
World Of Heroes: System of the Firstborn

Jax'in Gail'Toren is the the last known surviving Moon Elf on the world Wysterian. After an ambush by the tyrannical King Halcion's Hunters, known as Hounders, he travels alone, unless you count the semi-sentient 'System' that guides him. However, he finds out that he isn't the only one who can use the 'System'. There are 4 others that can use the 'System' and one is his friend (and possible lover????) the Princess of the Halcion Kingdom, Zarita Camilla Halcion!! He must get to safety and travel through a desert wasteland, a forest that tries to devour any who desire passage, and a land of ebony stone and liquid fire to find the other 3 users of the 'System', and will he risk his life to rescue the Halcion Kingdoms FIrst Princess! Well read it and find out how our Heroes story goes!

Soren_L_Javerin · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

18: The Tank Enters

'System, Upgrade Class'

-Moonsilver Class Upgrades-

-Moon Thief (requirements Luck: 50)-

-Moonlit (Requirements Int: 50, Str: 50, Agi:50)-

-??? (Requirements for discovery Dual Wield Rank 2, Medium Armor Rank 2)-

Jax'in paused at seeing another hidden class. He had always figured that he would find another hidden class. But he never expected a skill requirement to be needed for one. He didn't even know if there was such a person that could teach him the Dual Wield skill.


"Yes, Your Highness?" three of the five guards answered.

"Is there anyone here that can teach me to Dual Wield?" Jax'in asked.

The three guards looked at each other with stunned expressions. Of course they knew. Their wasn't a soul in the entire palace guard that didn't know.


"Your Majesty should speak with Royal Instructor Kubo."

That was all Jax'in needed to hear as he started walking towards the Main Hall. He was about to turn the down the hall leading there when a thought struck him.


"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Have the fastest among you wait here at the entrance to the hall. If those things start breaking through the door we must know immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Every guard present raised a fist in salute as Jax'in set off down the hall.

It took Jax'in only a handful of minutes to reach the Main Hall. Only to find it empty save for a few guards that were guarding the entrance. He couldn't believe that no one had gathered yet. He was about to approach one of the guards when the soft pattering of footsteps could be heard coming towards him.


"Jax'in! Where were you? I was worried you had died to one of those things..." a sobbing Vera cried into his chest.

"Where is everyone?" He questioned as he petted Vera's head.

"T-they're in... they're in the Dining..." Vera choked out between sobs.

"Shhh... everything is going to be ok, I promise..."

Jax'in slowly peeled her off his chest as he dragged them both to a standing position. Vera still had tears falling down her cheeks as they were met by a pair of saluting guards at the entrance to the Dining Hall.

"Your Majesties!"

"King Ysna and the Royal Instructors are waiting for you inside."

"Very well, you may resume your posts." Jax'in waved them off.

No sooner had they walked into the Dining Hall, then they were beset by the sight of thousands of distraught civilians wailing at the sudden attack. It took Jax'in and Vera longer to maneuver through the throngs of people as they reached out with begging arms.

"Your Majesty, what were those?"

"Momma... momma is still out there..."

Jax'ins heart went out to the people gathered here, but he knew he couldn't help them as he was now. His pace became slower and slower has more civilians started gathering around him and Vera.

"My people!" came Ysna's powerful voice.

"Let them through, I have much to discuss with King Jax'in and his soon to be Queen."

It wasn't only the people around him that stood in shock at the proclamation, but even Jax'in and Vera stood there in shock. It took a wave from Instructor Kubo, who was sitting at the table with King Ysna, to finally bring the two out of their shock and continue towards the table to take their seats.

"King Jax'in, my son and I owe you an apology." He began.

"Instructor Kubo vouched for you and yet we did not heed your warning. If there is anything I can do to compensate you, you have only to but name it."

"What my Father says is true," Vearus spoke up "if your request is within our power, we will see it done."

Every instructor at the table began nodding their heads at this statement. Leaving a surprised Jax'in with absolutely nothing to say. He had expected them all to accuse him for bringing this calamity to them, he hadn't expected a promise to fulfill any request he came up with.

"They're waiting on you." Instructor Kubo whispered from his left.

At Instructor Kubo's prompting Jax'in finally looked King Ysna and Prince Vearus in the eyes. His decision on what he needed from them having been already made by the 'System'.

"First, Prince Vearus," his eyes snapped onto Jax'in as he heard his name "there is something I need you to do, and it is of the utmost importance."

"I am at your disposal, King Jax'in."

After hearing his response, Jax'in smiled and pulled the silver clasped black book from his tunic and presented it to the table.

"After we are done here you will be discovering the secrets of this book."

