
World Of Game 1

“Are you sure this monster is right for us?” Siz feels tired "Let's me open handbook” Q Breathing strength “again” Monster: Desert Snake (Mini Boss) Level: 5 Location: Easily found southern desert If you look carefully, the sand will loop in a triangle. Featured Items: Golden Snake fangs, Snake Skin, Yellow Stone Level 1 How to Fight: Win it * Advice: For adventurers under level 10 and for adventurers at least level 9 "Five thousand gold price book doesn't seem to be worth price" Q Shook his head “level five? Monster and win it” "Win it” Siz speaks with laughter " ridiculous" "Yes, in the book says, way to fight is to win it" Q said again “It's easy to say. That’s a crazy book” Siz grabbed the sword attack again Siz strikes the sword to the torso of the desert snake, but it does not work “The skin is really strong" he said The desert snake turned to bite into the torso he’s using a sword block, but the fangs are too long to handle. It breaks through his arm. Blood gushing out. Siz uses a sword to attack back between the mouths of the snake and jump out, Squeeze Red potion to two bottles and he try to coated sword with blue magic "Another bomb ready” Q Throw bombs to attack desert snake but it's dodgy “Oh, no” The explosion was in the air the smoke is floating the desert snake opened its mouth large Bite into Siz's head He stabbed a sword on the palate It's full of snake saliva The sword hit the solid palate, making a sound ‘Cackk...Cakk...’ Long fangs pierced into his arm black venom flows through his veins He's getting tired try to reach out to green potion in the waist bag.

atis2nap · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs



In just a few days Both of them started preparing, organizing things, planning inside the room.

"red zone and believe we will get better" Siz organized the potion in order

"We have to choose one to twelve. Which one to go with?" Q said "I'm only left with money to upgrade map to put handbook in one place, after buying a backpack and other"

Revisit baggage items before leaving.

1. A small house (built from a witch) is too expensive 'cancel'

2. Food for a week after that, buy it in the village 'Done'

3. Small axe for cutting firewood. Small kitchen knives, water boilers 'Done'

4. backpack hundred slots

5. Horse or riding animal 'Not ready to buy'

6. Potions (Can buy in every village)

7. sundry

"well, we got a tent, cheap for starter" Q said "and…"

"do you know, about Sunflower Village"

"like, If I remember correctly" Q try to remind about what he heard "yes, close to land twelve"

"cheer" Siz was excited and decided immediately "twelve, red zone twelve"

"what?" Q frowned "Sunflower?"

Siz jerkily "no, no, Uncle Allkust say, do you remember, he's live in twelve, right?"

"We are new and only people we know, well, well, give time to me in market" Q put his finger on his chin and scratch to decide "back soon"

After several days of preparation, Siz continued to do missions. He did not want to travel in a state of starvation or near death due to lack of food.

Price of things It's not too expensive and cheap. Everything was as selective as he could choose, of course he didn't know any further location.

It's not strange that he tried to ask and research, but believe it nobody cared about his question, actually the answer was a price.

Siz came up with an idea. He wanted to try writing a letter. In case there is an opportunity to be sent

'Mom, I work with Q and are close to finding a new position. But we have to travel long distances. It may take several months, if there is enough salary, Siz will send it to debt and share it with you'

He hasn't finished writing yet. Tears flowed down, he couldn't understand why he felt so weak, and he didn't want to lie to his mother, an unexplained shame. It nudged him to stop lying to himself and others.

"I'm really bad" he muttered to himself

The sound of the door opening along with the original greeting, Siz hurriedly mauled the paper and threw it into the trash

"unbelieve me, sure, for sure" Q took over the overflowing bags of bread Sugar, salt, mushrooms, flour, and condiments "I got a special price, actually I wasted a lot of time talking for material of bomb and delivery card, we had to go through the Iron Bone Village" and he stopped saying "what's up?"

