I hope that Jack would be able to survive".