Everyone at the table became shocked at Jax'ins words. Each of them had recognized the book from their historical teachings of the previous Age. But none of them could have prepared themselves for what he was about to reveal to them.

"This book is without a doubt the true reason behind my ability to fight like I did."

Everyone at the table began murmuring in excited whispers at hearing this. Only to once again be hushed into silence.

"But, there is one major drawback."

"Once you learn the secrets of this book the only people you can share this information with are those like us, and those we are Soulbound to."

"Does that mean..." King Ysna's excited whisper was heard across the table.

"I have shared this secret with Vera, and she is know many times more powerful than she was before."

"Is there anything you can chare about the power granted by this book to the rest of us?" A Royal Instructor at the end pipped up.

"No, not as things stand with this new enemy. We have no information on them as it stands, so the fewer people that know the details the better."

At Jax'ins words everyone nodded sadly in agreement. Each and every one of them understanding the implication of his words.

"Secondly, I need to learn how to dual wield. And I need to attain rank 2 in the skill as quickly as possible."

"That's going to depend on how much time we can buy ourselves before those beasts find a way inside." Instructor Kubo spoke up.

"And the last request I have, I want each of the Royal Instructors to go around and find everyone that is capable of fighting and start teaching them all immediately. It could very well be what saves everyone here."

A mixture of understanding and outrage crossed each Instructors face at Jax'ins last request. With what little understanding of the Nekarian culture that Jax'in knew, he had no clue how deeply that one request went against it.

"Agreed, you may pick any two weapons you wish from the Royal Armory. As a token of my apology for not heeding your warning." came King Ysna's commanding voice.

"Prince Vearus, follow us. We are going to need privacy in order for you to use the book."

At a nod from Vearus the three of them left for the Armory. Vearus walked at the front of the group, waving off guards and civilians alike until they came upon two heavily armored guards in front of a set of steel doors.

"By the command of my Father, King Ysna Nekaria, we are to enter the Armory and reward King Jax'in the weapons of his choosing." commanded Vearus.

No sooner had Vearus finished his command, then the two guards saluted and began opening the steel doors. Drawing the breath from Jax'in as he witnessed hundreds of pristine weapons, and just as many sets of armor.

"Close the door behind us." Vearus commanded.

"Yes, Your Highness." the guards saluted before shutting the doors.

'System, how do I activate the book?'

-Potential User must drop their blood onto the codex's clasp-


Before Vearus could even blink, Jax'in whipped his sword out and cut Vearus's hand, placing the silver clasp on the wound.

"Hey..." Vearus started before a series of notifications popped up in his field of view.

-New User detected-

-User Status-

Name: Vearus Nekaria

Race: High Nekarian

Class: Jack Knight

Level: 15

Exp: 400/1500

HP: 200/200

Spirit: 434/434

Mana: 33/33

Strength: 115

Constitution: 87

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 13

Wisdom: 10

Luck: 15

Stat points: 75


Meditation Method: Spirit Truesource Method Rank 5 (Max) (Users Maximum Spirit is increased by 1 point after every 2 hours of meditation, and regenerates 10 Spirit/sec)

Cultivation Method: Lion Pact Method Rank 5 (Max) (Users Strength is increased by 1 point for every 2 hours of Training)

Cultivation Method: Mountainous Body Method Rank 4 (Users Constitution is increased by 1 point for every 4 hours of Meditation)

Greatsword: Rank 3 (Deal 60% more damage while using Greatswords)

Halberd: Rank 2 (Deal 40% more damage while using Halberds)

-Breaker: Rank 2, Cost 12 Spirit (User channels his rage into his weapon, enhancing the halberds damage by Strength x 40%)

Longsword: Rank 5 (Max) (Deal 2x damage while using Longswords)

Spears: Rank 5 (Max) (Deal 2x damage while using Spears)

-Pierce: Rank 5, Cost 23 Spirit (Max) (User channels his rage into his spear, enhancing the damage by Users Strength)

-Armor Break: Rank 2, Cost 30 Spirit (User condenses his Spirit in the tip of the spear increasing damage to Armor by Strength x 40%)

Medium Armor: Rank 5 (Max) (All Medium Armor blocks 2x more damage)

Heavy Armor: Rank 4 (All Heavy Armor blocks 80% more damage)

Hey everyone, so I'm in the market for an editor, if you want to help me make this novel reach even greater hieghts please get in contact with me.

I've also decided that I'm going to apply for a royalty contract as soon as I can, and you can expect to recieve some compensation for your help as soon as it goes through.

As always please leave a comment down below and throw your powerstones into my pond so that we can continue to make an impact on the leaderboards! We topped out at 67 last week on the new originals leaderboard!

Remember everyone, stay happy and stay healthy!!

Soren_L_Javerincreators' thoughts