"nope, and then" Siz moves around and helps sort out everything in his Backpack "then…"

"well, we have to go through a small village, Cobweb village, and a sunflower village" Q Keep the yellow energy bar in the corner of the pocket "It's been a long time to upgrade, our handbook has a map of the north"

"good" Siz is thinking about Kira "well done, Q"

"sure, and in a bad a bit, our maps don't show all monster data, or secret spots, I don't have enough money, so I can only see maps and have to depend their luck and mood of handbook, upgrader says so"

"When are we go?" Siz feels like meeting Kira. He wants to talk to her again, and if that's what he expected, Sunflower Village is the first destination.

"Tomorrow, what's up?" Q tried to show off everything he could find at a lower price than usual, which Siz was delighted, but he just thought too much.

They both prepared to leave, but Q excused himself for a bit more errands with his friend in the market. And ran back with a card with a fat orange bird on card

Look unintentionally look like the two of them, just like any adventurer. But the difference is that Siz wears. Still a beginner adventurer

"I think I will say goodbye to Uncle Filll first" Q walked confidently "Let him know that we are going to take on a monster that he might not have imagined"

"sure" Siz nodded and followed him. He felt that the backpack wasn't heavy at all, probably because of the gaming world. Make everything light and wonderful, tent, food, stuff, in this bag and hundreds of potions of red, blue, green bottles in a small waist bag.

As the two of them walked the road through things, Siz naturally sensed something. He doesn't understand why people gossip about him, or is talking behind his back, what is wrong with him, or because the backpack looks strange.

When they both stopped in front of the shop and began to notice that the atmosphere was almost raining, everything was gray, Uncle Filll was empty, almost nothing was left, as if it never existed

"Where did he go?" Q frowned and walked around "Abandoned?"

"I don't know" Siz was scared and immediately fur at his arm rise. He was just thinking that, a guy named Bolow might be doing something, something like eviction or something "hiding"

Q Without any reply, both of them hid behind a wall. And hide himself by covering his mouth with his hands Keep quiet as possible

"I saw a brown-haired young man walking around here, sir" said one of the officers "here, yessir"

"The blue-haired bastard with the shield on the back came here" said another officer "yessir"

"Okay, find all over" said the fat white clothed man. Saliva spits out of the mouth He holds a thorn and a red string. Prepare to arrest the prisoners

"Yes, sir" The sound of footsteps separating.

Siz recognized the insecurity. Agreed with Q to walk across the city wall. To go out to the north city gates during both Have to find something to hide himself for a while He picked up the hat in the crate beside the trash that was left by someone

"Damn it, I won't wear it" Q brushed off the big orange hat. It has a float and a cobweb "swear"

"We have to hurry out of town" Siz wears a big black hat. with dust "Believe me, we're insecure, I promise we'll come back to find Uncle Filll"

"unsanitary, this hat is near trash. There may be germs I might die sooner or later" Q step back shook his head repeatedly "I don't wear anything, I don't"

"alright, this clean, not dirty" Siz smiled "for Sir Q"

Siz walked normally, but Q wobbled, like he can't see. North gate officials He must have been suspicious of such actions.

"buka, Siz" Q mumbled

"Those two, stop!" Two officers rushed up, using their long spears.

They both paused. The officer looked the hat on the head. Siz looked at the bottom and said "Beginners carrying backpack to travel deserve? I think it's less than a day to come back at fountain" he laughed satisfied. "high confident"

Another officer said, "Yeah, I bet it's not going to stay for long. So, Waste time"

Siz tried to be patient, not responding and acting innocent. Sending smiles like I didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Is this a new fashion?"

"Never seen, before, wear good armor, good shield, but look, wear a paper box" he laughed until his face flushed "let's me see your face, let's us check?"

"wait, Sir, my bet" Siz had to come up with a crazy idea. To get past this point "My friend is ashamed of not being able to random rare item. So, we bet Who doesn't get rare item, has to wear a paper box hat for three days, sir"

The two officers laughed over and over and said "Then I bet you big black hat you can't reach the village of Iron Bones, if you arrive, I'll wear a dumb hat for three days. But if not, you have to wear one month, do you agree?"

"agree, Sir" Siz confidently shook hands.

"Come on, three months" another official made the offer.

"Yes, Sir" Siz smiled and continued, letting Q grabbed the shirt.

Out of the capital

"Baka, Siz"

"nine, ten" Siz bash white jelly "nothing?"

"idea? So mad" Q tried to stop laughing and open map on the handbook "well, here we go!"

Clean white clouds Floating in the clear sky A large forest in front of the two of them, not far much, he couldn't imagine what he would encounter

In a large forest There were pathways and carriages, animal footprints, or some adventurers riding horses. Passed the two of them

Battle sound Ringing from time to time, fortunately there were travelers as well. Making the journey convenient for a while and upon reaching a crossroads, some of them separated and they both followed the carriage

"If we had a horse, it would be great" Q said

"what's that" Siz held the sword tightly. He looked at the shifting bushes "Are you sure, north"

"No matter which way, out north" Q drinking lemonade "It's almost dark, we do rest" When he finished long fangs with stretched saliva red eyes suddenly appeared, the wolf jumped over the torch. With claws, He immediately raised a shield to protect

"Wolf?" Siz held the sword tightly. Because it was biting into the sword and constantly trying to drag him into the bush

The sound of the horse's footsteps continues. Along with the use of crossbow to shoot arrows into the body, the wolf shattered.

"beginner shouldn't at night, crazy guys" He pull the horse harness to stop the horse and spoke "Why don't stop at an adventurer rest point, it is safer"

"sorry, we never know" Siz replied

"oddly, what did wolves here? You two drag?" He said and gone "gotcha, ladybug, take care guys"

"Q! run!" Siz yelled

Behind them were red eyes. Fierce sight of a wolf, Characteristics of a wolf Their fur is blue. Sharp toenails White teeth with stretched saliva the nose moves to smell all the time.

"What the hell going on?" Q shouted and ran "this way, this way"

"I have no idea" Siz followed and ran

A torch on the road on the ground and many paths deep in a small aperture that could see through the trunk of a tree, a mage was using blue and brown magic. To fight the beetle, and when they both keep running deep to the right-side A large butterfly being hit by a dagger, causing the wings to break

"upgrader told me that if I wanted more data, I had to pay more, but I was just wondering how there were wolves, they were in the east, Now why chase us" Q said and breathed in exhaustion. He hides behind the wheat "or late night"

"and…" Siz fights with only one wolf. He used water to glaze the sword, of course it's not complete "handbook, next? We've to rest"

"second" Q said and keep the handbook and pull out the shield big than wooden shield before, U shaped iron one meter, A rainbow stone in the middle of the shield and stick a bomb "in map don't show rest point"

"what?�� Siz spun his sword, cutting through the wolf's body. Shattered into crystals "that's mean"

Q nodded willingly. And speak in a clear "Iron Bone Village, run and run"

"crab!" Siz looks for a way out and tries to stay calm "I'm just worried about news I've heard, if we shatter more than ten or more times, our real-life time will be reduced"

"don't panic, just rumor" Q said "No matter which world we're in our life time is reduced"

'Ar--Hoooooh' 'Woof' Howling wolf 'Ar--Hoooooooh'

Small footsteps Swiftly brushed over the ground Floating dust with claws

Q took a shield to defend it. The blue wolf rushed in to bite. Its face slammed into the shield. Sharp white fangs threatened, the howl of a dog rang in the bushes, 'BOOM!'

"new shield is really strong" He can use a shield to slam. And punch his fists along with the shield to create an attack It instantly shattered the wolf into crystals.

They both ran wild. In wheat fields, wheat stem sizes vary. And it seems that there is an adventurer's path, actually it might be a monster's path, not sure.

"More and more" Siz could only fight alongside. He didn't want to stop to cope, because the wolves were too much.

"boss, right?" Q tilted his neck slightly. And stick two bombs to the shield. And prepare to crash "white tail?"

The white-tailed wolf was different in size, like a blue wolf. Together three will get a white tail wolf about three meters high

"NO!" Siz gasped in extreme shock, something more scary than usual, it just showed up a flash and disappeared into the wheat field.

An arrow coated with brown mud. Floated into the middle of the torso of the white-tailed wolf and was thrown into the neck with a small knife.

it turned to fight the archer. He slashed his face wolf with a bow. But was struck by a white tail and it had to be broken because it was strangled by a rope trap. Shattered into crystals

"not cool, guy, I found it first near moon village" Said the archer and shook his head. He seemed to don't like with both of them "drag so far"

Siz tries to speak in a low voice and explain to Q what he sees "A huge wolf, very big, and like its tail is orange-red, burn, like a fire"

And another white-tailed wolf appeared. It tried to crush Q with its sharp teeth, but he hit it with a shield, but it still didn't change its target.

Suddenly, while the archer was preparing to shoot a crossbow, a red-orange fireball flashed in, and a little more reached his face, Siz hugged and rolled with him.

Many wolves are running in the wheat field and howl

"who asks help?" He aimed the crossbow at the white tail wolf, it was using the white tail as a sword weapon to strike the Q shield countless times "Because of you, make a mistake, if I let one hit, I will have a chance to fight with boss, get out of me"

A mud-coated arrow shooting into the middle of the wolf's head, a white tail, and Q punched a shield at its face. And in the end, the water-glazed sword was incomplete, it shattered into crystals.

The pair continued to run away in the wheat field, and reached the middle. A long open space like a boundary between the wheat fields and the wheat fields, there was a huge scarecrow in the middle of the courtyard and small torches line up far away.

The strong wind makes Some torches dim and shut and a white-tailed wolf appeared with almost a hundred blue wolves



Both of them took up their own weapons. And continued to fight without looking back, Siz's heart was filled with fear. He must have forgotten it first. And swing the sword with precision to close the wolf as quickly as possible


Q uses a shield to punch his face. And the torso of a wolf He threw a bomb at the White-Tailed Wolf, it fell and the black-scorched torso, short seconds, the mud arrow fired repeatedly. Shatter it into crystal

The archer ran in to collect the blue and white wolf fur and smiled with pride "I wonder why it chased you, provoke it? No, you're not, it that skill of Knight"

Siz really wants to bend over to collect. He saw a blue wolf fur. And the wolf claw, it was an item he deserved because he could destroy them into crystals, but he didn't have time like that. Because he had to swing his sword and didn't stop for a second.

"Holy Siz!" Q looked up to see a wolf oversized with silver fur as bright as pearl white. The saliva that flowed from its mouth was orange-red, claws like iron, with flames burning on its legs. And the wheat fields on which it was coming out. There was a fire, the torso was likely to be more than seven meters tall, large, terrifying eyes than any normal monster they had ever encountered.

The archer fires a crossbow with poisoned mud arrows and speaks in a loud voice "Two, go away, my only"

Just a second hot flames as long as the handle of a big spear speed out of mouth the wolf and it revealed a burning tail with red-orange flames. Instantly brightens the area

They both saw the archers being burned by the fiery fire. And the crossbow arrows dropped to the ground, all the wolves retreated in fear, the archers shattered into crystals, the adventurer's handbook bounced from Q's waist, falling to the ground.

"RUN!" Siz shouted all the noise.

Q Bend over to keep the handbook and run immediately.

They both knew that it was not a normal monster, definitely not. And more importantly, Siz had to let go of item everything, that was not enough, it was the first time he saw an adventurer shattered. close up, that archer looked good and better skilled. But can't resist that fire, what about us?

'what about us?'

"what about us?" Siz yelled with fear "run, Q, Run!!"

That wolf stepping on and crushing his feet on crossbow crush to broken crossbow and chasing the two of them, it seemed to be wiser than a normal wolf.

Both of them emerged and saw the light, it was the light from the village ahead, scarecrows of various sizes, the state was broken. And a large scarecrow someone on there in the shadows, Siz saw only the Cloth cover moving.

"Iron Bones Village" Q was happy. But after all, the Fire-Tailed Wolf blocked them, short seconds, the red ferocious eyes turned green, red, green, red, green

They both ran to death, as far as possible, dodging the flames, the flame is hot

"close" Siz said and turned his head around and saw nothing "It's gone, no"

Rotating green ring in the mouth of the Flame-Tailed Wolf, it accelerated the flames and aimed at both of them, they were tired. They couldn't run, dead line of them

"behind me" Q Raising the shield, preparing to receive a flame attack, he had no choice, say "My magic power has disappeared with old shield, no matter, I'm defender"

He couldn't believe that the shield was able to accept the green flames. But what is not possible is Q's arms and body, it trembled with exhaustion

'The cry hurt Q's body, he felt too heavy'

And the wolf jumped and open wide his mouth to gulp both of them immediately.

Short seconds, the speed of darkness It is nothing more than the sound of a small weapon. And both of them opened their eyes to look. Saw that fire-tailed wolf Shattered into crystals instantly, both of them could hardly believe

"Who?" Q use both hands to hold shield

"cloth cover I want" Siz said, because he saw the person, who didn't know, male or female, moving quickly. And disappearing into the darkness, he tried to look up on the scarecrow but couldn't see any moving

"Let's go into the village" Q feeling pain in arms and body "in"

They both rushed to the front of the village immediately.

"One of the shadowy guilds, not bad" A big man with a sword hilt standing in front of the iron bone village, the back was filled with more than a hundred adventurers. Holding only the hilt of a sword, just like him "Come to show skill, Fireworks guild All lose face, But, surprisingly, it was the Fire Tail Wolf, why it's doing around here? whatever, well, everyone went back to the position, practice all night"

many people were thrilled and the gossip reached That anonymous person His presence Causing a lot of talk

Siz and Q walked into the village. The village wall had many tiers of pointed wood, bones and skulls hanging almost anywhere, it was a bit scary to see from general view, but it would look normal and normal. If looking with the eyes of an adventurer

There will be a gate guard on every gate. Dressed in animal skins Hold a spear and paint the body and face with natural, and a hat made of wood fiber. Wear a skull necklace, some even wear a skull bracelet.

"So Boring, fireworks guild take over the area to find benefits for the guild itself" The adventurer girl said holding a skull glass of water, sat on a haystack

"Of course it is. We are not his guild" Chubby boy said "Bone Dungeon in the north. only for fireworks guild, Yuck, selfish"

"Quieter nice to you" Tall man said

'A big man announcement'

"Today I will train harder than before. Practice until sword handle has magic. Anyone who cannot do it will be fired"

"I got news that practice at least sixteen hours a day. A walking skeleton pop for you to attack all day" said the girl in the group everyone around her nodded and listened carefully "less people would have magic on weapon"

"scam!" A young man does not wear a shirt

"bullshit" someone speak out loud "fool! to make a weapon with magic light. fake story"

"Ahem! Call me, Kane" big man, one in the fireworks guild raising only the hilt of the sword in the air and the yellow light gradually rising to be sword light

'sound of excited'

He performed the performance by cutting a large log. Absent in the blink of an eye yellow light crosses It seems that energy is packed into a sword.

"I can't believe it. That only hilt of the sword and light that appeared in place of the tip can cut wood, it's not just broken. But it's completely broken" said the small lady

"What all of you have to practice" said Kane, keeping the hilt of the sword by his waist "Anyone not ready, go back now"

The sound of excitement rang. To the desire to do something Make a loud noise

Siz and Q are too tired to recognize anything. Hurriedly walked back into the village periodically the skull is pin on a pole. Some of the skulls help shine in the night. They were both looking for a hotel to stay tonight. Walk through small, big, different houses There is a shop selling potions, red and blue potions arranged in small jars Shaped like a skull

Siz looked at the pointed spear in different ways. With both a short tip and a long handle, the long tip, the short handle, the spear that interests him has a sharp shape like a clay drill with a long-tapered tip.

The hanging shield also had a bone symbol. A large bow made of many skulls. Everything in here seems to have a creepy skull.

A tent or shelter in the village, was full, there was no space for the two of them, they needed to find a hotel, and the price was as low as possible.

In the bedroom built of clay not big only the skull

light bulb lit up and Q fell asleep quickly in exhaustion, normally if he could come to the Iron Bones Village then. They had to rest one or two point, but they faced danger and there was no turning back, there was only one way to go on.

Siz fell asleep very quickly as well, he felt very tired.


'Why wolf focus on Q'

'Where Moon village?'

'weapon light?'

'how to be better'

'night, dangerous, really'